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Discovering the Untapped Benefits of Thyme: A Must-Try Herb for Your Health




It is an evergreen herb used for culinary and medicinal purposes. One of its most common types is common thyme. Thyme is a member of the genus Thyme of the Lamiaceae family, and is related to common marjoram from the genus Marjoram.

Thyme is described as being low in height, reaching approximately (6 - 12 inches) in length. Its leaves are small, green in color, and have an aromatic scent. Its stems are woody and thin. There are more than fifty different types of perfumes (smells) and flavors.

Historical information

The ancient Egyptians used thyme in mummification, the ancient Greeks used it in baths, and burned it as incense in their temples, believing it to be the source of courage. It is believed that the spread of thyme throughout Europe goes back to the Romans, who used it to purify their rooms and “add an aromatic flavor to cheeses and liqueurs.” In the European Middle Ages, this herb was placed under pillows to aid sleep and prevent nightmares. Women would often give knights and warriors gifts, including thyme leaves, in the belief that it would bring courage to its bearers. Thyme was also used as incense and was placed in coffins during funerals, as they were believed to ensure safe passage to the afterlife.

Benefits of thyme

Thyme contains a good amount of vitamin A, which is important for the health of mucous membranes and for maintaining eyesight, skin and hair.

Thyme also contains vitamin B, which is important for the health of the nervous and digestive systems

Thyme contains vitamin C, which helps heal wounds and prevent winter diseases


*Thyme contains the iron necessary to form hemoglobin, calcium, and phosphorus, which are important for building and protecting bones and teeth.

*A treatment for sore throat and tonsils, ear and skin infections, and a treatment for diarrhea and abdominal pain

It is considered a treatment for the problem of difficulty urinating

*Thyme contains thymol, which expels gases from the intestines and helps digestion

*Thyme syrup is a respiratory disinfectant, relieves cough pain and is an antispasmodic

*Acne treatment

*It improves mood and can help increase appetite

*Good for the liver

*Strengthens immunity; It contains vitamins A and C, which are important for a healthy immune system

It is a source of magnesium, zinc, potassium and iron

Agriculture and storage

It is best to grow thyme in hot, sunny places and in fertile, well-drained soil. In general, thyme is planted in the spring, and then grows as a perennial plant. It can be sown by seeds, small cuttings, or dividing the root parts of the plant. It also tolerates drought conditions well. These plants tolerate places of severe freezing, and wild species grow in mountain highlands. It is found at sea level along the Riviera to an altitude of up to 800 metres

It is best to cut thyme stems before they begin to flower, and there is nothing wrong with cutting (harvesting) them during the season

Thyme can then be dried by leaving it in a dark, warm, well-ventilated place until its leaves dry. They are then picked from the stem and stored in tightly closed containers. Dried thyme can remain stored for up to two years, while fresh thyme will last for about a week (in the refrigerator). If it gets old, it will start to turn black

Culinary uses

The Levant and Assyrians preserved the spice thyme as a vital ingredient in cooking. It is one of the popular ingredients in dry spices and dry herbs.

Thyme is sold green and dried, but the green type is tastier, but it is also not convenient enough, if its storage period does not exceed more than a week. During the summer season, green thyme is often available in greenhouses throughout the year.

Green thyme is usually sold in bunches of sprigs. A sprig is a stem cut from a plant. It consists of a woody stem containing branches with pairs of leaves and flowers (“leaves”) spaced between ½ to 1”. Thyme is estimated in medical prescriptions by the bunch (or part thereof), by the branch, by a tablespoon, or by a teaspoon. In Armenia, dried thyme (called Urc) is widely used and added to tea.

The entire branch may be used, depending on how it is used in dishes (for example, in a dried spice collection), or the leaves may be removed or the stems ground up. Usually, when a prescription specifies 'cluster' or 'branch', it means the entire shape; When he mentions spoons, he means leaves. It is perfectly acceptable for dried thyme to be a substitute for whole thyme.

The leaves can be removed from the stems by scraping them with the back of a knife or by plucking them with the fingers or tines of a fork.

Thyme retains its flavor when dried better than many other herbs. The substitution process is often more complicated than it seems because recipes may specify sprigs and sprigs may vary in leaf yield. We can use thyme in many foods, including: 1) Put the ground thyme on the labneh and oil. 2) Make thyme pastries by putting green thyme in the dough and then baking it. 3) Bread with ground thyme. This is called “Manakish.” We put thyme on top of the dough and then bake it.

Fresh thyme can be frozen and added to broth (soup), and it is also used for meat, chicken, and fish. To add flavor and aroma, it can be used for pickles.

Medical use

The popular types of thyme, thyme oil and essential oil (Thymus vulgaris), contain percentages ranging from 20-54% thymol. The essential oil also contains a group of additional compounds, such as cymene, myrcene, borneol, and linalool. Thymol is an antiseptic and is the primary active ingredient in various commercial oral hygiene products such as Listerine. Before modern antibiotics were introduced, thyme oil was used to make bandages. Thymol has also proven effective in combating the fungus known as nail infection. It also turns out that thymol is an active ingredient in all-natural, alcohol-free hand sanitizers.

A tea made by steeping the herb in water is used to treat coughs and acute bronchitis.

In one study conducted by Leeds Metropolitan University, it turned out that thyme may be useful in treating acne vulgaris.

Thyme tea

One way to consume thyme is to make tea from it. This can be done using fresh thyme leaves, dried thyme, or ground thyme powder.
