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Meet Umm Ayman The Unsung Heroine of Islam



Umm Ayman,

Baraka bint Tha’labah al-Habashiyya,”Umm Ayman

 the nurse and nanny of the Prophet Muhammad. She is the wife of the companion Zaid bin Haritha and the mother of Osama bin Zaid. The Prophet Muhammad inherited it from his mother, then set her free, and it remained with him throughout his life.

her life

Umm Ayman was born in Abyssinia, and she is an Abyssinian. Quraysh took her booty with those who came to demolish the house. So she became a mawla to Abdullah bin Abdul Muttalib, the father of the Prophet Muhammad, and she lived in Mecca. Not much is known about the year of her birth and her life before the Prophet, peace be upon him, because it is current. And when Abdullah died, and after his wife Amna bint Wahb gave birth to her son Muhammad, Umm Ayman took him and embraced him until he reached his maturity. And when the Prophet married his wife, Khadija bint Khuwaylid, he freed her. The Prophet Muhammad used to say about her: “Umm Ayman, my mother after my mother.”

Her nicknames

Her nickname, by which she is known, is Umm Ayman, and she is also called “the mother of the antelope.” Among her titles are “the guardian of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him,” “the incubator of the Messenger of God,” and “the nation of the Messenger of God.”

Her marriage to Obaid bin Al-Harith Al-Khazraji

The Prophet Muhammad Obaid bin Al-Harith Al-Khazraji married her in Mecca, and she bore him Ayman, who was killed on the day of Hunayn.

Her marriage to Zaid bin Haritha

After her husband, Obaid Al-Khazraji, was martyred, the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said in a mursal hadith: “Whoever would like to marry a woman from the people of Paradise, let him marry Umm Ayman.” Zaid bin Haritha married her. And Osama bin Zaid gave birth to him, the love of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him.

Islam and its jihad

Umm Ayman converted to Islam at the beginning of Islam, and it was said that she converted to Islam early after Khadija, Ali and Zaid. She immigrated with the Muslims who immigrated to Abyssinia, and she also immigrated to Madinah with Aisha and the rest of the family of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, as the Prophet sent someone to bring them. It is mentioned that it witnessed a number of invasions, including: Uhud, Khaybar and Hanin.


Umm Ayman went out on a Sunday to give water and treat the wounded, and when she saw the men fleeing in battle, she would throw dust in the faces of those who fled, and say to some of them: “Here is the spindle and bring your sword.” She defended the Prophet Muhammad with the sword when she saw people fleeing around him. Then she went towards the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, reconnoitering his news until she was reassured of his safety, so her heart was reassured. him, and said to him: Toss. So the arrow hit a bow, and he fell lying down, and his private parts were exposed. The Messenger of God laughed until his molars were visible, and said: Sa`d retaliated against her, and God answered your call and made your shot clear.


Umm Ayman witnessed with her son on the day of Hunayn, and there the Muslims were almost defeated, so some of the companions fled to the horror of the situation, and God depicted the severity of the situation. How much did it not avail you anything, and the earth narrowed you down with what it welcomed, then May you turn away Aya-25.png La bracket.png Except that Umm Ayman remained steadfast with her son in the vicinity of the Messenger of God, and Ayman continued to fight until he was martyred in that incident. Al-Abbas bin Abdul-Muttalib, may God be pleased with him, was counted. In that incident, she called out to the Muslims (and she was left-handed): May God curse your feet (you mean firm), and the Prophet said to her: Shut up, Umm Ayman, for you are left-handed.

Her patience and sadness

Her first husband, Obaid bin Al-Harith Al-Khazraji, died, so she was patient. And her son died in the Battle of Hunayn. Then her second husband, Zaid bin Haritha, died at the Battle of Mu'tah, so she was rewarded with God.

But when the Messenger of God died, Abu Bakr and Umar came to visit her, and when she saw them, she cried, so they said to her: What makes you cry?! She said: I am not crying because I know that the Messenger of God has become better than he was in it, but I am crying because the news of heaven has been cut off from us. When the Prophet Muhammad died, I was deeply saddened

The Prophet's affection for her

Umm Ayman,

Umm Ayman, may God be pleased with him, had many stances that show the Prophet’s love for her, including:

He was joking with her:

She came to him one day and said to him: Carry me, and he said: I carry you to the she-camel's son, and she said: He cannot bear me, and I do not want him. He said laughing: I will only carry you on him, joking with her. The people said to her: Are camels anything but camels?

The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, goes and eats food with her. In Sahih Muslim, the Prophet went with Anas, may God be pleased with him, to Umm Ayman, who visited her, so she brought him food or drink, and either he was fasting, or he did not want it, so she made a quarrel with him (i.e. she says to him: Eat).

its advantages

Incubator of the Messenger of God, peace be upon him.

The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, used to count it from his family:

There was a weak hadith narrated by Ibn Saad and Al-Hakim that the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, used to say: “Umm Ayman is my mother after my mother,” and he used to say to her: “Oh his mother” and said: “This is the rest of my family.” And the city migrated with them.

One of the precedents in entering Islam.

I pledged allegiance to the Prophet on the day of allegiance.

She is the mother of Osama bin Zaid, the love of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace.

I participated in a number of invasions.

It is believed that she is one of the heralds of Paradise, as it came in the interrupted hadith, Sufyan bin Uyaynah said, the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “Whoever is pleased to marry a woman from the people of Paradise, let him marry Umm Ayman.”

Umm Ayman was left-handed and could not pronounce some words properly, so she entered once upon the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and said: Peace be upon you. You mean: God's peace be upon you. So the Prophet shortened her peace to: Peace. to facilitate it.

She defended Aisha, may God be pleased with her, in the Al-Ifk incident:

When the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, asked her about Aisha, she said: God forbid that I ever knew or thought anything but good of her.

her death

There was disagreement about her death. Ibn Katheer said: “She died five months after the Prophet, and it was said six months, and it was said that she remained after the killing of Omar Ibn Al-Khattab,” which is the saying of Al-Dhahabi in the biography of the nobles. And it came in Al-Hakim’s Mustadrak: “Umm Ayman, the slave-girl of the Messenger of God and his custodian, died in the first caliphate of Othman bin Affan.” She was prayed for and buried in Al-Baqi’.
