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Discovering Fatima al-Zahra: Unraveling the Mysteries of the Prophet Muhammad's Beloved Daughter



Fatima al-Zahra

Fatima al-Zahra

was one of his first wives, the mother of the believers, Khadija bint Khuwaylid, and the mother of the two grandsons, al-Hassan and al-Husayn, from her husband and the cousin of her father, Ali ibn Abi Talib. I was born on Friday, the 20th of Jumada al-Akhirah, in the fifth year after the Prophet’s mission, three years after the event of the Isra’ and Mi’raj (according to the Shiite accounts), or in the fifth year before the prophet’s mission in Mecca, and the Prophet was thirty-five years old (according to the accounts of the Sunnis and the community).

Fatimah al-Zahra is among the Arab women who were known for her eloquence and eloquence. Even Ibn Tayfur, who died in 280 AH, mentioned her sermons in his book Balaghat al-Nisa, quoting Abu al-Hussain Zaid bin Ali bin al-Hussein as saying: I saw the sheikhs of the family of Abu Talib narrate it from their fathers and teach it to their children.


She is: Fatima bint Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Abd al-Muttalib bin Hashim bin Abd Manaf bin Qusai bin Kilab bin Murrah bin Ka’b bin Luay bin Ghalib bin Fahr bin Malik bin al-Nadr, who is Quraysh bin Kinana, bin Khuzaymah bin Mudraka bin Elias bin Mudar bin Nizar bin Maad bin Adnan.

Her mother: Khadija bint Khuwaylid bin Asad bin Abd al-Uzza bin Qusai bin Kilab bin Murra bin Ka’b bin Luay bin Ghalib bin Fahr bin Malik bin al-Nadr bin Kinana, bin Khuzaymah bin Mudraka bin Elias bin Mudar bin Nizar bin Maad bin Adnan.

Her siblings: Fatimah has three brothers and three sisters, all of them are siblings from her father, the Prophet Muhammad, and her mother, Khadija bint Khuwaylid, except for her brother Ibrahim bin Muhammad, who is from the Prophet’s concubine Maria Al-Qibtiyyah. And Ibrahim bin Muhammad. Fatima is the youngest daughter of the Prophet.

her birth

There is a difference in the date of her birth. The Sunnis and the community go five years before the prophetic mission, and the Quraish built the house on the day her father, the Prophet Muhammad, ruled in the dispute over the Black Stone in its place.

While Ibn Abd al-Barr and al-Hakim said that she was born when the Prophet was forty-one years old, that is, a year after the prophetic mission.

Most of the Shiites held that Fatimah al-Zahra was born five years after the Prophet’s mission in the first month of Jumada, but Sheikh al-Mufid in the gardens of Riyadh, who was quoted by al-Kaf’ami in Misbah al-Muhajjud and the strong number, believes that she was born two years after the mission. And Ibn Abi Snow Al-Baghdadi was unique in the history of the imams with an opinion in which the Sunni scholars agreed that she was born five years before the mission and Quraish built the house.

While the Shiite scholars almost unanimously agree that her age at the time of her death was eighteen years, including: al-Majlisi, al-Tabarsi, al-Kulayni, al-Irbili, al-Nisaburi, al-Sheikh al-Saduq and Ibn Shahr Ashub, most of the Sunnis, including Ibn Abd al-Barr, believe that her age at the time of her death was twenty-nine years, but there is agreement that Fatima was the youngest daughter of the Messenger of Islam, Muhammad bin Abdullah, may God bless him and grant him peace.

On the other hand, some Shiite narrations say that Khadija bint Khuwaylid did not feel the weight of her pregnancy, and she used to speak to Fatima while she was a fetus, to comfort her and entertain her.

its inception

Since her childhood, Fatima witnessed many serious events. The Prophet was suffering from the persecution of the Quraysh, and Fatima was helping him in that persecution, supporting him, and supporting him. He was also suffering from the harm of his uncle Abi Lahab and his wife, Umm Jamil, from throwing dirt in front of his house, so Fatima was in charge of cleaning and disinfection.

And one of the most severe pains she experienced at the beginning of the call was that severe siege in which the Muslims were besieged with Banu Hashim in the Shab of Abi Talib, and they stayed on that for three years. He ate leaves and leather, and nothing reached them except in disguise, and whoever wanted to reach a relative of his from the Quraish, he would reach him secretly.

The siege and hunger affected Fatima's health, but it increased her faith and maturity. As soon as little Fatima got out of the ordeal of the siege, she was surprised by the death of her mother, Khadija. She filled herself with grief and pain, and found herself facing huge responsibilities towards her father, Muhammad bin Abdullah, who was going through harsh conditions, especially after the death of his wife and uncle, Abu Talib. It was only from her that she doubled her efforts and patiently endured the events, and stood by her father, the Messenger Muhammad bin Abdullah, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, to offer him compensation for her mother and his wife, and therefore she was nicknamed the mother of her father.

I left her

According to the narration of the Sunnis

Al-Zahraa immigrated to Medina when she was eighteen years old, and her sister Umm Kulthum and the mother of the believers, Sawda bint Zam’a, were with her, accompanied by Zaid bin Haritha, and immigrated with them: the mother of the believers, Aisha, and her mother, Umm Ruman, in the company of Abdullah bin Abi Bakr, and that was in the first year of immigration.

According to the Shiite narrative

Al-Zahraa migrated from Makkah to Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah, where she migrated with Ali bin Abi Talib, his mother Fatima bint Asad, Fatimah bint Al-Zubayr, Umm Ayman Baraka, and a group of weak believers, and some of them added: Fatima bint Hamza bin Abdul Muttalib and Fatima bint Utbah. Their migration was called the migration of the Fatimids.

her marriage

In the month of Safar of the second year of the Hijrah, the Prophet married his daughter Fatima to Ali bin Abi Talib, and he did not marry another woman during her lifetime. Ibn Abd al-Barr said: He consummated her marriage after the Battle of Uhud. It was narrated that the marriage of Fatima to Ali was by God’s command, as the companions followed Muhammad to betroth her, but he rejected them all until the order came to marry Fatima to Ali, so he endorsed her on his Al-Hatmiyya armor. He gave birth to Al-Hassan and Al-Hussein in the third and fourth years of the Hijrah, respectively, as he gave birth to Zainab, Umm Kulthum and Al-Mohsen, and the latter around him is a historical dispute, as it is narrated that he was killed while he was a fetus on the day the house was burned, and in other narrations that he was born and died during the life of the Prophet, while some Sunnis deny his existence basically. On more than one occasion, Muhammad stated that Ali, Fatima, Al-Hassan, and Al-Hussein are the people of his household, as in the Hadith of Mubahala and the Hadith of Clothing. Al-Laith bin Saad narrated: “Ali married Fatima, and she gave him Hassan, Hussein, Muhsin, Zainab, Umm Kulthum, and Ruqayyah, so she died young and did not reach puberty.”

Their names and titles

The reason why the Prophet called her Fatimah

There are many names and titles of Fatima Zahraa. As for the naming of “Fatima”, Al-Khatib Al-Baghdadi and Ibn Hajar Al-Haytami said about her in Al-Sawa’iq Al-Muharraqah: “God named her Fatima because he weaned her and her lovers from the fire.” . While Mohib al-Din al-Tabari said in the relics of al-Aqbi: “God weaned her and her son from the fire.”

of her titles

Al-Zahraa: There are sayings that she was white with a pinkish red. As the Arabs used to call the white, tinged with red, Al-Azhar, and its feminine form is Al-Zahraa, and there are those who say that the Prophet Muhammad was the one who called it Al-Zahraa because it was blooming for the people of the sky as the stars bloom for the people of the earth, and that is due to its asceticism, piety, and diligence in worship. Especially those that were unique to her, such as: the praise of Zahraa, the supplication of Zahraa, the prayer of Zahraa, and so on.

Al-Batoul: There were many sayings about this name, including:

Al-Nawawi said in Muslim's explanation: celibacy is abstinence from women and leaving marriage out of cessation to the worship of God.

Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani said in Al-Fath: It was said about Fatimah Al-Batoul, either because she was cut off from husbands other than Ali, or because she was cut off from her counterparts in beauty and honor.

It was said: Because she became wet from the blood of women.

Al-Hawra al-Ansiya: They cite a narration on the authority of the Messenger of Islam that al-Tabarani included in the Great Dictionary: (Fatima Hawra al-Ansiya, so whenever I longed for the fragrance of Paradise, I smelled the scent of my daughter Fatima. The hadith came with the narration of Aisha, as it is: “When I was taken on a journey to heaven, Gabriel entered me into Paradise, and he gave me an apple from it, and I ate it.” It became a drop of sperm in my loins, and when it came down I fell in love with Khadija, and Fatimah was from that sperm, and she is a human female nymph, whenever I longed for heaven, I kissed her.” As for the second hadith, it was narrated by al-Tabarani, and in it is Abu Qatada al-Harrani. Al-Bukhari and others weakened it, and some of them said: It is abandoned, and it includes someone whom I did not know either, and this hadith was mentioned in his translation in Al-Mizan, and Ibn Hajar said about it: This is impossible, because Fatima was born before the Isra’, without disagreement.

her father's mother

The mother of her father is the nickname of Fatima al-Zahra, the daughter of the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad. The Prophet used the nickname of his daughter Fatima, and calls her the mother of her father, as he said: “Fatima is the mother of her father.” And the Prophet used to say: Welcome to the mother of her father.

The reason for Fatima's nickname is her father's mother

He mentioned more than one reason behind giving Fatima Al-Zahra this nickname. This nickname carries connotations at the same time, because it is according to what came in the first verses of Surat Al-Najm

When the Prophet calls his daughter the mother of her father, he intends to refer to important points. Scholars mention some of these points as follows:

Her outstanding care for her father

Al-Zahraa, since her childhood, used to take care of her father with distinguished care, like a mother’s care for her son, and she used to dress her father’s wounds after the invasions or when the infidels were exposed to the Prophet, when they injured him. So she was like a merciful and kind mother to him, who lavished her tenderness and love on him.

The Prophet's appreciation for her

By giving her this nickname, he probably wanted to show his appreciation, love, and tenderness towards her by showing his love for her on the level of his love for his mother, Amna Bint Wahb, so that everyone would know that his daughter, Zahra, is the subject of his pampering, appreciation, love, and tenderness on this high level.

Fatima al-Zahra

The Prophet showed love to Fatima

And Al-Tabrizi Al-Ansari reported: The joke in this nickname is purely a manifestation of love, for if a person loves his son or someone else and wants to show the utmost love towards him, he says: “Oh mother” in the feminine speech, and “Oh father” in the masculine speech, lowering them to the status of The mother and father are in love and sanctity according to what is known in custom and custom.

her children

The descendants of the Prophet Muhammad were confined to his daughter, Fatima. She is the only daughter of Muhammad among his children who had offspring. to understand:

her sons

Al-Hassan: The grandson of the Messenger Muhammad, his grandson, his basil, and the leader of the youth of the people of Paradise according to the belief of the Muslims. His nickname is Abu Muhammad.

Al-Hussein: The grandson and grandson of the Prophet Muhammad, the Prophet of Islam. He is called the master of the youth of the people of Paradise. His nickname is Abu Abdullah. He is the third imam of the Shiites and the fifth of the owners of the garment.

Al-Mohsen bin Ali: The grandson and grandson of the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad, who acknowledges his existence, both Sunnis and Shiites. According to Sunni accounts, he died young during the life of the Prophet Muhammad.

her daughters

Zainab bint Ali.

Umm Kulthum bint Ali.

its status

Fatima bint Muhammad has a great status among Muslims of all sects. They agree that she has a status with God above all the women of the world, and that she is the mistress of the women of the worlds according to the Islamic perspective, and only a few women share that status with her, such as Maryam Bint Imran, for example, although they also believe that Maryam is one of the best and most pious women in the worlds, and Fatima derives her position with The Shiites believe that she is the mother of their infallible imams, and they have many narrations that show her status and preference over all women. Some Shiite sources narrate that she was born after her father ate an apple from heaven, so it became a sperm in his loins, and she was from this sperm, and other Shiite narrations mention that the best women The two worlds - according to the Islamic perspective - came to give birth to Khadija from the other world in honor of Al-Zahraa, and the Shiites also believe in her infallibility, and she is in the third rank in terms of status after her father Muhammad and Ali bin Abi Talib. As for the Sunni perspective, Fatima is the daughter of their Prophet and the mistress of the women of the worlds. She was his sponsor, despite her young age and the harsh circumstances surrounding her. But they do not believe in her infallibility or the leadership of her husband and her offspring, even if they are all of great stature according to the belief of the Sunnis and the community.

her death

Seeing the Sunnis

Sunnis believe that Fatima reconciled with Abu Bakr and accepted him as caliph after the Messenger of God before her death, while Shiites believe that her anger at him remained valid until her death.

Historical Sunni sources mention that Fatima died as a result of her father's death. The Sufi researcher Muzaffar Ozak writes: After the death of her father, Fatima did not taste food. Rather, she forgot joy and laughter, and she stayed in her house crying for her father day and night until she passed away.

Shiite point of view

After the Messenger Muhammad returned from the farewell pilgrimage, he summoned his daughter Fatima and informed her that he would die soon and that she would be the first of his family to join him.

And after the death of her father, she remained in a state of grief, and she used to mourn her father every day as soon as she fulfilled her duty towards her husband Ali and her son, so her body weakened little by little until she neared death.

Shiites believe that Fatima died of injuries she sustained after Omar Ibn Al-Khattab raided her house, whom Shiites accuse of threatening Ali's house by setting it on fire. The door was opened by one of the attackers who beat Fatima, and she fell to the ground. It is said that this attack broke her rib while she was pregnant, which caused her miscarriage. Shia sources state that Fatima saw her father in a dream informing her that she would die soon. Fatimah informed Ali of this news that her death was imminent. And I asked him not to allow the wrongdoers to attend the funeral prayer or their participation in the burial.

Some sources mention that on the morning of her death, she washed herself, put on new clothes, and stretched out on her bed. She informed Ali that the time of her death had come, so Ali wept and she began to be patient with him and asked him to bury her without performing a ceremony. It is said that her two sons, Al-Hassan and Al-Hussein, were the first to learn of her death, so they rushed to the mosque where Ali prayed, so they told him, so he fell unconscious, and after he woke up from his trance, he carried out her will and buried her on the night of 13 Jumada Al-Awwal in the year 11 AH (632 AD). He also prepared three false graves to ensure Not knowing her real grave. With him were his family and a few close companions.

her burial

There is a disagreement about the time of her death, but a narration suggests that the period between her death and the death of her father is ninety-five days, i.e. on the third day of the month of Jumada al-Akhirah 11 AH, and another narration says that the dispute over her age at her death resulted from the disagreement over the time of her birth.
