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Unveiling the Remarkable Character of Prophet Isaac Lessons for a Life of Purpose



Isaac is the son and heir of Abraham and he is the father of Jacob and Esau as it is written in the Book of Genesis of the Book of the Torah. He was called Isaac because his mother, Sarah, laughed when she heard that she was pregnant with a boy while she was very old.

Some commentators believe that in the Book of Amos "the Old Testament" there is a mention of the name "Israel", which they suggest is the other name given to Isaac. However, we see in the Bible that the name "Israel" was given later to the son of Isaac, who is Jacob.

Isaac in the Torah

Isaac is Abraham's son from his wife Sarah, and he was the only child they had alone. Ibrahim was very old. Abraham circumcised his son Isaac when he was only eight days old. Abraham made a big feast when Isaac was weaned.

Sarah chose the name "Isaac" for him because the angel promised her that she would become a mother. Sarah was very old at the time, and could not have children, so I laughed when she heard this, and when the child was born, Sarah said: “The Lord has made me laugh. Everyone who hears this thing will laugh with me.' And Sarah breastfed her son Isaac and did not let Ishmael be the heir to Abraham with her son Isaac, so she asked Abraham to get Hagar and her son Ishmael out of his house.

When Isaac reached the age of forty, Abraham sent his servant to Mesopotamia to choose for his son Isaac a wife from Laban, who is from the family of his wife Sarah. Rebekah was sent to be Isaac's wife, but she was barren, so Isaac prayed that God would grant Rebekah the blessing of pregnancy, so Rebekah became pregnant with twins, Esau and Jacob, so Isaac preferred Esau, but Rebekah preferred Jacob.

After several years, there was a famine in the country, so Isaac left for the city of Gerar, where Abimelech was king. Isaac claimed that Rebekah was his sister, but Abimelech exposed Isaac's trick.Isaac became very rich, and his herds were increasing more and more, and the people of the city of Jarar were envious, as they filled in all the wells dug by the servants of his father Abraham in his days.

So Isaac left from there and put his tents in the valley of Jarar, and resided there, and Isaac re-dug the water wells that had been dug during the days of Abraham, and they were filled in, and Isaac faced other problems and difficulties.

Then Isaac went to Beersheba and established his residence there. In this place, God appeared to Isaac and renewed the covenant with him that he would bless his descendants, and Abimelech also came to Isaac to make peace with him.

Isaac advanced in age, reaching the age of 137, and his eyesight weakened, so he called his eldest son Esau, and told him to prepare food for him from venison, but while Esau was hunting, Jacob sneaked out to take the blessing from his father first, and thus left his brother the second blessing.Isaac lived a little longer, and Jacob was sent to Mesopotamia to take a wife from his family.

Isaac in Islam

Isaac is the son of the Prophet Ibrahim by his wife Sarah, and the good news of his birth was from the angels to Abraham and Sarah, when they passed by them going to the cities of Lot's people, to destroy them for their disbelief and immorality. The nation who guides by God’s command and that he is one of God’s righteous prophets, and God made him a messenger, a prophet, and from his descendants is Jacob, and from Jacob came Joseph and the tribes.

his biography

The Qur'an only mentions quick flashes about Isaac. His birth was a miracle [?], glad tidings and joy for his elderly father Abraham and Sarah, so the angels gave them good tidings of him, so joy and happiness prevailed in Abraham’s house, and Abraham prostrated thanking his Lord, and the name of his son Jacob was mentioned in the glad tidings (because he was holding the butt of his twin brother Esau). His birth came years after the birth of his brother, Ismail, from Abraham's second wife, Hagar. The hearts of Abraham and Sarah acknowledged the birth of Isaac and the birth of his son Jacob. And God praised him as a prophet of the righteous.

His children


Esau is his twin brother to Jacob.

Faeqa bint Isaac.
