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Unveiling the Forgotten Genius: Rediscovering Aaron Ibn Imran's Extraordinary Contributions




He is a prophet of God, a priest, and a sacred figure in the Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam). He is the son of Imran and the older brother of the Prophet Moses. Sources of information about Aaron come exclusively from religious texts such as the Hebrew Bible, the New Testament (Luke, Acts, and Hebrews), and the Qur'an.

The Prophet Aaron lived with his brother, the Prophet Moses, in Egypt during the era of the Pharaohs, according to the Old Testament, the Qur’an, and the Old Testament Bible.


The Bible mentions that the lineage of Aaron is: Aaron bin Imran bin Qaheth bin Levi bin Jacob bin Isaac bin Abraham. His mother is Jochebed, the eldest son of Amram and three years older than his brother Moses.

his life

The first mention of Aaron was mentioned in the Book of Exodus (4:14), when Jehovah, the God of the Jews, appointed him as an assistant and spokesman for Moses, who was slow-mouthed and slow-tongued. Aaron was the tool to perform many miracles (which are narrated in the Book of Exodus): such as turning river water into blood (7:20) and the rise of frogs (So Aaron stretched out his hand over the waters of Egypt, so the frogs rose and covered the land of Egypt) (Exodus 8:5).

his death

at the top of Mount Hor, at the age of 123, after he removed the robe of priesthood on his son Eliezer, according to Jehovah’s command to Moses: (Take Aaron and Eliezer his son, and bring them up to Mount Hor, and strip Aaron of his clothes, and put them on Eliezer his son...) Issue (20:25-27) according to the Torah. It is said that he died before his brother Moses and was buried on top of a mountain near the city of Petra in Jordan. The mountain is now called Mount Aaron, after the Prophet Aaron.

In Islam

The Qur'an mentioned Aaron more than twenty times. Sometimes he was a minister to Moses: {And indeed, We gave Moses the Book, and made with him his brother Aaron a minister} [Al-Furqan: 35], and sometimes as the one who spoke on his behalf: (And my brother Aaron is a A tongue is correct from me, so send it with me in retaliation that confirms me, for I fear that they will deny me. [Al-Qasas: 34], {And loosen the knot from my tongue 27 so that they understand my speech 28 and appoint for me a minister from my family 29 Aaron is my brother 30} [Taha: 27-30]).

And since the Qur’an gives Aaron a great position and an important role in the company of his brother, it denies him making the calf that the Jews worshiped during the occultation of Moses. And he attributes it to a person named Al-Samiri: {He said, “Indeed, we persecuted your people after you, and Al-Samiri misled them.” [Taha: 85] Harun objected to this work.
