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The Forgotten Sage Rediscovering Luqman's Astounding Wisdom for Today's World



Introducing Luqman Al-Hakim

He was a wise man. He was mentioned in the Qur’an and his name was given to Surah Luqman. He was a contemporary of David and was known as the wise. He was born and lived in Nubia. Luqman’s commandments are one of the Qur’anic stories that speak of Luqman’s wisdom. It is represented in the wisdom that God bestowed upon the wise, and among Muslims it is considered one of the The greatest judgment and sermons, as his wisdom comes in its places, and according to the books of interpretation that Luqman was the easiest owned by his master, but God Almighty bestowed wisdom on him, so tomorrow he has the best of them.

lineage and work

He is Luqman bin Ya'ur, the son of Ayoub's sister, or his aunt's son, and he is from Aswan, Egypt. Khaled Ibn al-Rabee' said about him that he was a carpenter, and it was said that he was a tailor, and it was said that he was a shepherd, and he lived with David, who took knowledge from him and God gave him wisdom then. Al-Masoudi mentioned that he was born ten years after the reign of David, peace be upon him, and he was still remaining on earth, showing wisdom and asceticism until the days of Yunus bin Matta, peace be upon him. And there is no indication in the Holy Qur’an that enables him to determine his era.

He made him caliph on earth

And the Messenger of God said: “Luqman was a servant who thought a lot, had good thoughts, and was silent a lot. He loved God, so God loved him, so whoever is upon him is wise.” A caliphate was announced before David, so it was said to him, O Luqman, can God make you a caliph to rule between people with justice? Luqman said: If my Lord Almighty forced me to accept, I know that if I did that He would help me, teach me and protect me, and if my Lord chose me, I would accept wellness and not ask for affliction, so the angels said: O Luqman, why? He said: Because the ruler is in the toughest and worst of homes, oppression covers him from every place, and he is disappointed or suffers. become the king of the hereafter. So the angels were amazed at his good reasoning, so he slept and fell asleep with wisdom, so he woke up and spoke of it.

Luqman's eternal wisdom: A father's advice that resonates through the ages

For wisdom and guidance, the teachings of Luqman, which were immortalized in the Qur’an in Surat Luqman, stand as a beacon that illuminates the path of righteousness. Luqman, known for his unparalleled wisdom and piety, teaches his son priceless lessons, containing profound truths that resonate across generations.

Renouncing polytheism is the basis of faith

Luqman's advice to his son is rooted in the essence of monotheism. He strongly advises against associating others with God, emphasizing the grave injustice of polytheism. This basic principle emphasizes the purity of faith and highlights the importance of recognizing the oneness of God.

Gratitude and reverence: a studied virtue

Among his teachings, Luqman emphasizes the importance of gratitude. He advises his son to be thankful not only to God, but also to his parents. This profound lesson in filial piety and gratitude lays the foundation for a life steeped in humility and respect for one's origins.

The weight of actions: moral accountability

Luqman's wisdom delves into the complexities of moral responsibility. It clearly depicts the weight of even the smallest actions, like the weight of a mustard seed. These metaphors emphasize careful accountability of actions, emphasizing God's omniscience and awareness of every action, no matter how unclear.

Enjoining good and forbidding evil is a duty towards humanity

One of Luqman's most important teachings was the command to enjoin good and forbid evil. His advice goes beyond the individual and extends to society as a whole. It emphasizes the moral duty to stand against injustice and uphold rights, which reflects the essence of social responsibility.

Patience: a virtue in the midst of trials

In the face of adversity, Luqman calls for patience. He acknowledges life's challenges and advises his son to bear them with steadfastness. This virtue, woven into the fabric of his teachings, serves as a reminder that resilience in the face of trials is a testament to the strength of one's character.

Humility and humility: the keys to a virtuous life

Luqman's advice about humility resonates deeply. He advises his son against arrogance, and urges him not to show his cheek to people. This warning extends beyond just physical posture; He embodies a spirit of humility, and encourages an egalitarian approach to interactions, free of arrogance or arrogance.

The power of speech: a reflection of personality

Luqman teaches a timeless lesson about the importance of speech. He advises his son to lower his voice, highlighting the importance of thoughtful and respectful communication. This teaching emphasizes the virtue of meekness, and asserts that words, when spoken humbly, have much greater impact.

In the eloquent verses of Surat Luqman, we find not only the father’s instructions to his son, but also a universal moral code that is compatible with the essence of humanity. Luqman's wisdom, steeped in divine insight, transcends time and culture, and provides profound guidance to all seekers of truth and virtue.

The name of Ibn Luqman

Al-Suhaili said: His son's name is Tharan, according to al-Tabari and al-Qatbi. Al-Kalbi said: Mashkam. And it was said yes, it was told by the discussion. Al-Qushayri mentioned that his son and wife were infidels, so he still preached to them until they converted to Islam. I said: This is indicated by his saying: (Do not associate partners with God, for polytheism is a great injustice).

With ancient nature and sacred sanctities, the mysterious aura of the shrines of Luqman al-Hakim excites curious souls. Although these holy places are obscured in the mists of time, they have engraved their presence in the hearts of believers, and carry echoes of wisdom and spiritual significance.

Tiberias: East Sanctuary

Historical whispers adorn the city of Tiberias, located on the banks of its ancient lake. Legend says that before the reign of Suleiman bin David, peace be upon them, Tiberias was a holy shrine in the East. Steeped in mystical energy, this sacred land continues to attract pilgrims and seekers from far and wide.

  Bethlehem: where Jesus was born

In the heart of Bethlehem, inside the cave that witnessed the birth of Jesus, another sacred secret whispers across time. Adjacent to the eastern shores of Lake Tiberias resides the tomb of Luqman the Wise and his son, which resonates with the profound wisdom of a bygone age. This confluence of spiritual energies makes Bethlehem a haven of unparalleled importance.

The mystery of Luqman's tomb in Yemen

Yemen, a land rich in history and mystery, has its own chapter in the story of Luqman the Wise. It is said: His resting place is in Baljurashi, in the Ghamid tribe, in a village called Hazna. Here the tranquility of the desert embraces the wisdom of the ages, where Luqman's legacy finds its eternal home.

The Ottoman Odyssey to Baghdad

History records tell an interesting chapter in the time of the Ottoman Empire, during the reign of the venerable Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent. In 1534, an ambitious campaign was launched, with the city of Baghdad as its desired prize. As the Ottoman forces moved forward, they stopped at important shrines along their route. Among them were the holy places of Sheikh the Drunkard and Luqman the Wise, whose mysterious allure attracted the attention of the Sultan himself. Sultan Suleiman, in his wisdom, is said to have recognized the spiritual power of these sites, as he praised the sacred energies that resonated within their ancient walls. Thus, the steps of the Ottoman army were guided not only by strategic prowess, but also by a deep reverence for the presence of Luqman the Wise, the Sufi.

In the mysterious echoes of these shrines, lives the immortal wisdom of Luqman the Wise. Pilgrims and seekers continue their journey to these holy places, seeking solace and enlightenment in the aura of his teachings. The legacy of this revered sage transcends borders, reminding humanity of the profound interconnectedness of spiritual wisdom across cultures and eras.
