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Linguistic miracles in the Holy Quran



quaran miracle

The miraculousness of the Qur’an in Islam is a belief among Muslims that states that the Qur’an has a miraculous quality in terms of content and form, and human words cannot match it. According to this belief, the Qur'an is the evidence given to the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ to signify his truthfulness and prophetic status. The miracle performs two main purposes. The first is to prove the authenticity and validity of the Qur’an as a source from one God. The second is to prove the truth of the prophethood of Muhammad, peace be upon him, who was revealed to him because he was conveying the message. The concept of the miraculousness of the Qur’an emerged from the first day of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, transmitting it to the Arabs, when he was 40 years old at the time.

Inimitability linguistically: It is derived from incapacity, incapacity, so it is incapacitated. That is: weak. And the meaning: He was weak from something, and he was not able to do it, and it is said that I am incapable of so-and-so if I am unable to ask for it and realize it. The Qur’anic miracle is a term that denotes: the failure of mankind and the jinn to come up with an example of the Holy Qur’an or a surah like it.

The Qur’an clarified what befell the Arabs when they heard its verses for the first time. Some of them described the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, as a poet, so God Almighty revealed in Surah Yasin: They said that The Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, has conveyed this speech from those who preceded him. God Almighty says in Surat Al-Furqan: Surah Yunus: Was it a wonder to the people that We revealed to a man among them that he should warn the people and give glad tidings to those who believe that they have a standing of truth with their Lord They said the disbelievers: Indeed, this is a clear magician (2) [Yunus: 2]

According to Sophia Vassallo, a contemporary scholar of theology, the news that has come down to us of how the Arabs received and bewildered the Qur'an is crucial to the debates. Sophia says: “When the Arabs heard the Qur’an, they were perplexed in trying to classify its words and asked: Is this poetry?” “Is this magic?” “Is it mythology?” The Arabs could not find any literary form that corresponded to the Qur’an.

Graphic miracle

It is also called the rhetorical miracle and the linguistic miracle, and it is considered the most important type of miracle because it relates to the use of the words and phrases of the Holy Qur’an and the structure of sentences so that they are clear, understandable and concise, where eloquence, rhetoric and statement appear in a way that the reader understands and shows its impact on the listeners. This miracle was also the challenge that was addressed to the pre-Islamic Arabs, who were distinguished by eloquence, and many of the most famous poets emerged from them, such as Imru' al-Qais, Antarah bin Shaddad, and Zuhair bin Abi Salma.

An example of this kind of miraculousness is the use of the words “Sunnah” and “General” in the Holy Qur’an. God says in Surah Al-Ankabut: ﴾And We sent Noah to his people, and he stayed among them a thousand years minus fifty years, then the flood seized them while they were wrongdoers. 14 ( [Al-Ankabut: 14]

In the Arabic language, (the year and the year) are temporal expressions used in calculating the days, as each of them is equivalent to twelve months. The difference between them is that the word “year” is used to denote the amount of fatigue and hardship, while the word “year” is used to denote rest and relaxation. Therefore, the Qur’an used the word (year) to describe the years that the Prophet Noah lived and his suffering with his people in calling to God Almighty, which lasted 950 years, while the period during which Noah rested was fifty years.

An example of this kind of miracle is also mentioned in Surat Yusuf, when he was asked to interpret the king’s vision. God says in Surat Yusuf: } Joseph, O friend, give us an advisory opinion about seven fat cows that are eaten by seven lean ones, seven green ears, and another dry one. I will come so that I may return to the people so that they may know 46 He said: You sow seven years of perseverance, and whatever you reap, scatter it in its ears except for at night of what you eat 47 Then it comes after that Seven strong people eat what you have provided for them, except a little of what you stockpile. Esrun 49 ( [Yusuf: 46-49].

Where the word (years - plural of year) was mentioned to denote the hardship and fatigue in agriculture and the years of drought, then the Qur’an mentioned the word (general) and linked it with a sentence (the people are given relief, and in it they squeeze 49) [Yusuf: 49] which means that rain descends on them and provides them with relief. The Holy Quran abounds with hundreds of this kind of rhetorical miracles.

History books also tell the story of Al-Walid bin Al-Mughirah, who is known for his fierce hostility to the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, and who was one of the most eloquent Arabs in speech and poetry. speech; It is not from the words of man or from the words of jinn; By God, it has sweetness, and sweetness on it, and its upper part is fruitful, and its lower part is fertile, and it rises above it, and it is not above it.”
