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Decoding the Hidden Gems of Indian Installment: Unveiling a World of Surprises


Because of the excessive collection of this plant, it was added to Appendix I of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, which made it illegal to search for it for export.

Indian herbs are distinguished by their ability to treat some health problems, including serious ones, and there are many types of these herbs, and some of them are difficult to find. Costus is one of the most important Indian herbs, which is used in many medical treatments.

Indian premium benefits

Increases the percentage of semen fertility in men, thus increasing male fertility.

Costus helps treat the thyroid gland.

To benefit from it, you must take two teaspoons of it every day.

Also, one of the most important benefits of the Indian premium is its ability to treat worms, as it was found that the Indian premium oil contains chemicals that contribute to killing cylindrical or threadworms, such as: Ascaris worm

  It also helps in treating intestinal diseases, as it contributes to the treatment of severe ulcers.

The health and therapeutic benefits of Indian premium in alternative medicine are almost endless, but most of them still need more scientific evidence. Here are some of the uses and benefits of Indian installment

Treating some skin diseases, such as eczema, rash, and alopecia.

Treatment of hemorrhoids.

Boosting body immunity.

Promote heart health and adjust heart rhythm.

Lowering blood pressure.

Contribute to the treatment of nerve weakness by promoting blood circulation.

Erectile dysfunction treatment.

Treating some women's menstrual problems, such as irregular menstruation and menstrual pain.

Treating some liver diseases, such as cirrhosis.

Treatment of bone and joint pain, by applying Indian premium oil to the affected area.

Accelerate wound healing, as the topical use of Indian premium oil helps stimulate the growth of the natural tissue of the skin.

Headache treatment, by inhaling the Indian premium boil or its oil.

Contribute to the treatment of cancer

A study published in 2020 indicated the possibility of using the Indian Costus plant as a chemotherapy agent for the treatment of various types of cancer, as it was found that the vital secondary compounds resulting from the metabolism of the Indian Costus leaf extract are effective in showing anti-cancer activity, by preventing the proliferation of cancer cells in the breast, liver, and colon.Stimulation of programmed death of cancer cells.

In this study, the benefits of calendula in the treatment of cancer were evaluated using animal models, and despite the promising results that appeared, there is still a need for more future research and further evaluations.

Indian installment and pregnancy

The Indian premium is characterized by many benefits for pregnant women, among these benefits is the treatment of delayed pregnancy and problems of the reproductive system, and it also works to regulate the milk hormone, and it must be taken in moderation and not taken during the menstrual period and stopped taking it when pregnancy. 
