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Musab bin Omair may God be pleased with him


Musab bin Omair  

Abu Abdullah Musab bin Omair Al-Abdari (who died in the year 3 AH) was one of the first companions of Badr to convert to Islam, and the envoy of the Prophet Muhammad to call to Islam in Yathrib after the first pledge of allegiance to Aqaba, and the bearer of the banner of immigrants in the battles of Badr and Uhud.

his biography

Musab bin Omair bin Hashim bin Abd Manaf bin Abd al-Dar bin Qusai bin Kilab al-Quraish He grew up in Mecca as a beautiful and luxurious young man, wearing the best clothes and the best perfumes. Until he converted to Islam secretly in the house of Al-Arqam for fear of his mother, Umm Khunas bint Malik bin Al-Mudarib Al-Amriya, and from his people, 

so he was among the first to convert to Islam. Musab remained in that state until Othman bin Talha saw him praying, so he told his people, so they took him and imprisoned him, and he was still imprisoned until he migrated to Abyssinia, then he returned with the Muslims when they returned. Then the Prophet Muhammad sent him after his return with the twelve captains of the Ansar who pledged allegiance to the Prophet Muhammad in the first allegiance of Aqaba, to teach the people of Yathrib the Qur’an who converted to Islam, to call for Islam, and to lead them in prayer.

After the Prophet's migration, the companion of Mus'ab, the Prophet Muhammad, who made a brotherhood between him and Saad bin Abi Waqqas, and it was said Abu Ayoub Al-Ansari, and it was said Dhakwan bin Abd Qais. Musab witnessed with the Prophet Muhammad the Battle of Badr and the Battle of Uhud, and he was the bearer of the banner of the Muhajireen, and Musab bin Umair was killed in the Battle of Uhud. Mus'ab took the banner with his arms to his chest, so Ibn Qama'a stabbed him in the chest with a spear, killing him. When Musab was killed, he did not leave anything but a nimrah, and they wanted to shroud him with it, 

so if they covered his head, his legs were visible, and if they covered his legs, his head appeared, so the Prophet Muhammad said: “Cover his head, and put on his feet from al-Idhkhir.” And he was buried on that day by his brother Abu al-Rum bin Umair and Amer bin Rabia and Suwaibit bin Saad, and the age of Musab when he was killed was 40 years or more. Musab had only one wife, Hamna bint Jahsh, and he had one daughter, Zainab, whom Abdullah bin Abdullah bin Abi Umayyah bin al-Mughira married.

his standing

The Prophet praised him several times during his life and after his death. Among his praises are:

When the Prophet saw him coming, and he had a ram's cuticle on him, he said: “Look at this man whose heart God has enlightened. By food and drink, so the love of God and His Messenger called him to what you see.

After Musab was killed in the Battle of Uhud, the Prophet passed by him killed and recited the verse: Ra bracket.png wait and they did not alter
