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The scientific miracle of the Qur’an and the details of the messengers and prophets


Historical details of the events of the messengers and prophets

The passage you are referring to is from Surah Hud, verse 49 of the Quran, which emphasizes the revelation of historical details about previous prophets and messengers to the Arabs, who were previously unaware of this information. It underscores the significance of this knowledge as news from the unseen and advises patience to the Prophet Muhammad and his people.

To elaborate further on the historical details of the events of the messengers and prophets mentioned in the Quran:

1. Prophet Adam (Adam):** He was the first human created by Allah and lived in the Garden of Eden. He and his wife, Eve, were sent to Earth after disobeying Allah's command not to eat from a specific tree.

2.Prophet Noah (Nuh):** He was chosen by Allah to build an ark and save believers and pairs of animals from a great flood, which wiped out the disbelievers.

**3.Prophet Abraham (Ibrahim):** He played a vital role in spreading monotheism. He was tested by Allah in various ways, including the willingness to sacrifice his son (Ishmael in Islamic tradition, Isaac in Jewish and Christian tradition).

4.Prophet Moses (Musa):** He led the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt, received the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai, and guided his people through the wilderness.

5. Prophet Jesus (Isa):** He was born to the Virgin Mary and is considered a prophet in Islam. Muslims believe that he performed miracles, preached the worship of one God, and was not crucified but was raised up by Allah.

6.Prophet Muhammad:** He is the last and final prophet in Islam. He received revelations from Allah through the angel Gabriel over a period of 23 years, which were later compiled into the Quran. He united the Arabian Peninsula under Islam and established the foundations of the Islamic faith.

These are brief summaries, and the Quran provides more detailed accounts of their lives, teachings, and the messages they conveyed to their respective communities. The Quranic narratives often align with the stories found in the Bible and Torah but are interpreted and emphasized in unique ways within the Islamic tradition.

Reveal what is going on in people's hearts, especially the hypocrites

The passage you provided is from Surah Al-Baqarah, verses 76-77 of the Quran. These verses describe a situation during the time of the Prophet Muhammad, where certain Jews acknowledged the truth of his message secretly but were reluctant to openly declare their faith. When they met the believers, they professed belief, but in private, they questioned why they should reveal their knowledge of the prophesied Messenger to the Muslims. The verses emphasize that God knows what they hide and what they reveal, indicating that sincerity and genuine faith are known to Him.

In historical context, these verses reflect the interactions between the early Muslim community and some Jewish tribes in Medina. It highlights the skepticism and fear among some Jews who recognized the signs of the prophesied Messenger in their scriptures but were hesitant to openly accept him due to various reasons, including social and political factors.

The passage serves to underline the importance of sincerity in faith and the knowledge that God is aware of both public declarations and inner thoughts, encouraging believers to be genuine in their beliefs and actions.

   Unseen news and issues will be in the near and distant future

And just as the Qur’an narrated about the events that will happen in the future, at the time of the Prophet Muhammad and after him, the passage of days came as an explanation for what he told us. Examples include:

   The victory of the Romans and the lowest land

The passage you provided refers to a historical event mentioned in Surah Ar-Rum (Chapter 30), Verse 2-3 of the Quran. These verses address the defeat of the Romans by the Persians and the subsequent Roman victory, fulfilling the prophecy mentioned in the Quran.

In the early 7th century, the Romans and Persians were engaged in a series of wars. Initially, the Persians achieved a significant victory over the Romans, causing rejoicing among the pagans in Mecca who opposed the message of Islam. However, the Quran prophesied that the Romans would be victorious within a few years. This prophecy came true when the Romans defeated the Persians in a battle that occurred in the Dead Sea region, which is indeed one of the lowest areas on Earth, as noted by geologists.

The Quranic passage Surah Ar-Rum (30:2-3) states:

"The Romans have been defeated in the nearest land. But they, after their defeat, will overcome within three to nine years. To Allah belongs the command before and after. And that day, the believers will rejoice."

This event served as a confirmation of the Quran's prophetic nature to the early Muslims and highlighted the importance of faith and patience in the face of challenging circumstances.

The death of Abu Lahab is an infidel

The Qur’an informs that Abu Lahab will pray in a blazing fire in Surat Al-Masdar ([Al-Masad: 3] meaning that he will not enter Islam and he and his wife will die in disbelief, and Abu Lahab died in disbelief seven nights after the Battle of Badr, and he did not think of converting to Islam even hypocritically, As some of the hypocrites showed Islam while his two sons Utbah and Mutaib converted to Islam after the conquest of Mecca.

News about modern science and facts

The passages you're referring to are often cited as examples of scientific miracles in the Quran by proponents of Islamic apologetics. The specific verses you mentioned are Surah Ar-Rahman (55:19-20) and Surah An-Naml (27:61), which are interpreted to reference phenomena where different bodies of water do not readily mix due to differences in salinity and density.

In Surah Ar-Rahman (55:19-20), the Quran mentions the meeting of the waters of two seas without transgression, and in Surah An-Naml (27:61), it talks about the barrier between different bodies of water. Some interpreters argue that these verses describe phenomena where bodies of water with different salinities do not immediately mix due to surface tension forces and differences in density. They cite examples such as the meeting of the waters of the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean at Gibraltar, and similar phenomena in various parts of the world.

It's important to note that while these interpretations are used to highlight perceived scientific accuracy in the Quran, interpretations and translations can vary, and not all scholars or Muslims agree on these specific interpretations. Additionally, interpretations of religious texts in the context of modern scientific understanding are a matter of faith and belief, and different individuals and religious traditions approach these matters differently.

Moreover, the interpretation of these Quranic verses in the context of modern scientific discoveries is a complex topic and can vary based on individual perspectives and beliefs. Some people see these passages as evidence of divine knowledge, while others might interpret them differently or in a metaphorical context. It's a matter of personal faith and perspective.  

Linguistic miracles in the Qur'an

Indeed, the Quran holds a unique position among religious texts. It was revealed in Arabic and remains in its original language, making Arabic a significant language for Muslims around the world. Arabic-speaking Muslims, totaling around half a billion people, read, recite, and understand the Quran in its original form. Additionally, over a billion non-Arab Muslims learn Arabic to recite the Quran and perform their religious practices.

The Quran's preservation in its original language is a distinctive feature of Islam. Unlike some other religious texts, the Quran has not undergone translation throughout history, maintaining its authenticity and original meaning. This direct connection to the original language is highly valued in Islamic tradition, ensuring the accuracy of religious teachings for believers. It is also notable that the Quran was memorized and written down during the lifetime of the Prophet Muhammad, further contributing to its authenticity and preservation.

The Quran's status as a living text in Arabic continues to influence religious and cultural practices among Muslims worldwide, emphasizing the importance of understanding the language for a deeper comprehension of the faith.    

permanent novelty

The passage emphasizes the enduring nature of the Quranic text, highlighting its unique quality in that it does not wear out or lose its impact regardless of how many times it is recited or repeated. Unlike human speech, which can lose its freshness and influence through repetition, the Quran remains powerful and impactful, retaining its significance and relevance over time.

This enduring quality of the Quran is often considered a miraculous aspect of the text. Even for those who are well-versed in the Arabic language, the Quran continues to resonate with its readers and listeners, regardless of the era or location. The passage also mentions the acknowledgment of this quality by scholars and orientalists, such as Leon, who noted the Quran's greatness and timeless influence over the centuries. According to this perspective, the Quran's impact remains undiminished, making it a remarkable and enduring scripture.

Unique words

The passage discusses the unique nature of the Quranic text, highlighting its distinctiveness from any other form of speech or writing. Unlike ordinary human speech, the Quran cannot be seamlessly integrated into other texts without being immediately recognizable. This distinctiveness sets it apart from prose and poetry, making it easily distinguishable even when combined with other forms of discourse.

Renowned scholars and orientalists, such as Taha Hussein, Maurice, and James Michis, have acknowledged the Quran's unparalleled quality. Taha Hussein noted that the Quran cannot be categorized as either prose or poetry due to its unique structure and style. Maurice praised the Quran as the best book that Divine Providence has communicated to humanity, emphasizing its unquestionable significance. James Michis highlighted the widespread readership and memorization of the Quran, recognizing its profound impact on the daily lives of its believers.

In summary, the passage underscores the Quran's exceptional nature, both in its content and linguistic style, making it a truly unique and remarkable scripture.

Scientific Miracles in Quran

The concept of scientific miracles in the Quran has been a topic of discussion among scholars and believers. Supporters of this idea argue that the Quran contains scientific information that was not known at the time of its revelation and aligns with modern scientific discoveries. They point to verses that, when interpreted in certain ways, seem to correspond with scientific concepts discovered in recent centuries.

For example, interpretations have been made regarding verses suggesting the universe's expansion, the origins of life, and the development of the human embryo. Advocates like Maurice Bucaille have written extensively on this topic, attempting to demonstrate the Quran's compatibility with modern scientific knowledge.

However, it's important to note that this perspective is not universally accepted. Many scholars and skeptics argue against the notion of scientific miracles in the Quran. They contend that the Quran is a religious and spiritual text, not a scientific manual. They assert that scientific explanations for natural phenomena can change over time, rendering specific interpretations of Quranic verses subject to alteration and reinterpretation.

Furthermore, critics often point out that some interpretations of Quranic verses are highly subjective and open to different meanings. The understanding of these verses in a scientific context can vary among scholars, leading to diverse and sometimes conflicting interpretations.

In summary, the idea of scientific miracles in the Quran is a topic of debate and interpretation. While some individuals find correlations between Quranic verses and modern scientific knowledge, others argue against the existence of explicit scientific miracles in the text, emphasizing the Quran's primarily religious and moral guidance.
