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?Why is our master Ismail Abu Al-Arab



       God Almighty mentioned in the Holy Qur’an that he saw Abraham in a dream that he was slaughtering his son Ismail, so he complied with this command

So when they embraced Islam, he covered his forehead. (103)We called him, O Ibrahim(104) The vision has come true. We thus reward the doers of good (105)

  This is the clear affliction.(107) And We ransomed him with a great sacrifice. (107)

It was mentioned in the Book of Genesis that Ishmael was thirteen years older than Isaac, and the context of the story indicates that it took place before Isaac’s birth, because the good news of Isaac was mentioned after the story was told in its entirety

This story includes one trip - at least - before Ismail grows up. As for the other three journeys, Al-Bukhari narrated them in length on the authority of Ibn Abbas, with a chain of transmission attributed to them, and their summaries are as follows

      Ismail, peace be upon him, when he was a young man and learned Arabic from their drag, by11- themselves, and they liked him. He married a woman from them, and his mother died, and Ibrahim began to look at his estate, so he came after this marriage, and he did not find him, so he returned to Palestine after asking his wife about him and their conditions, so she complained to him about the hardship of living, so he advised her to say For Ismail to change the threshold of his door, and Ismail understood what his father wanted, so he divorced his wife and married another woman (and she is his son Mudad bin Amr, the elder of their tribe and their master, according to the majority)

   Ibrahim, may peace be upon him, came again after Ismail married this second wife, but he did22 not find him, so he returned to Palestine after asking his wife about him and their conditions. So she praised God well, so he recommended to Ismail to prove his doorstep

     Then Abraham, peace be upon him, came after that, and he met Ismail, while he was showing his arrows under his dog near Zamzam. They met them after a long period of time , when the great father, who was kind and sympathetic on behalf of his son, and the righteous and righteous son on behalf of his father, were patient, and at this time they built the Kaaba and raised its bases. And Abraham authorized the people to perform the pilgrimage, as God commanded him

The children of Ismail, peace be upon him

God blessed Ishmael with his son Mudad, twelve male children, and they are: Nabit or Nabayut, Kedar, Adbeel, Mibsham, Mishma, Duma, Misha, Hadad, Tima, Tur, Nafis, and Qaidman

And branched out from these twelve tribes. All of them lived in Mecca for a period of time, and most of their livelihood at that time was trade from the countries of Yemen to the countries of the Levant and Egypt, then these tribes spread throughout the Arabian Peninsula, and yes, and beyond. Then I included their conditions from the absence of time, except for the children of Nabit and Qaidar

The Nabatean civilization - the sons of Nabit - flourished in the north of the Hijaz, and they formed a strong Arab state with its capital in Petra - the well-known ancient city in the south of Jordan. This Nabataean state was condemned from its outskirts, and no one could oppose it until the Romans came and destroyed it.

A group of investigators who had knowledge of genealogies deviated from the fact that the kings of the Ghassan family, as well as the Ansar from the Aws and Khazraj, were from the family of Nabit bin Ismail, and their remnants were in those lands .

And to him is the money of Imam Al-Bukhari - may God have mercy on him in his Sahih. He made a chapter titled (The lineage of Yemen to Ismail, peace be upon him), and he inferred its box with some hadiths, and Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar preferred in his explanation that Qahtan was from the family of Nabit bin Ismail, peace be upon him

 Kedar Ibn Ismail, peace be upon him

As for Kedar bin Ismail, his sons were still in Mecca, procreating until Adnan was from him and his son Maad, and from him the Adnan Arabs preserved their genealogies . He goes beyond it, and a group of scholars went to the permissibility of raising the lineage above Adnan, weakening the hadith referred to. However, they differed in this part of the lineage in a way that it is not possible to reconcile their sayings. If we prefer what Ibn Sa’d mentioned - and what al-Tabari, al-Masoudi and others mentioned in a sentence of sayings - that there are forty fathers between us and Ibrahim, peace be upon him, with careful investigation.

The stomachs of Ma`ad separated from his son Nizar – it was said: Ma`id had no other son than him – so Nizar had four children, from whom four great tribes branched out: Iyad, Anmar, Rabi`ah, and Mudar, and these last two are the ones whose bellies increased and their thighs widened. So his spring was: a lion and a lion. And from a lion: a goat and his braid, and from his braid. The many famous tribes such as: Abdul Qais. And Al-Nimr, and Banu Wael, of whom he was born and conquered. And from Bani Bakr: Banu Qais, Banu Shayban, Banu Hanifa, and others

The tribes of Mudar branched out into two great divisions: Qais Ailan bin Mudar, and the tribes of Elias bin Ghatafan. From Qais Ailan: Banu Salim. Banu Hawazin, Banu Thaqif, Banu Sa’sa’a, Banu Ghatfan, and from Ghatfan: ‘Abas. Theban, and braver, and squeeze

From Elias ibn Mudar: Tamim ibn Murra, Hudhail ibn Mudrakeh, and Banu Asad ibn Khuzaymah.  And from Kinana Quraish, and they are the sons of Fahr bin Malik bin Al-Nadr bin Kinana

Quraish tribes

Quraysh was divided into various tribes, the most famous of which were: Jamah, Sahm, Uday, Makhzum, Taym, Zahra, and the clans of Qusai bin Kilab, namely: Abd al-Dar bin Qusai, Asad bin al-Uzza bin Qusai , and after Manaf bin Qusai

Abd Manaf was of four factions: Abd Shams. And Nawfal, and Al-Muttalib, and Hashem. And the house of Hashem Halo, from which God chose our master Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Abdul Muttalib bin Hashem, may God bless him and grant him peace

He, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said ((Indeed, God chose Ismail from the children of Abraham, and chose Banu Kinanah from the sons of Ismail, and chose Quraish from Banu Kinana, and chose Banu Hashim from Quraysh, and chose me from Banu Hashem))

And Taghlib resided in the Euphrates Giza, including the stomachs that used to live in Bakra, and Banu Tamim lived in the desert of Basra

Banu Sulaym resided near Medina, from Wadi Al-Qura to Khaybar to the east of Medina to the border of the two mountains

The Banu Asad lived in Taima and western Kufa, between them and Taima Diyala Bahtar Min Tai

Dhiban lived near Taima to Hauran, and he remained in Tihama, the stomachs of Kinana, and he settled in Mecca and its suburbs, the stomachs of Quraysh





