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Usaid bin Hudair, may God be pleased with him



Usaid bin Hudair


Lineage of Usaid bin Hudair

Usaid bin al-Hudayr bin Sammak al-Awsi al-Ansari, his father, Hudair al-Kata’ib, the leader of the al-Aws, and he was one of the nobles of the Arabs in the pre-Islamic era, and Usaid inherited from his father his stature, courage and presence. He witnessed Uhud and stood firm with the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, as people were exposed to him and he sustained seven injuries

Islam Usaid bin Hudair

The Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, sent Mus’ab bin Umair to Medina to teach the Ansar Muslims who pledged allegiance to the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, in the first pledge of allegiance to Aqaba, and to invite others to faith. “Go to this man and rebuke him.” Usayd carried his spear and went to Musaab, who was in the hospitality of Asaad bin Zarara, and he was one of those who preceded Islam. Do you have the right to sit and listen? If you are satisfied with our matter, you accept it, and if you hate it, we will stop you from what you hate. Then Usayd, the perfect man, said after plunging his spear into the ground: “You have done justice. Bring what you have”

Musaab started reading from the Qur’an and explaining to him the call of the new religion, until those present in the assembly noticed Islam in Usaid’s face before he spoke. Mus'ab said to him: "You purify your body and your clothes, bear witness to the truth, and then pray." Usayd stood up without delay, took a bath and purified himself, then prostrated to God, Lord of the Worlds

Islam Saad

Usayd returned to Sa`d ibn Mu`adh, who said to those with him: "I swear, Usayd has come to you with a face other than the one he went with." Here, Usayd used his intelligence to push Sa'ad to the council of Mus'ab, the Messenger's ambassador, may God bless him and grant him peace to them, to hear what he heard from the words of God, for he knows that As'ad ibn Zarara He is the son of the maternal aunt of Saad bin Muadh, and Usayd said to Saad: “It happened that the Banu Haritha had gone out to Asaad bin Zarara to kill him, knowing that he was the son of your aunt.” He did not find noise, but rather a calmness covering the congregation, and verses recited by Musab with reverence, and here he realized Usayd's trick, and he hardly heard until he opened his heart to Islam, and took his place among the former believers

Reading the Koran

Listening to the voice of Usaid, may God be pleased with him, while he was reciting the Qur’an was one of the great gains, and his submissive, dazzling voice was the best of people. I read “The Persians Galloped”, so I got up and I had no concern but my son, then I read “The Persians Galloped”, so I raised my head and saw something like the shape of a shadow in the likeness of lamps coming from the sky, so I was silent. The horse, so I got up and I had no concern but my son.” He said: “Read Abu Yahya.” I said: “Have you read so the horse galloped?” He said: “Read, Abu Yahya.” I said: “I have read”

Fadl Usaid bin Khudair

On the authority of Anas bin Malik, he said: “Usayd bin Hudair and Abbad bin Bishr were with the Messenger of God on a dark night in Hinds, so we talked with him until when they went out, the stick of one of them lit up, and they walked in its light


Usayd was a righteous man, and while he was with the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, talking to the people and making them laugh, the Messenger of God was stabbed in the waist and said: “You hurt me!” He said: “Take a cut.” He said: “O Messenger of God, you have a shirt on you, but I did not have a shirt on me.” So the Messenger of God lifted his shirt, embraced him, and then kissed his scarves, and said: “May my father and mother be sacrificed for you, O Messenger of God. I wanted this”

Battle of Badr

Usaid ibn al-Hudayr met the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, when he came from Badr. The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “You are right”

Battle of Bani al-Mustaliq

He, may God be pleased with him, enjoyed forbearance, forbearance, and peace of mind. In the battle of Banu al-Mustaliq, Abdullah ibn Abi raised sedition, as he said to those with him from the people of Medina: “You made your country lawful for them, and you divided your money with them, but by God, if you retained what was in your hands from them, they would have moved to other than your homes. By God, if we return to Medina, the more honorable will expel the meaner from it”

The honorable companion, Zayd bin Arqam, who was a boy, heard these words, and he told the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, about that. He said: “And what did he say?” The Messenger, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said: “He claimed that if he returned to Medina, the dearest would expel the mean from it.” Usayd said: “You, O Messenger of God, will remove him from it if you wish. God brought you to us, and his people are arranging beads for him to crown him, for he will see that you have usurped him as a king”

shed day

On the day of the Saqifah, following the death of the Messenger, when a group of supporters, led by Saad bin Ubadah, declared their entitlement to the caliphate. His successor, then, should be from among the Muhajireen, and we were the supporters of the Messenger of God, and today we must be the supporters of his successor.” So his words were cold and peace

The death of Usaid bin Hudair

In the month of Sha’ban in the twentieth year of Hijrah, Usaid, may God be pleased with him, died, and the Commander of the Faithful, Umar, refused except to carry his coffin over his shoulder, and under the soil of Al-Baqi’, and the companions saw the body of a great believer. One thousand, so they wanted to sell it, and Umar ibn al-Khattab heard about that, so he sent a letter to his creditors and said: “Can you take possession of one thousand each year and collect it in four years?” They said: “Yes, Commander of the Faithful.” They delayed that, and they used to receive a thousand each year
