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The story of Zakariya, peace be upon him


 The birth of Mary, peace be upon her

Imran and his wife wished that they would have a son, so they prayed to God to grant them good offspring, so God answered their prayers, and Imran’s wife became pregnant, so she vowed to give what was in her womb to serve Al-Aqsa Mosque, and he would take care of it and take care of its affairs. She said, “My Lord, I gave birth to her as a female, and God knows what she delivered, and the male is not like the female, and I named her Mary, and I seek refuge in You for her and her offspring from the accursed Satan.” ([Al-Imran: 36] Then I took her and took her to Al-Aqsa Mosque so that she would live there, and be brought up on piety and good manners, and grow up to worship. God since childhood 

Zakaria took care of Maryam's upbringing

Zakaria came forward to sponsor her, raise her, and take care of her, and Zakaria was a carpenter, but people differed in that, and their voices rose, each calling and demanding the upbringing of Mary, and each saw himself more worthy of her care than others, so one of the worshipers of the temple stood up to resolve this dispute that broke out between them regarding Mary's sponsorship. And he said: I suggest that we all go to the river and throw our pens in it, and the pen that flows other than the flow of water is the one whose owner wins the bail of Mary and obtains the honor of raising her

So everyone agreed on this opinion, and they went to the river, and each one of them threw his pen, so all the pens went with the current, except for the pen of Zakaria, for he alone walked against the flow of water, and Zakaria won the bail of the Lady Mary, and Zakaria, peace be upon him, began bailing Mary and doing her affairs, and he was allocated to her A place in the mosque to live in, and a special mihrab for her to worship in, and Mrs. Maryam remained in the mosque for a long time worshiping and glorifying God, and sanctifying Him in her private place, leaving it only for a little whil And Zakaria used to visit her from time to tim

e, to check on her, and to do her affairs, and whenever he entered the mosque, he found food with her, but he used to find fruits and different colors of foods that did not exist at that time, so Zakaria was amazed, and astonishment took him, then he asked her: Where did she get this fruit? And that food?! So, Mrs. Maryam told him that he was provided with provision from God, who provides for whomever He wills without reckoning, and Zakaria had advanced in age, and he had no son or offspring, but when he saw God’s provision for Mary with things that were not in its time, he knew that God was able to provide him with a son, even if his wife was barren. Then Zakariya left Mary, and turned to his Lord - the Exalted and Majestic - inviting Him to bless him with a righteous son

The answer to the supplication of Zakariya, peace be upon him

 One day, while Zakaria was in his sanctuary worshiping and praising God, the angels descended upon him announcing that God had answered his supplication, and that God Almighty had given him a boy named Yahya, and he would be a righteous prophet. So the angels told him that this is the command of God who is capable of everything. At that point, Zakariyya, peace be upon him, asked God Almighty to make him a sign inferring from it that his wife began to suffer from pregnancy symptoms. So God made the sign of that that he loses speech for three days, and in this case he must conjure his heart in the

Then God Almighty explained to him that if he wanted to address his people, he addressed them with a sign, and God Almighty commanded him to ask his people to glorify God in the morning and evening. A period of time passed, and Yahya, peace be upon him, was born after longing and waiting. And God approved Zakariyya’s eyes and rejoiced in him with great joy, so he went to his mihrab to pray, prostrate to God Almighty, and thanked Him for this great blessing 

