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Messenger's Intercession: A Gift of Grace



It is part of God’s success for His servant that He harnesses it for the benefit of His creation, and one of the great doors of benefit is the door of intercession. God Almighty said: He did not have a surety of it, and God was on Everything is abhorrent.” [An-Nisa’: 85] And good intercession is either by bringing good to the intercessor, or by warding off harm on his behalf, from what is within the capacity of the intercessor.

:of the Prophet , peace be upon him, in matters of the world

The Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, exhibited profound compassion and empathy in various aspects of life, including matters concerning the world. His teachings emphasized the importance of seeking good intercession for oneself and encouraging his companions to do the same. He once said, “Intercede and you will be rewarded, and God decrees whatever He wills through the words of His Prophet.” This encouragement served as a testament to his belief in the power of intercession and its positive impact on people's lives.

In a notable incident recorded in the Two Sahihs, Ka’b bin Malik faced a situation where he had to collect a debt owed by Ibn Abi Hadrad in the mosque of the Messenger of God. The dispute between them grew heated, their voices echoing within the mosque. Sensing the tension, the Prophet Muhammad intervened. He called out to Ka’b, advising him to compromise and put aside half of his claim. Ka’b, obedient to the Prophet's guidance, agreed, demonstrating the Prophet's ability to resolve conflicts and promote harmony among his followers.

Another touching instance involved Barirah, a former slave woman who was manumitted, while her husband was still in slavery. Her husband, deeply in love with her, sought to reconcile and win her back. Filled with emotions, he circled behind her on the city rails, tears streaming down his cheeks, longing for her return. The Prophet Muhammad, recognizing the man’s sincerity, interceded on his behalf with Barirah. Although he merely suggested the reconciliation, leaving the decision to her, she willingly reunited with her husband, highlighting the Prophet’s ability to facilitate understanding and compassion in marital relationships.

These incidents represent a fraction of the Prophet's numerous intercessions in worldly matters. His actions underscored the importance of empathy, kindness, and mediation in resolving conflicts, promoting harmony, and fostering understanding among his followers. His interventions served as powerful examples of the positive impact of intercession, emphasizing the Prophet's role not only as a spiritual leader but also as a guide in worldly affairs, showcasing his enduring legacy of compassion and wisdom.

:The intercession of the Prophet , peace be upon him, in the Hereafter

And as for the Hereafter, people are most in need of intercession, on a day when the young will turn gray, and the old will be astonished, on the day when a person will stand alone and alone, without money, no prestige, no companions or children, {every person is a pledge for what he has earned} [Al-Tur: 21], looking at what His hands were presented, while he was standing in the hands of his master, arguing for himself, admitting his sins and misdeeds, waiting for what would be decided against him.

 “The day when a man will flee from his brother * and his mother and father * and his female companion and his sons * each of them on that day will have a cause that will suffice him.” [Abass] 34-37] So He made intercession on the Day of Resurrection out of mercy for the intercessor, and out of honor for the intercessor, so the angels and prophets intercede, and the martyrs and the righteous intercede . And fasting and the Qur’an intercede. Fasting says: O Lord, I prevented him from food and desires during the day, so let me intercede for him, and the Qur’an says: I prevented him from sleeping at night, so let me intercede for him 

:Intercession belongs to God alone

And intercession belongs to God alone. From the greatness of God - the majesty of His majesty -, His glory and the perfection of His authority, no one dares to intercede except with His permission, and His satisfaction - glory be to Him - with the intercession for him. {And how many angels are in the heavens whose intercession avails nothing except after Allah has given permission to whom He wills and is pleased} [An-Najm: 26] ]

Every prophet had a supplication that he called upon in this world, and it was answered. Our Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, made his supplication an intercession for his nation on the Day of Resurrection

:greatest intercession

intercession of the Prophet , may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, on the Day of Resurrection is the greatest intercession, and it is the praised station, for which the first and the last praise Him. A mile, barefoot , naked and uncircumcised, so the servants will suffer from hardship and anguish, what they cannot bear nor bear, in a day the length of which is fifty thousand years, so God Almighty will inspire some of His servants to search for the messengers and prophets, so that they intercede with God to decide the judiciary. The stand, and the wrath of the One, the Omnipotent, does not come to any prophet without referring them to another prophet, until they end up with the seal of the prophets and messengers, and the master of all the sons of Adam, and they say: O Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace -, you are the Messenger of God, and the seal of the prophets. 

May God forgive you Your past and future sins , intercede for us with your Lord, don't you see what we are in? He, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said : Sprinkle, so I fall in prostration to my Lord - the Mighty and Sublime -, then God opens up to me of His praises and good praises to me. Yeh, something that he did not open to anyone before me, then it is said: O Muhammad, raise your head, ask and it will be given to him, intercede and it will be accepted, so it will be lifted. my head and say: My nation, O Lord, my nation, O Lord, my nation, O Lord, and it is said: O Muhammad, enter from your nation There is no reckoning with them, from the right gate from the gates of Paradise, and they are the partners of the people, in other than that of the gates.

” By the intercession of the Prophet - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - people will enter Paradise, without reckoning. There is no punishment, and in the Sunan of Tirmidhi, the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - said : Peace be upon him-: “My Lord promised me that seventy thousand of my ummah would enter Paradise, for whom there will be no reckoning or punishment, with all the family.” So seventy thousand, and three handfuls of his handfuls.” And the grace of God is great, and He is the Most Merciful, the Most Generous

The intercession of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace

for our prophet Peace be upon him intercession; Including: his intercession - may God bless him and grant him peace - to open the door of Paradise for the believers; And that is because if they go to it, they find its doors closed, so they go to Adam - peace be upon him - and say: O our father, open Paradise for us, and he says: Did He expel you from Paradise except for the sin of your father Adam?! I am not the owner of that , so they seek intercession with the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace -. He said - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him -: “I will come to the gate of Paradise on the Day of Resurrection and open it, and the storekeeper will say: Who are you? I will say: Muhammad. He says: By you I have been commanded, I will not open to anyone before you 

The Prophet’s intercession for those who commit major sins

And among his intercessions , may God ’s prayers and peace be upon him, on the Day of Resurrection, is his intercession for those who enter the Fire from among the people of major sins. Their number is counted except for God, because they disobeyed God and dared to disobey Him, and violated His obedience, so He is permitted to intercede for m

e.” Then he, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, prostrates under the throne of the mighty, and intercedes for the people of monotheism for those of them who fall into the fire, so the Most Merciful sets a limit for him, so he takes them out of it, then comes back and intercedes again. And third and fourth, until it came in Sahih Al-Bukhari: Indeed, the Prophet The Prophet , peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said: “Then I return the fourth time, and praise Him with those praises, then prostrate to Him again, and it is said: O Muhammad, raise your head, and say the name of Allah.

” And ask and it will be given to you, and intercede and you will be interceded, so I say: O Lord, allow me the one who says: There is no god but God, and he says : By my might and majesty, my pride and greatness, I will expel from it the one who says there is no god but God ”

:Intercession of believers for their brothers and loved ones

It is from the generosity of God - the Most High - to the believers, that He made them among the intercessors on the Day of Judgment, so whoever of their brothers and loved ones fell into Hell, they intercede for him with the Most Merciful, the Most Merciful, so the relative intercedes for his relative, and the friend for his friend, so some of them intercede for the group of people, and among them are those who intercede for the tribe .

 And among them are those who intercede for the clan, and among them are those who intercede for the man. Until they enter Paradise. In Sahih Muslim, peace be upon him, he said : “Until the believers are saved from Hell, by the One in Whose hand is my soul, there is none among you who appeals more strongly to God. In order to investigate the truth from the believers in God on the Day of Resurrection , for their brothers who are in the Fire, they will say: Our Lord, they used to fast With us, they pray and perform Hajj, and it is said to them: Bring out those whom you know. 

Ira, “ Indeed, some of the believers in Paradise, when they lost their brothers in it, hastened to the prophets, to intercede for them with the Creator of the earth and the heavens. In the middle dictionary of al- Tabarani The Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - said: “The people of Paradise will miss people they used to know in this world, and they will come to the Prophet.” O, so they will remind them , so they will intercede for them, and they will intercede.

” Imam Al-Tabari - may God have mercy on him - said: Qatada was, when he recited: “We have no intercessors.” * Not even an intimate friend ([Poets: 100-101], He said: “They know, by God, that if a friend is righteous, he benefits, and that an intimate - that is: a relative - if he is He is righteous, he will intercede”

:If the intercessions are completed on the Day of Resurrection,

A remnant remained in the fire, from the people of there is no god but God, who says - may His Majesty be glorified - and His names are sanctified, as in (Sahih Muslim): “The angels have interceded, and the prophets have interceded, and the believers have interceded, and there is nothing left but the most merciful.” the merciful, then he will take a handful of fire and will be taken out. There are people who have never done good from it. They are turned back into lava, and he throws them into a river at the mouths of Paradise, which is called: The River of Life.

 They will come out as a grain comes out of a torrent, and they will come out like pearls on their necks, and the people of the jinn will recognize them. These are God's freedmen, whom God brought into Paradise, without a deed they did, and no good they presented, then he says: Enter Paradise, and whatever you see is yours, and they say: R Our son, you have given us what you have not given to anyone from the worlds, so he says: I have something better than this for you, and they say: O our Lord, what sha What is better than This ? _

- said in his address to the polytheists: And they have no polytheism in them, and he has no helper from them * nor Intercession works with Him, except for him to whom He gives permission.” [Saba’: 22-23] So He, Glory be to Him, denied that other than Him has a king, or that He has a helper or a partner, whether good or bad, beneficial or harmful, so there is nothing left but intercession. So it is clear - gel His Majesty- , it is of no benefit except to those who give it permission

Intercession and entry of half his nation into Paradise

And in Sahih Ibn Hibban, the Prophet - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - said: “He came to me tonight from my Lord, so he gave me a choice between having half of my ummah enter Paradise, and between intercession, and I chose intercession.

” Your intercession, and he, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “I bear witness to those who are present that my intercession is for those who died not associating anything with God from my nation.

” So the happiest people with the intercession of the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - on the Day of Resurrection are those who said: There is no god but God sincerely from his heart, and he was of worshipers; There is no luck in Islam for the one who abandons prayer.

 In (Sahih Muslim), he, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “Between a man and between polytheism and disbelief is the abandonment of prayer.” So whoever associates partners with God Almighty, or was not one of the worshipers, is deprived of the intercession of the intercessors, His Majesty said. : ) Every soul is a pledge for what it has earned * except for those on the right * who will be in gardens wondering * about the criminals * what took you in Saqr * Q We were not of those who prayed * nor did we feed the needy * and we used to quarrel with those who dispute * and we used to deny the Day of Judgment * until it came to us. certainty * So the intercession of the intercessors will not benefit them.” [Al-Muddaththir: 38-48]

Reasons for the Prophet’s intercession on the Day of Resurrection

And the people closest to the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - on the day of calling out, are the ones who pray the most for him in this world, and in Sahih Muslim, that the Prophet - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - said: “If you hear the muezzin, say what he says, then pray for me, for he is he prayed Peace be upon me, may God bless him with it ten times, then ask God for the wasela for me, for it is a position in heaven, and it should only be for A servant of God's servants, and I hope that I am him, so whoever asks for a means for me, intercession becomes permissible for him 

And one of the reasons for the intercession of the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - on the Day of Resurrection is the abundance of good deeds. In the Musnad of Imam Ahmad, the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said to a servant of his: “Do you have a need?” ah, he said- May God’s prayers and peace be upon him: “So help me with a lot of prostration.

” And in the Musnad of Imam Ahmad, on the authority of Ibn Omar, may God be pleased with them, that the Prophet of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “Whoever is able to die in Medina, let him do so, for I intercede for those who died in it. ” “Congratulations to the one who resides in Medina, and oh the happiness of the one who was forced to reside in it until death came to him, and thus he obtained one of his intercessions, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him”




