Cultivated chunnes, Nigella sativa, black cumin, black cumin, black pecan, sanog, cinog, wild cosmos, iris, or catkins (scientific name: Nigella sativa) is a plant species belonging to the genus of chunnes of the Ranunculaceae family. Its fruits produce seeds known as nigella sativa.
It is known by other names, including: Al-Qazha, Al-Shuniz, Shauniyaz, Black Kalonji, and Black Caraway.
Botanical description
An annual herb 30 cm high, with an erect, branched stem, deep-lobed leaves, blue-gray flowers, pods and serrated seeds. It is native to the Arabian Peninsula, the Arab East, the Maghreb, Iran, India and Pakistan. It is cultivated in many parts of Asia and the Mediterranean basin.
Medical uses
Its seeds are carminative, stimulant and diuretic. A paste of seeds heal wounds unequivocal and scorpion bites and eczema. The seeds are antiseptic, anti-helminthic, especially in children, stimulant, useful in asthma, and strengthening the immune system. The seeds are placed between the folds of stored clothes as a moth repellent. Nigella sativa is useful in diseases of the prostate and colon, a stimulant for the nerves and sex, or for the treatment of diabetes. The used part of this plant is its black seeds, where the seeds are collected when they are ripe. The seeds contain 40% of the fixed oil, one of the saponins (melantin) and about 1.4% of the volatile oil.
Black seed oil contains many essential fatty acids. Nigella sativa contains Nigellone, a natural antioxidant, as well as glutathione. Black cumin seeds contain the amino acid arginine.
The black seed was found in the tomb of Tutankhamun, and the Greek physician Dastarders (a famous Greek physician who lived in the first century AD) reported that the seeds of the black seed are taken to treat headaches, nasal catarrh, toothache, and infectious worms, and it is also taken in large quantities as a diuretic and to induce menstruation. And increase the flow of milk.
It was mentioned in the hadith on the authority of the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad, that he said: This black seed is a cure for every disease except Al-Sam, I said: And what is Al-Sam? Death said.
Like many culinary spices, black seed seeds benefit the digestive system, soothe stomach pain and spasms, and relieve wind, flatulence and colic. The seed disinfectant.
Nigella sativa has been used since ancient times in seasoning pancakes to give it a delicious taste. It is also mixed with black honey and sesame after crushing it. Sweetness is taken on an empty stomach as a tonic, stimulant, expectorant, to combat the severity of cold in harsh winters, and to increase immunity against cold and asthma attacks.
Ibn Sina, the author of al-Qanun, said about it: “And al-Shuniz (Nigella sativa) is cayenne that cuts sputum clearly, analyzes wind and blowing, and purifies it deeply. It is placed with vinegar on milky pimples and dissolves phlegmatic and hard tumors, and with vinegar on phlegmatic sores and festering scabies. Painted on the forehead of a headache. And if it is soaked in vinegar for a night, then crushed and given to the patient to inhale, it will benefit from chronic headaches. To kill worms, even if it is painted on the navel, and to induce menstruation if it is used for days, and to drink honey and hot water for stones in the bladder and kidneys.
Medicinal properties
The black seed and malaria: the results of two studies published by the American Journal of Toxicology and Medicinal Drugs and the Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences for this year 2007 presented the results of two studies conducted by a Yemeni researcher from the Yemeni University of Dhamar, Dr. About the effectiveness of the black seed against the malaria parasite, as laboratory results conducted on mice showed a strong efficacy of the black seed in suppressing, treating and preventing the disease, which is promised that it contains effective substances that may be extracted to represent a new leap against malaria .
Black seed and germs: Dr. (Morsi) from Cairo University conducted a study published in Acta Microbiol Pol in 2000 to identify the effects of black seed on he studied 16 types of Gram-negative bacteria, and 6 types of Gram-positive bacteria. It showed the response of some types of bacteria to black seed extract
. Black cumin.. and the fungus: From Pakistan, from the Aga Khan University, a study published in February 2003 in the journal Phytother Res. Mice that had been infected with the Candida albicans fungus were treated with black seed extract. And the researchers found that there was a strong inhibition of the growth of the fungus Candida albicans. And Dr. Khan says at the conclusion of his research: The results of this study indicate the effectiveness of black seed oil in the treatment of fungus .
Black seed protection against liver damage: It is known that black seed oil has protective effects on the liver, protecting it from some types of liver poisoning. The black seed itself is also known to be used in folk medicine in the treatment of liver diseases. That is why Dr. (Al-Ghamdi) from King Faisal University in Dammam conducted a study on rats to see the effect of an aqueous solution of black seed in protecting the liver from a toxic substance called carbon tetrachloride. This study was published in the journal (Am J Clin Med) in May 2003. It was found that administration of a black seed solution reduced the toxic effects of carbon tetrachloride on the liver. The level of liver enzymes was lower in mice that were given black seed, and the effect of the toxin on liver tissue was less clear .
In another study published in the journal Phytother Res in September 2003, researchers confirmed that mice that were given black seed oil were less likely to suffer liver damage when given toxic substances such as carbon tetrachloride .
Black seed in the prevention of liver cancer: In a study published in the October 2003 issue in the journal (J Carcinog), researchers from the University (Kelaniya) in Sri Lanka conducted a study on 60 rats who developed liver cancer by a substance called (diethylnitrosamine). A group of these mice was given a mixture of black seed and other herbs, and the researchers followed these mice for ten weeks. Then they examined the liver tissue of the mice, and found that the intensity of the cancerous effects was much less in the mice that were treated with this mixture, which includes the black seed. The researchers concluded that these substances may contribute to protecting the liver from carcinogenic effects.
Black Seed Prevention Colon Cancer: Can black seed prevent colon cancer? A question asked by researchers from Tanta University in Egypt, and their research was published in Nutr Cancer magazine in February 2003. Researchers conducted a study on 45 mice, and they gave a chemical that causes colon cancer. Thirty rats were given black seed oil orally. After 14 weeks from the beginning of the experiment, the researchers noticed that there were no precancerous changes in the colon, liver, or kidneys of the mice that were given black seed oil, which suggests that volatile black seed oil has the ability to prevent colon cancer.
Black Seed and Breast Cancer: In a study that came out from the University of (Jackson Mississippi) in the United States and was published in Bio Med Science Instrum in 2003, researchers found that the use of black seed extract was effective in inhibiting breast cancer cells, which opens the doors to more studies in This field .
Black Seed and Diabetes: In a recent study published in the journal (Tohoku J Exp Med) in December 2003, researchers from the University of (Yuznköl) in Turkey conducted a study on fifty rats who developed diabetes by giving them a substance called (streptozotocin) in the peritoneum in the abdomen. . The rats were then divided into two groups: the first was given volatile black seed oil inside the abdominal peritoneum daily for thirty days, while the second group was given a saline solution devoid of black seed oil. The researchers found that giving black seed oil to diabetic mice led to a decrease in their blood sugar, an increase in the level of insulin in the blood, and it also led to the proliferation and activation of beta cells (in the pancreas) responsible for insulin secretion, which suggests that the black seed can Help treat diabetes .
In another study from Japan published in December 2002 in the journal Res Vet Sci, researchers found that black seed oil had a stimulating effect on insulin secretion in rats that had diabetes, and the use of black seed oil in these rats reduced their blood sugar . .
As for Dr. Muhammad Al-Dakhakhni, he published a research in Planta Med magazine in 2002, in which he suggested that the effect of black seed oil in lowering blood sugar may not be by increasing blood insulin, but rather by an effect outside the pancreas, but the matter needs more studies. Scientific .
From the University of Yuzenko in Turkey, a study published in 2001 appeared, this time on New Zealand rabbits. The rabbits were divided into two groups. Diabetes occurred. The first group was treated by giving black seed extract orally daily for two months after diabetes. The researchers found a decrease in blood sugar in those who were treated with black seed extract, and an increase in antioxidant factors, which can reduce the incidence of atherosclerosis .
Black seed and allergic diseases: In another study from Charite University in Berlin (Germany), researchers conducted a study on 152 patients with allergic diseases (allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma, allergic eczema), and the study was published in the journal (Tohoku J Exp Med). In the December 2003 issue, these patients were treated with capsules containing black seed oil at a dose of 40-80 mg/kg per day. The patients were asked to record according to standard criteria, especially the severity of their symptoms during the experiment. Several laboratory tests such as (IgE) acidic leukocyte count, cortisol level, beneficial cholesterol and harmful cholesterol were calibrated. The results of the study confirmed the improvement of symptoms in all patients with bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis or allergic eczema, and the level of triglycerides (triglycerides) decreased slightly, while the level of beneficial cholesterol increased clearly, and there was no significant effect on the level of cortisol or blood cells. Lymphatic eggs. German researchers concluded that black seed oil is effective – as an adjunctive treatment – in treating allergic diseases .
Black Seed and Bronchial Asthma: For years, black seed preparations have been used to treat cough and bronchial asthma. Is there any recent scientific evidence? Researchers from King Saud University in Riyadh studied the effect of thymoquinone (the main compound found in black seed oil) on pieces of trachea from a Guinea pig. The results of the study showed that thymoquinone relaxes the muscles of the trachea, that is, it expands the trachea and bronchi, and this is what helps in the treatment of bronchial asthma .
Black seed in the treatment of diarrhea and asthma: It is known that the black seed has been used in the treatment of diarrhea and bronchial asthma for a long time. Dr. Gilani studied the effect of black seed extract in the laboratory to know its effect on bronchodilator and spasmolytic muscle relaxant. The study confirmed that black seed oil has a muscle relaxant and bronchodilator effect, with a calcium-blocking mechanism, which gives a basis for explaining the well-known effect of black seed in folk medicine .
Black seed and stomach: Black seed has a protective role for the gastric membrane. Researchers from Cairo University caused damage to the stomach lining of mice, then these mice were treated with black seed oil or thymoquinone (the active substance in black seed), and their effect was clear in protecting the stomach membrane from Irritating effects and harmful damage to the stomach .
And from the University of Alexandria, a research appeared by the great international expert in the field of the black seed, Dr. Muhammad Al-Dakhakhny. Where he investigated the protective effect of black seed on gastric mucosa against alcohol-induced irritation in rats. It was found that black seed oil exerted an effective protective effect against the stomach irritating effect of alcohol.
Black Seed and Nephropathy: Researchers from Al-Azhar University conducted a study on the effect of thymoquinone on nephropathy, which was induced in mice by a substance called Doxorubicin. It turned out that thymoquinone (the active substance in the black seed) has inhibited the excretion of protein and albumin in the urine, and that it has an antioxidant effect that inhibits the negative effects that occurred in the kidneys. This suggests that thymoquinone could have a role in preventing renal impairment.
The black seed is a protection for the heart and arteries: It is known that the high level of a substance called (homocysteine) in the blood increases the chances of coronary artery disease and the arteries of the brain and extremities. Scientists have found that giving vitamins (folic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin B12) has reduced the level of homocysteine in the blood. Hence, researchers at King Saud University in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia conducted a study to find out the effect of black seed on the level of blood homocysteine. The study was published in the journal Int J Cardiol in January 2004 .
The researchers gave a group of rats (thymoquinone) (100 mg/kg), which is the main active substance in the black seed, for thirty minutes and for a week. The researchers found that giving thymoquinone significantly protected against homocysteine elevation (when mice were given a substance that raises homocysteine). And with the increase in homocysteine, there is a clear increase in the level of triglycerides and cholesterol, and a state of harmful oxidation for the body. It was found by the researchers that the administration of black seed extract led to the thwarting of those harmful effects that accompany the increase in homocysteine. Which means that black seed oil can protect the heart and arteries from the harmful effects of high homocysteine and the accompanying increase in blood fats. There is no doubt that more studies are needed in this field.
Black seed is an antioxidant: In a study published in J Vet Med Clin Med in June 2003, researchers conducted a study to see the effects of black seed as an antioxidant in rats that were given carbon tetrachloride. The study was conducted on 60 rats, and a number of rats were given black seed oil through the peritoneum in the abdomen. The study lasted for 45 days, and the researchers found that black seed oil decreased lipid peroxidation, and antioxidant activity increased. It is known that antioxidants help protect the body from the effect of free radicals, which contribute to causing damage to many tissues, and to a number of diseases such as atherosclerosis, cancer, dementia, and others.
. Another study published in Drug Chem Toxicol in May 2003 confirmed the antioxidant effect of black seed oil .
Black Seed and Cholesterol: Researchers from King Hassan II University in Casablanca, Morocco, conducted a study of the effect of black seed oil on the level of cholesterol and blood sugar in rats. The rats were given 1 mg/kg of fixed black seed oil for 12 weeks. At the end of the study, cholesterol decreased by 15%, triglycerides decreased by 22%, blood sugar decreased by 16.5%, and blood hemoglobin increased by 17.5%. This suggests that black seed oil can be effective in lowering blood cholesterol and blood sugar in humans, but more studies are needed in humans before it is proven .
In a research that was published by Dr. (Muhammad Al-Dakhakhny) in a German journal in September 2000, the research showed that black seed oil had a lowering effect on blood cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides in mice.
Black seed and high blood pressure: From Casablanca in Morocco, a research published in Therapi magazine in 2000 came out, in which researchers studied the effect of black seed extract (0.6 ml / kg per day) as a diuretic and antihypertensive. The average blood pressure decreased by 22% in the rats treated with the black seed extract, while it decreased by 18% in the rats treated with aldal (a drug known for its antihypertensive effect). Urinary excretion was increased in mice treated with black seed .
Black seed and rheumatism: Researchers from the Aga Khan University in Pakistan, in a research published in September 2003 in the journal Phytother, asked a question: How can black seed play a role in relieving inflammation in the joints of people with rheumatism. It is known to doctors that there is a substance produced by macrophages in the body called nitric oxide, which plays a mediating role in the inflammatory process. Researchers have found that black seed extract inhibits nitric oxide production. This may explain the effect of black seed in relieving arthritis .
And from King Faisal University in Dammam, Dr. (Al-Ghamdi) showed in a research published in the Journal of J. Ethno Pharmacol in 2001 that the black seed has an analgesic and anti-arthritic effect, which paves the way for more studies to identify the mechanism by which the black seed has this effect .
Black Seed and Blood Thinners: Researchers at King Faisal University in Dammam, Saudi Arabia, studied the effect of black seed oil on clotting factors in rats fed flour containing black seed oil, and compared that with rats fed plain flour. The result was that some transient changes in clotting factors appeared, as there was a rise in fibrinogen, and a transient prolongation of prothrombin time, which suggests that the use of black seed oil can lead to transient changes in clotting factors in mice, and these effects need to be studied in mice. human
Active substances
Thymoquinone is one of the most important active substances in Nigella Sativa, and many different practical studies have been conducted on it and its efficacy has been proven to contribute to the treatment of cancer such as pancreatic cancer, breast cancer, stomach cancer and colon cancer.
It was also found, according to scientific research, that Thymoquinone is effective in treating diabetes and treating allergies of all kinds.
In Islam
Nigella sativa or black seed has been used and instructed by Muslims for many years, and several articles have been formed on the subject. Black seed has also been used around the world for over 3,000 years. The black seed represents a prophetic herb, as well as holds a prominent place in the Prophet's medicines. Interestingly, it was not used in abundance before the Prophet Muhammad made its use known. Although there are more than 400 herbs used by the Prophet Muhammad and recorded in the herbalists of Galen and Hippocrates, black seed was not an obscure treatment among most of the remedies prevailing at the time. Because of the way Islam was spread, the use and spread of the black seed is widely known as the "prophet's remedy".
Nigella sativa in the hadeeth
Abu Hurairah explained that the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: In the black seed there is a cure for every disease except poison.” Narrated by Al-Bukhari 7: 591 and Muslim.
Where the Prophet Muhammad said that black seeds are a cure for every disease. The Arabic word “Shifa” came as a decisive word in that it treats all diseases except death.
Ibn al-Qayyim al-Jawzi
Ibn al-Qayyim said that "the black seed helps to cope with a wide range of diseases such as cold, dissolution of kidney and prostate stones, and eliminates worms. In addition to other diseases.