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Saeed bin Zaid may God be pleased with him


Saeed bin Zaid

Saeed bin Zaid

Said bin Zaid bin Amr bin Nufail Al-Adawi Al-Qurashi, Abu Al-Awar, one of the best companions, cousin of Omar bin Al-Khattab and his sister-in-law, he was born in Makkah in the year 22 before the Hijrah and migrated to Medina. Those who were given the glad tidings of Paradise. He and his wife, Umm Jamil Fatimah bint Al-Khattab, were among those who converted to Islam

And his father, may God be pleased with him, Zaid bin Amr, retired from pre-Islamic times and its conditions, and unified God Almighty without a Hanif mediator. for him ? He said: Yes, and he asked forgiveness for him and said: “On the Day of Resurrection he will come as a nation alone”

The heralds of paradise

It was narrated on the authority of Saeed bin Zaid that he said: The Messenger of God said: “Ten from the Quraysh will be in Paradise, Abu Bakr, Omar, Othman, Ali, Talha, Al-Zubayr, Abd al-Rahman bin Awf, Saad bin Malik (bin Abi Waqqas), and Saeed bin Zaid bin Amr bin Nufail, and Abu Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah ». God bless them all

Answered invitation

He was, may God be pleased with him, answered the call, and his story is famous with Arwa bint Aws. She complained about him to Marwan bin Al-Hakam, and claimed that he usurped something from her house, so he said: “Oh God, if she is a liar, blind her eyesight and kill her in her house.” She went blind, then fell into the well of her house, and that was her death.

Said's mandate over Damascus

Saeed bin Zaid was described as ascetic and respected by the governors, and when Abu Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah conquered Damascus and gave it to him, then he rose up with those with him for jihad, so Saeed wrote to him: “Next, I would not favor you and your companions in jihad over myself and what would bring me closer to the pleasure of my Lord. And if my letter comes to you, then send to your work someone who is more desirable than me, for I will come to you soon, God willing, and peace be upon you »


Muawiyah wrote to Marwan in Madinah pledging allegiance to his son Yazid, so a man from the people of Syria said to Marwan: “What is holding you back? Marwan said: “Until Saeed bin Zayd comes to pledge allegiance, because he is the master of the people of the country. If he pledges allegiance, he will pledge allegiance to the people.” Al-Shami and Saeed came with my father in the house. He said: “Go and pledge allegiance.” He said: “Go, and I will come and pledge allegiance.” He said: “You will go or I will strike your neck.” He said: “Will you strike my head?” By God, you call me to a people and I fought them for Islam »

So he went back to Marwan and told him, so Marwan said to him: “Be quiet” and the mother of the believers died “I think she is Zainab” so she instructed that Saeed bin Zaid pray for her, so Al-Shami said to Marwan: “What keeps you from praying for the mother of the believers? Marwan said: “Wait for the one whose neck you wanted to strike, for she commanded that the funeral prayer be offered for her.” Al-Shami said: “I ask God’s forgiveness”

The death of Said bin Yazid

He died in Medina in the year 51 AH, and Saad bin Abi Al-Waqqas and Abdullah bin Omar, may God be pleased with them all, entered his grave
