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Our master Saleh and the people of Thamud



A powerfully built tribe of Arab origin, they built a city that has a history to this day, and a prophet was sent from them whose lineage goes back to Sahm bin Noah, peace be upon him. So did they remain righteous and believe in their Prophet? Or did they disobey and grow up, as did those who   preceded them

They are the people of Thamud and their Prophet Salih, peace be upon him, and they are a people whose lineage goes back to the Arabs who are the origin of the Arabs and those who inhabited Yemen and spread in the Arabian Peninsula.The mountains are homes that God blessed with abundant water, which is a miracle in itself from the desert. As for their lineage, it goes back to their grandfather, Thamud bin Amer bin Aram bin Sam bin Noah, peace be upon him

The reason for calling them owners of the stone

 It is said that they are attributed to their parents who lived in it, and it is said that they excelled in building stones and even worshiping them.

Their residences and where their homes are located 

 Today, their homes are known as the people of Saleh, northwest of Medina, at a distance of approximately three hundred and ninety kilometers.In the past, they were called Al-Hijr, as we know from the Holy Qur’an, and in their story is a lesson and a verse in Surat Al-Hijr

The development reached its height and the manifestations of luxury and bliss increased for the people of Thamud, so they were deceived by their livelihood and their strength and forgot the grace of God upon them until they deviated from the right path and strayed from God's straight

It was sent by our master Salih

God chose him for his message and prepared him for prophecy, and here his acceptance differed among his people and their direction changed after Salih was a true model in his people

But the winds blow with what the ships do not desire. His call was met with ingratitude and denial, and they did not respond to him. And from the intensity of their denial, God described them in His saying, the Most High. That Salih was of a strong mind, and they used to refer to him to settle their differences, he was of honorable lineage, and all of that they forgot and described him as a li

He responded to the call of Saleh, peace be upon him, the weak among his people who believed in his call and believed in God Almighty As for the elders of his people, they belied him, so when they failed to cast doubt on his call to deter those of the weak who believed in him and turned them back to disbelief after they had believed, the Almighty said

                         They said, We believe in what we have been sent with

They tried to make people question their belief in a human being among them and that he is on the path of misguidance They were not satisfied with that, but they convinced those to them that  Saleh is a bad omen for them and that he will bring destruction with him and anger the gods,   but Saleh did not despair and responded to their words and doubts, but rather increased his insistence in calling for his people. He did not leave an opportunity but called them to worship God. And  I leave you behind  on earth after them And remember God's blessings upon you, for He made you populate this land and take palaces from its plains, just as He blessed you with crops and fruits

Salih, peace be upon him, increases the call, and with it the mockery of his people and their arrogance increases. The elders of his people heard his call, but not because of their response, but rather because they mocked his words

Salih's camel, peace be upon him

 And this is what happened, so they asked Salih to gather one day in front of a great rock, so it would split open in front of them and a great she-camel about to give birth would emerge from it. In and of itself, it is a miracle, so how about a great rock that splits open and a camel comes out to live inside it.

Not to mention the description of the camel that they asked for from Salih, peace be upon him. Salih told them to gather in front of the rock, and the whole tribe came to see the fulfillment of the prophecy, and here is the miracle fully fulfilled, and the rock split in front of their eyes, so that they might learn admonition and turn away from what they did. And only a sign from God to them, and the she-camel lived among righteous people who believed among them who believed, and most of them remained stubborn and disbelieving

How were their dealings with the she-camel of God, whom Salih, peace be upon him, warned them not to harm her? When they saw the miracle, instead of believing it, they mastered their denial and claim that Salih was a magician and what he came up with was not a miracle, despite the fact that they were sure with absolute certainty that what they saw exceeded the ability of a magician. Among them, they are those who asked for a miracle to stop Saleh, peace be upon him, from his call, and when the weakness of their position was realized, how will the story continue

 The she-camel used to drink on one day, and the people drank it on another day, so they do not believe in Salih's supplication, or if they lie and harm the she-camel, then a punishment from God will come to them, so that they may be a lesson and a sign for those around them

That is, the water was divided between them and the she-camel, a day for them and a day for her, an the meaning of a dying drink is that they prepare water if the she-camel is gone, and if she comes, they drink of her milk. They touch the she-camel badly despite Salih, peace be upon him, warning them, and their wager was that if they touched her badly, and a punishment from God did not touch them, this is strong evidence of Salih's lie and questioning his prophethood . Who misses the first two?  God and His Messenger said, “Know.” He said, “They sterilized the she-camel.”

 Which is the most wretched of the tribe, and as for his name, he is Qadar Ibn Salif. He used to lead a group of fools, and they used to confer until they agreed on sterilizing the she-camel

 They gathered on the day she was drinking and followed her until they cut off her legs and she fell, then they gathered on her and killed her, and her infant managed to escape, but they pursued him until they killed him.  And they began to share its meat and feed the people of their homes from it, so they were waiting for the torment by touching the she-camel, as if they were defying Salih, peace be upon him, so God Almighty said about them

{So they hamstrung the she-camel and disobeyed the command of their Lord and said, “O Salih, bring to us what you have promised us, if you are one of the Messengers”

This time it was a challenge to God and Salih, peace be upon him, that they hamstrung the she-camel, and he awaits the punishment that Salih warned them about 

They said they swear by God that we will build him and his family, then we will tell his guardian that we have not witnessed the destruction of his family, and we are truthful

 So see what was the outcome of their cunning if we destroyed them and their people altogether, but God saved Salih and those who believed with him, so they left their homes, and it was said that they headed to Palestine, so when the infidels stormed the homes of Salih, they were tortured in it, and when we return to the story of Noah, we find that his people were tortured by the flood

The people of Hood, their punishment is winds, but the people of Thamud, their punishment was the most severe punishment in various kinds. Exalted be He in Surah Al-Dhariyat and in Thamud, when it was said to them, “Enjoy yourself, even when they missed the command of their Lord.” So I seized them while they looked on, and the last punishment for them was with a shout in the words of the Most High

Indeed, We sent a single shout upon them, and they were like crumbs of waiting

Like a dry plant, and as for Salih, he grieved for his people and tended to him, and it was said that he died with it, and God knows that
