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Earth after killing Abel



 Glimpse of the above

What we mentioned in the previous article, so that you may be with us on the road. Cain killed his brother Abel, when he disagreed over his marriage to Abel’s less beautiful sister, and he wanted to marry his sister from the same belly

The next period of Earth's history

 We will talk about the secrets of the time period following the history of the earth after the killing of Abel. After accepting Abel's sacrifice, Cain's marriage to Abel's sister was achieved, as God Almighty commanded. Generations, and Cain and his wife lived in the plains, and from here Adam's offspring arose in the mountains, away from Cain and his offspring in the plains

Seth Ibn Adam, peace be upon him

 After Abel was killed, God compensated them with his son Sheth, which means the gift of God, and it was not mentioned that Adam, peace be upon him, and Eve were among the children Cain and Abel only, but rather a progeny that multiplied in number until the earth was populated. All of the sons of Adam are today, and that is because the descendants of all the sons of Adam were not the descendants of Seth, and they died, and none of them remained, so the genealogies of all people today belong to Seth

 There were many sayings about Seth being a prophet or not after Adam, peace be upon him. There is no mention of Seth's personality in the Holy Qur'an, but the prophetic hadiths mention him as the third and righteous son of Adam and Eve, and among them are those who see that he was a gift from God after Adam lost his son Abel. Ibn Katheer. It was mentioned that the chef of a prophet after Adam, peace be upon him. He carried the call to mankind after the death of his father

Some sources indicate that shes had received the first papers mentioned in Surah Al-Ala in the Almighty's saying 

(Indeed, this is among the first books, the books of Abraham and Moses) 

But there is nothing in the Qur’an that proves the prophethood of Sheth, and God is Most High and Knows

Adam, peace be upon him, passed away

And when the death of Adam, peace be upon him, occurred on Friday, the angels brought him a shroud from God Almighty from Paradise, and Ibn Ishaq said, the sun and the moon were revealed for seven days and nights, his soul was taken from the angels, and he was washed, shrouded, buried, and they prayed over him, then they said, O children of Adam, this is your year


Adam informed his son Seth of a flood coming on earth, but he does not know its timing and date. As for the place of his burial at the mountain where he landed in India, it was said that he was buried in Mecca. Flood carried Adam and Eve in a coffin in Jerusalem

Prohibition of brother-in-law marriage

 As for the disagreement of brothers marrying each other, it was mentioned in some hadiths that Adam and his wife were born to them from every womb, a male and a female. When they grow up, the male of this womb is married to the female of the womb before him and the female of the second womb, the first womb, so this is permissible. When the offspring increased, it was forbidden for the brother to marry his sister. Even if it was in a stomach other than his stomach, which is what Sheikh Abdullah bin Jibril, may God have mercy on him, said

 Sheth's  children

 As for Sheth, he was born to Anush and Anush Qinan, and from Qanan Mahaliel, who is the king of the seven regions, and he is known to the Magi, and he is considered a figure of high stature. He ruled for forty years, and when he died, he bequeathed to his son, Yared, and after him, Khanoukh or Idris, peace be upon him

 And we find proof of this in the book “The Beginning and the End” by Ibn Katheer. Until now, there is no mixing between the offspring of a tribe in the plains and the offspring of Seth in the mountains. A son, Jared, was born to Mahaliel, and during his reign humanity changed between heaven and earth. Corruption increased, and when the numbers increased in the mountains and plains, it was said that The offspring of Cain represent Satan in the form of a shepherd for Tubal, one of Cain's sons, who used to help him for years until he was reassured

Declaration of corruption

And on the day the psalms were asked to him, and that was an announcement of corruption in the plains, so that a feast was decided for them at a time when they were singing and psalms, and women made themselves adorned for men. The people of the mountains are in the plains, and as for the people, they are imprinted with the nature of the surrounding environment. The people of the plains have no one to direct their behavior, and matters are left unconnected, except that a group of Yared’s offspring infiltrated without knowing this

 A group of a hundred people descended on the plains, but the matter was leveled, but the astonishment overcame them and they were impressed by the atmosphere of the celebration. Abel accepted the burning of fire for him from the sky, and that is why they were the first to worship fire

Years pass and the earth is in complete chaos after what happened of God’s obscurity and mixing and display of men’s display by women, so God blessed Yared with a son whom he named Khan and it is said that he is Idris, peace be upon him

Idris, peace be upon him

Idris, peace be upon him, was sent as a gift from God to correct the earth after the spread of corruption in it. Especially after the good was mixed with the bad, so another generation emerged that was not aware of corruption from righteousness. Let us tell the story of him, peace be upon him, and he is one of the ancestors of Noah, peace be upon him, and his name is Idris bin Yard bin Mahlael bin Qaynan bin Anoush bin Sheth bin Adam, the father of humans, peace be upon him. or not? And the correct view is that Ibn Katheer returned that they are different, and that Elias is not Idris, so he said, whether he or someone else, we are required to believe in the messengers and prophets in general, as well as those who were named from them in particular, and those who were named Elias and Idris, and God knows best

The Almighty said :

 (And Zakaria, and Yahya, and Jesus, and Elias, each of the righteous )

 And the Almighty says:

 (And indeed, Elias is among the Messengers)

And in the remembrance of Idris, the Almighty said 

(and mention Idris in the Book, that he was a truthful person, and We raised him to a higher position)

 So God described him as truthful and prophecy, and Ibn Ishaq mentioned that Idris was the first to write with the pen and realize three hundred and eight years from the life of Adam, peace be upon him

And from what was narrated about Ibn Abbas’s question to Ka’b about me, Ka’b said, “Is Idris?”

He used to raise for him the same as the work of all the sons of Adam every day, because he used to work as a tailor. Whenever he puts a needle in and takes it out, he remembers God Almighty

(Glory be to God, praise be to God, there is no god but God, and God is great, and there is neither might nor power except with God )  

And he was in this situation daily, so God rewarded him with this great reward. So Idris rejoiced and wanted God to prolong his life and delay the angel of death in order to increase the reward and remembrance of God Almighty. God commanded him to take the soul of Idris in the fourth heaven, and he knows with certainty that Idris, peace be upon him, will remain in the earth. When Idris asked him how much of his life remained? With Idris, peace be upon him, in the fourth heaven, as stated in the hadith of the Isra’ and Mi’raj, so we came to the fourth heaven. Welcome from a brother and a prophet to the continuation of the hadith, but we took the witness from him regarding the story

There is no dispute that the land, after Yared and communist corruption, was in need of correction and reform from Idris. To draw the path for those who followed him and correct the concepts that were corrupted, but did the straight path continue as Adam and Idris started it after him, peace be upon them, or did corruption spread again? This is what we will know in the next article about the five righteous of Noah and what the people did after their death, and then God sent Noah, peace be upon him, and the prophecy of the rafts that Adam told his son Chef came true

