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Legacy of Bravery Osama bin Zaid"



Osama bin Zaid

He is Osama bin Zayd bin Haritha bin Sharahil al-Kalbi, Abu Muhammad, one of the sons of Islam who never knew ignorance

God’s prayers and peace be upon him , says : “I bear witness to you that this Zayd is my son who inherits me and I inherit him.” And his mother is Umm Ayman, the slave woman of the Messenger of God and his nurse

love for Osama bin Zaid

On the authority of Mrs. Aisha, may God be pleased with her, she said: Osama stumbled upon the threshold of the door and slashed his forehead, so the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, sucked his face and said: “If Osama were a slave girl, I would clothe him and adorn him until he spent it”

As Mrs. Aisha, may God be pleased with her, said: “No one should hate Osama bin Zaid after I heard the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace He says: “Whoever loves God and His Messenger, let him love Osama”

may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, bought a suit that he weighed. He bought it for fifty dinars, then the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, put it on and sat on the pulpit for the Friday prayer. Then the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, came down and clothed Osama bin Zaid with the suit

The Messenger , may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, sent an expedition, and Usama bin Zayd commanded them, and some people challenged his leadership, and he said, peace be upon him: “If you challenge his leadership, you used to challenge his father’s leadership before, and God’s faith is if he is worthy of the leadership, and if it is for the one who is dearest to me, and this is for the one who loves people after him”

The upbringing of Osama bin Zaid and his faith

Despite the young age of Osama, may God be pleased with him, he was a solid and strong believer, carrying all the consequences of his religion with great loyalty. The year of conquest enters Makkah with the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, in the most wonderful hour of Islam

Prophetic lessons

years before the death of the Messenger , may God’s prayers and peace be upon him , Usamah went out as a commander over a detachment to meet some of the polytheists . He spoke to me, so I began to speak to him, and I mentioned to him that when the people were defeated , I caught hold of a man and fell at him with a spear, so he said: “There is no god but God.” So I stabbed him and killed him. How can you have no god but God? Woe to you , Osama! How do you have no god but God? He kept repeating it to me until I wished that I would forget that I would have lost every deed I did, and that day I would accept Islam anew. No, by God, I will not fight anyone

The most important Quraysh about the woman who stole, and they said: «Who speaks to the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him ? They said: Who would dare to do so except Usama bin Zaid, the love of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him ? So Osama spoke to him, and the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said : “Why do you intercede for one of God’s punishments?” Then the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him , got up and addressed him, and said: “Allah destroyed those before you because if a noble person among them stole, they left him, and if a weak person among them stole, they would carry out the punishment on him

 Osama army

The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, sent Usama bin Zaid bin Haritha to the Levant, when he was not more than twenty years old, and ordered him to tread the horses on the outskirts of Al-Balqa and Darum from the land of Palestine, so the people prepared and went out with Usama, the first emigrants, and that was during the last illness of the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him , so the honorable Messenger slowed down the people In sending Osama , and he heard what the people said about the matter of a boy, it happened on a grand scale from the Muhajireen and the Ansar! Praise be to God , and the Messenger , may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said : “O people, carry out the mission of Osama, for by my life, if you say about his leadership, you have said about the leadership of his father before him, and that he is worthy of leadership , even if his father was worthy of it” 

hastened in their apparatus, and Usama and the army left, and the Messenger moved to the highest comrade, and Abu Bakr took over the caliphate and ordered the enforcement of Usama ’s army and said: “It was not for me to unleash a brigade that the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, held.” Caliph of the Messenger of God, to ride or not to disembark .” Abu Bakr replied: “By God, do not dismount , and by God , I will not ride, and I do not have to dust my feet in the way of God for an hour.” Then he asked him for permission to remain with Umar ibn al-Khattab, saying to him: “If you see that you help me with Umar, do so.” So he did, and the army marched and fought the Romans and eliminated their danger, and the army returned without victims, and the Muslims said about him: “We have not seen an army that is safer than Osama’s army”

Ossama and sedition

When the strife broke out between Ali and Muawiya, Osama adhered to absolute neutrality. He loved Ali a lot and saw the truth beside him, but how could he kill someone who said there is no god but God when the Messenger had previously blamed him for that! So he sent a message to Ali , saying to him: “If you were in the mouth of the lion, I would love to enter it with you, but this is something I have not seen.” God never.” Then one of them said to him: “Didn’t God say: Fight them until there is no sedition and the religion is entirely for God?” Osama replied: “Those are the polytheists, and we fought them until there was no sedition, and religion was for God 

The death of Osama bin Zaid

In the fifty-fourth year of the Hijrah, and at the end of Muawiyah’s caliphate, he surrendered, may God be pleased with him, his pure soul to meet his Lord, for he was among the .righteous, so he died in Medina at the age of 75 years
