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The Fourth Calip Ali ibn Abi Talib's Legacy


Ali ibn Abi Talib

 the cousin of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), was born ten years before the prophethood. He was the first among the young boys to embrace Islam. He is one of the ten companions promised Paradise, and he was married to Fatimah Zahra, the daughter of the Prophet, and the father of Hasan.

Ali's Acceptance of Islam

Ali ibn Abi Talib, may Allah be pleased with him, was the first male to believe in the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and confirm the message revealed to him by Allah. At that time, the Quraysh faced a severe crisis, and the Prophet requested his uncle, Abbas, saying, "O Abbas, your brother Abu Talib has many dependents, and people are experiencing this crisis. Let us go to him and relieve him of some of his dependents. You take one of his sons, and I will take one, so we can alleviate the burden from him.

" Abbas agreed, and they went to Abu Talib and explained their intention. Abu Talib replied, "If you leave me one child, then do as you please." The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) took Ali and embraced him, while Abbas took Jafar. From that day, Ali remained with the Messenger of Allah until Allah honored him by making him a Prophet. Ali followed him, believed in him, and supported him. Whenever it was time for prayer, the Prophet went to the outskirts of Mecca, and Ali would accompany him, hiding from his father and his people. They would pray together and return home after sunset

Ali's Position in the Eyes of the Prophet

When the Prophet established brotherhood among his companions, he said to Ali, "You are my brother." Ali served as the scribe for the Prophet, and he participated in all the battles except the Battle of Tabuk, as the Prophet appointed him to take care of his family. The Prophet said to Ali, "Wouldn't you be pleased to be to me as Aaron was to Moses?"

Ali's Character and Virtues

 in courage. He was detached from worldly possessions and sought the Hereafter. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said about Ali, "Whoever loves Ali has loved me, and whoever hates Ali has hated me. Whoever hates me has hated Allah."

The Status of Ali's Family

The Prophet, along with his wife Fatimah, his two sons Hasan and Husain, and Ali, wrapped them in a cloak and said, "O Allah, these are the people of my household, remove impurity from them and purify them." This happened when the verse was revealed, "Allah intends only to remove from you the impurity, O people of the household, and to purify you with thorough purification" (Quran 33:33). The Prophet also said, "Paradise yearns for three: Ali, Ammar, and Bilal."

The Night of Hijrah

On the night of the Hijrah (migration to Medina), the disbelievers conspired to kill the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in his sleep. The Angel Gabriel came to him and said, "Do not sleep in your bed tonight, the bed on which you usually sleep." When it was pitch dark, the disbelievers gathered outside his house, waiting for him to sleep, so they could attack him. When the Prophet saw  them, he told Ali, "Sleep in my

The Battle of the Camel

The caliph left Al-Madina at the head of a force of Muslims, hoping to reach Lady Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) and bring her and those with her back to Makkah. However, he was unable to catch up with them. He then camped with his forces in Dhi Qar near Basra, and attempts were made to reach an agreement between the two parties, but it was unsuccessful. The fighting broke out between them, and thus the Battle of the Camel began in the month of Jumada al-Akhirah in the year 36 AH. It was named after the camel that Lady Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) rode during the battle. The battle ended with the victory of the caliph's forces. Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) treated Lady Aisha with respect and escorted her back to Al-Madina, honoring her and providing her with everything she needed. He then went on to Kufa in Iraq and settled there, making it the capital of the Islamic state.

Confrontation with Muawiyah

After Ali ibn Abi Talib (may Allah be pleased with him) assumed the caliphate, he decided to remove Muawiyah ibn Abi Sufyan from the governorship of Syria, but Muawiyah refused and refused to pledge allegiance to him. He demanded the delivery of the killers of Uthman (may Allah be pleased with him) so that he could punish them. The caliph sent a message to the people of Syria, calling them to pledge allegiance to him and stop the bloodshed, but they refused. The caliph marched with his forces towards them, urging them to obey and not to revolt against the Muslim community. The forces of both sides met at Siffin near the western bank of the Euphrates River, and the battle began between them on Wednesday, 1 Safar in the year 37 AH

When Muawiyah saw that the tide of battle was turning in favor of Ali and his supporters, he ordered his soldiers to raise the copies of the Quran on the tips of their spears. The caliph realized their trickery and warned his soldiers about it, ordering them to continue fighting. However, a group of his men convinced him to agree to a ceasefire and accept arbitration, while another group refused.

In the month of Ramadan in the year 37 AH, Umar ibn al-Khattab met representing Muawiyah and the people of Syria, and Abu Musa al-Ashari represented Ali and the people of Iraq. They agreed to study the matter and reconvene in the month of Ramadan of the same year. The forces of both sides returned to Damascus and Kufa. When the agreed-upon time came, they met again, and the arbitration resulted  in favor of Muawiyah.

The Khawarij

A group of Ali's soldiers who rejected arbitration and forced him to accept it declared their refusal and disobeyed him. They became known as the Khawarij. Their number at that time was around twelve thousand. The caliph fought against them and defeated them in the Battle of Nahrawan in the year 38 AH, killing most of them. However, some managed to escape and became a source of unrest in the  Islamic state

The martyrdom of Ali and the end of the Rightly Guided Caliphate

The caliph was not spared from the evil of these Kharijites, as they agreed among themselves to kill Ali, Muawiyah, and Amr ibn al-Aas in one night, thinking that this would resolve the dispute and unite the word of the Muslims on a new caliph that the whole nation would accept, and for that they identified three among them to implement what they agreed upon, and Abdul succeeded. Rahman bin Muljam in what he was assigned to do, as he was able to stab Ali, may God be pleased with him, with the sword while he was going out to the dawn prayer on Friday the eighteenth of Ramadan in the year forty AH, while the other two failed. Retribution or pardon, and if I die, join him with me.

 I will quarrel with him with the Lord of the worlds, and do not kill anyone but him because of me. God does not love transgressors.” And he differed in the place of his grave and by his martyrdom, may God be pleased with him, the era of the Rightly Guided Caliphs ended.
