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Hassan bin Thabit, may God be pleased with him


Lineage of Hassan bin Thabet

He is Abu al-Walid Hassan ibn Thabit from the Khazraj tribe, which migrated from Yemen to the Hijaz, and resided in Medina with the Aws.. He was born in Medina about eight years before the birth of the Messenger, so he lived in pre-Islamic times for sixty years, and in Islam for another sixty years, and he grew up in the house of prestige And Sharaf devoted himself to amusement and spinning. His father, Thabit bin Al-Mundhir bin Haram Al-Khazraji, was one of the masters and nobles of his people, and his noble mother was a Khazraj woman, like his father, Hassan bin Thabit, who was not only Khazraj. Rather, he is also from the Banu al-Najjar, the maternal uncles of the Messenger of God, and he has a connection and kinship with him.

Hassan bin Thabit before Islam

In the pre-Islamic era, the city was a field of conflict between the Aws and the Khazraj, in which disputes and wars abounded

Hassan bin Thabit contacted the Ghassanids, praising them with his poetry, and he and Al-Nabigha Al-Dhubyani and Alqama Al-Fahal shared the gifts of Bani Ghassan, and life was good for him in the shade of that lush grace. With Al-Nu'man, until the genius returned to the shadow of Abi Qaboos Al-Nu'man, so Hassan left him unwillingly, and he benefited from his contact with kings with knowledge of praise poetry and its methods, and knowledge of satire poetry and its doctrines. Fully prepared to move into the shadow of Muhammad, the Prophet of Islam, and to fight against him with the two weapons of praising and satirizing him

Hassan bin Thabit in Islam

When Hassan bin Thabit reached the age of sixty, and he heard about Islam, he entered it, and immediately began to respond to the linguistic attacks of the Quraishites, defend Muhammad and Islam, and satirize their opponents. One day he said to the supporters: “What prevents the people who supported the Messenger of God with their weapons from helping him with their tongues?! Hassan bin Thabit said: “I am for it.” And he took hold of the tip of his tongue and said, peace be upon him: “By God, what is said between Busra and Sana’a makes me happy

Hassan bin Thabit was not the only one who repelled the polytheists from the poets. Rather, a large number of poets whose Islam was valid were standing by him, and the Prophet used to praise Hassan’s poetry, and he would urge him to do so and pray for him like: “Oh God, support him with the Holy Spirit,” and sympathize with him and bring him closer to him, and divide him from the spoils and gifts, except that Hassan bin Thabit was not attacking Quraysh with disbelief and idolatry. Rather, he used to satirize them for the days in which they were defeated, and reproach them with faults and genealogies. And Hassan bin Thabit did not have the strength of his heart to fight, so he contented himself with poetry, and he did not support the Messenger of God with his sword, and he did not witness a battle with the Messenger of God or an invasion

There is no doubt that Hassan bin Thabit enjoyed a high status, which the adult caliphs revered and imposed on him in giving at the same time. We do not find in the caliphate of Abu Bakr, may God be pleased with him, a special position on poetry, and it seems that his preoccupation with the conquests and the movement of apostasy did not leave him time to spare. In it to guide poets or listen to them, while we find that Omar bin Al-Khattab loves poetry, especially if there is no repetition of the wording and meaning

Hassan bin Thabit supported by the Holy Spirit

The Messenger of God said: “Test the Quraysh, for it is more severe against them than the arrows.” So he sent for Ibn Rawaha and said: “Test them.” So he satirized them, but he was not satisfied. The time has come for you to send to this lion that strikes with its tail, then its tongue stuck out and started moving it, so it said: By the One who sent you with the truth! To Afrinhem Balsani Free Edem. The Messenger of God said: “Do not be hasty, for Abu Bakr is the most knowledgeable of Quraysh’s lineages, and I have lineages among them, so that my lineage can be summarized for you.” I will draw you from them as a hair is drawn from dough. Aisha said: I heard the Messenger of God say to Hassan: “The Holy Spirit will continue to support you as long as you defend God and His Messenger

Works of Hassan bin Thabit

The narrators and critics agreed that Hassan bin Thabit was the most poetic of the people of madr in his era, and the most poetic of the people of Yemen as a whole. Because when Hassan bin Thabit had a special position from the political and religious point of view, he trampled a lot of illegitimate poetry on him, and this work was done by the enemies of Islam, as some biographers did.

The purposes of Hassan bin Thabit's poetry

Most of Hassan's poetry is in satire, and what remains in pride in the supporters, praising Muhammad, the Ghassanah, al-Nu'man ibn al-Mundhir and other Arab masters and their nobles, and describing the gatherings of fun and wine with a bit of flirtation, except that since his conversion to Islam he adhered to the principles of Islam, and through the poetry of Hassan ibn Thabit we find that poetry The Islamist gained delicacy in expression after faith filled the hearts of poets, and it is highly influenced by the Holy Qur’an and the Noble Hadith with the presence of Bedouin desert expressions.

No matter how independent the verses of Hassan bin Thabit are with special ideas and topics, each of them expresses one topic. It is the subject of the call that brought about the greatest intellectual change in people's lives and way of living.

Poetry of Hassan bin Thabit Al-Qibli

Before Hassan bin Thabit entered Islam, he was devoted to defending his people's menstruation with bragging, so his tribal poetry was dominated by the dye of pride

Hassan bin Thabit's association with the Ghassanids

Hassan contacted the Ghassanid court, so he praised many of the princes of Ghassan, the most famous of whom was Amr the Fourth Ibn al-Harith, and his brother al-Nu`man, especially Jibla bin al-Ayham.

Hassan bin Thabet entered Islam

Hassan set himself up to defend the Islamic religion and respond to the supporters of Jahiliyyah, and fierce verbal battles broke out between the two teams. But to defend the Holy Prophet

As for the praise that we find in Hassan’s poetry of this era, it is limited to the Prophet, his successors, and the great companions, who did a good job in defending Islam. Emanating from true passion and precious faith,

As for the militant satire, he directed it at the Quraishites who rose up in the face of the new religion, fighting it and satirizing Muhammad, and the poet's attitude towards them was a war because of the lineage between them and Muhammad

As for his method of satirizing him, he used to target one of them, separating him from the Quraish Doha, and making him a strange bird among them to take refuge in as a slave, then he mentions his lineage to his mother, and he stabs him with a gruesome stab, then he shoots his arrows at the man’s morals and his honor, so he tears them to shreds in severe slander, and that man comes out as a home of ignorance Stinginess, cowardice, and fleeing from saving loved ones from death in battle

The death of Hassan bin Thabit

Hassan bin Thabit died in Medina in the year 54 AH during the reign of Muawiyah bin Abi Sufyan at the age of nearly one hundred and twenty years
