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Chastity, purity and modesty in Islam


Chastity and purity in Islam

Chastity is 

a high quality of faith for the believer, and one of the fruits of faith in God Almighty. Chastity is a call to distance oneself from sinful matters and scratching chivalry and modesty. Chastity is a pleasure and a victory over the soul and desires and strengthens it to adhere to beautiful actions and morals. Chastity establishes chastity, integrity and purity in souls, and instills Virtues and virtues in societies.

concept of chastity

Language: It is the source of chastity, it is said: Pardon the forbidden, pardon chastity, pardon, and chastity, that is: stop, and God pardoned him, and pardon the question, that is: pardon, and pardon: the burden of chastity, chastity, desisting from what is not permissible and beautifying, and abstaining F seek chastity.

And chastity: it is self-discipline and self-control from drifting behind desires, and desisting from taboos and asking people on the face of begging.

And it was said: It is (a body of lustful power that is intermediate between immorality, which is the excess of this power, and inactivity, which is its negligence. The chaste person is the one who conducts matters in accordance with the Sharia and chivalry).

Evidence for the legitimacy of chastity

1- Islam urged them to do what God Almighty said in the Holy Qur’an, and he said:

{And test orphans until they reach the age of marriage, and if you find sense among them, then give them their money and do not eat it up. Rava and Dara to grow up, and he who is rich let him abstain, and he who is poor, let him eat according to what is reasonable, and if you pay Concern their wealth, so bear witness against them, and Allah suffices as a reckoner (An-Nisa:6).

(i.e., whoever is in need of an orphan’s money should abstain from it, and not eat anything from it. Al-Sha’bi said: It is upon him like dead meat and blood).

And the Almighty said: {And let those who cannot find marriage abstain until God enriches them of His bounty} Surah Al-Nur: 33.

(i.e., to seek chastity for the unlawful and fornication of those who do not find what they do not marry for dowry and alimony, (until God enriches them of His bounty) meaning: He enlarges them from His provision).

And He, Glory be to Him, said: {For the poor who are trapped in the cause of God and are unable to spread in the land. Introduce them by their name; they do not ask people unduly, and whatever good you spend, God is All-Knowing of it (Al-Baqarah: 273).

He considers them (...the ignorant of their condition to be rich in abstinence), that is: those who abstain from asking and are content with them think that those who do not know their condition are rich, and abstinence is the act of chastity, which is abandonment. And the characteristic: the sign by which a thing is known, and they differed in its meaning here. Mujahid said: It is humility and humility. Al-Suddi said: The effect of effort from need and poverty. Al-Dahhak said: The yellowness of their colors is from hunger and harm. They have lunch, they do not ask for dinner, and if they have dinner, they do not ask for lunch.

Glory be to Him: And if they abstain, that is better for them.” [An-Nur: 60].

2- The Prophet, peace be upon him, said:

“Whatever good I have, I will not save it for you, and whoever seeks chastity, God will pardon him.”

And on the authority of Abdullah bin Masoud, may God be pleased with him, on the authority of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, that he used to say: ((O God, I ask You for guidance, piety, chastity, and wealth)).

Al-Nawawi said: (As for chastity and chastity, it is abstaining from what is not permissible, and desisting from it. Richness here is self-sufficiency, and self-sufficiency from people and what they have in their hands).

Honor your fathers as your sons honor you, and be as chaste as your women.

And on the authority of Abu Hurairah, may God be pleased with him, that he said: The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: ((Three people have the right to help God: the fighter in the way of God, the offices who want performance, and the married woman who wants chastity)).

Al-Mubarakpuri said in his explanation: (i.e., chastity from adultery. Al-Tibi said: I preferred this formula as a sign that these things are among the hard things that hurt a person and break his back, had it not been for God Almighty helping him with them, he would not do them, and the most difficult of them is chastity, because he suppresses the mountainous lust that is concentrated in him. And it is required by the bestiality that descends on the lowest of the lowly, so if he seeks help and is remedied by God Almighty’s help, he will rise to the status of angels and the highest of the Most High).

forms of chastity

The chastity of the limbs: A Muslim chastes his hand, his feet, his eyes, his ear, and his chastity from what is forbidden, so that his lusts do not overwhelm him.

Chastity in making money.

Withholding of alms money. And in the hadith, the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, passed a date on the way and said: “If I were not afraid that it might be from charity, I would have eaten it.”

Avoid ill-gotten gains.

Contentment and elevation of what is in the hands of people.

Abstinence from falling into immorality:

To be away from looking at private parts and manifestations of sedition.

Not attending the forbidden mixing councils.

Chastity effects

Obtaining the satisfaction of God Almighty and winning his reward.

Muslim self-control.

Achieving chivalry, self-esteem and human dignity.

Display and honor maintenance.

Get people's love.

The most important positions on chastity

God calls Muslims to chastity and sets an example of chastity in the person of the Virgin Mary in the Qur'an. Prophet of God Joseph chose imprisonment rather than violate his chastity even under severe pressure. And the Almighty said: {And the woman in whose house he is in contemplated himself and closed the doors and said, Come on for you. He said, God forbid, that my Lord is the best of Seconds: Indeed, the wrongdoers do not succeed, and I had wanted him and they had had, had he not seen the proof of his Lord. Indeed, he is of Our sincere servants (Surah Yusuf: 23-34

Chastity of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him: On the authority of Abu Hurairah, may God be pleased with him, that he said: Al-Hassan bin Ali took a date from the dates of charity and put it in his mouth.

And also on the authority of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, that he said: ((I go to my family, and I find a date fallen on my bed, then I pick it up to eat it, then I am afraid that it is charity, so I throw it away)). - And on the authority of Anas bin Malik, may God be pleased with him, that he said: The Prophet, peace be upon him, passed a date on the way and said: ((If I were not afraid that it would be from charity, I would have eaten it)).

Sections of chastity and its foundations and completeness

(Chastity is of two types:

One is abstinence from incest, and the other is abstinence from sins.

As for abstinence from incest, it is of two types: one of them: restraining the vagina from the forbidden. The second: stop the tongue from symptoms.

As for seizing relief from the forbidden; Because it is with the threat of the law, and the rebuke of the mind, a scandalous disgrace, and a clear breach) (And as for abstaining from sins, it is of two types: one: refraining from openly committing injustice, and the second: restraining the soul from secrets of betrayal).

Al-Raghib Al-Isfahani says, explaining what is the base of chastity and what is its perfection:

(And its foundation is related to: restraining the heart from aspiration for physical desires, and from believing what leads to transgression and aggression.

And its completeness is related to: preserving the limbs, and from the lack of chastity of the heart, wishing and mistrust arise from it, which are the root of every vice, because whoever desires what is in the hands of others is envy, and if he envies him, he becomes hostile to him, and if he disputes with him, he may kill him.

And whoever thinks badly is an enemy, transgression and transgression, and that is why God Almighty forbade both of them, and He said: ((And do not covet that for which God has favored some of you over others)) ~[An-Nisa: 32] And He said: ((O you who have believed, have a lot of suspicion that some suspicion is a sin )) ~[Al-Hujurat: 12] So he ordered that two trees be cut down from which most of the vices and sins branch out.

A person is not completely chaste; So be chaste hand, tongue, hearing, and sight. If it is not in the tongue: mockery, spying, backbiting, whispering, gossip, and name-calling. And from its absence in sight: extending the eye to incest, and the adornment of the worldly life that generates bad desires. And from its lack of hearing: listening to ugly audibles. The mainstay of the chastity of all limbs is that their owner does not divorce them in anything that is specific to each one of them, except in what is justified by reason and law without lust and passion.

Chastity controls

True, correct chastity has conditions and controls, in which they said:

(That his abstaining from the thing is not waiting for more than it, or because it does not agree with it, or because of his stagnation of desire, or because he feels fear of its punishment, or because he is forbidden to eat it, or because he is not aware of it due to his shortcomings.

For all of that is not chastity, rather it is either hunting, or medicine, or illness, or piercing, or incapacity, or ignorance, and abandoning self-control from lust is worse than leaving it from anger.).

The benefits of chastity

1- The chaste person is one of the seven whom God will shade in His shade on the Day when there will be no shade but His. It came in his hadith, peace be upon him: (And a man was asked by a woman of position and beauty, and he said, “I fear God.”

2- God’s promise to help those who want chastity: God, Glory be to Him, guarantees, according to His promise, to help those who want to marry until they become chaste. The married woman who wants chastity, and the fighter in the cause of God.)

3- Chastity is a means of relieving distress and escaping from trials and hardships:

In the story of the owners of the cave, to whom the rock was applied, it came that one of them begged God by saying: ((Oh God, if you knew that I had a cousin of one of the most beloved people to me, and that I wanted her for herself, she refused except to give her a hundred dinars; so I asked for her until she was able, so I gave her So I pushed her to her, so she empowered me with herself, and when she sat between her legs, she said: Fear God, and do not break the ring except with his right, so I got up and left the hundred dinars, if you know that I did that out of fear of you, then release us, so God relieved them and they left)).

4- Chastity with the money of others is a reason for the rule of security and the strengthening of bonds of interdependence and trust between members of society.

5- Chastity from what is not permissible is a reason for salvation on the Day of Resurrection.

The Messenger of God, peace and blessings of God be upon him, said: ((The lawful is clear, and the forbidden is clear, and between them are doubtful things that many people do not know, so whoever avoids the doubts has cleared himself of his religion and his honor, and whoever falls into the doubts falls into the forbidden, like a shepherd grazing around a sanctuary, he is about to fall into it. A king has a fever, except that God protects His prohibitions, and that there is in the body an embryo that if it is good, the whole body is good, and if it is spoiled, then the whole body is corrupted, and it is the heart.)) - Agreed upon.

Things appointed on chastity

1- Fearing God in every situation, and fearing Him in the unseen:

God Almighty said: ((And He is God in the heavens and on the earth, He knows your secret and your openness, and He knows what you earn [Al-Anam: 3] And the Almighty says: He knows the treachery of the eyes. And the breasts do not hide)) [Ghafir: 19]. Ibn Abbas said about the Almighty’s saying: ((He knows the traitor of the eyes)) He said: (He is the man who is among men, so a woman passes by them and looks at her, and if his companions look at him he lowers his gaze).

And the Almighty said: Ra bracket.png Indeed, those who fear their Lord unseen shall have forgiveness and a great reward Aya-12.png La bracket.png

2- Praying to God and beseeching Him to turn away evil, indecency and temptation from him:

Glory be to Him, the Most High, said on the authority of His Prophet Yusuf, peace be upon him: Indeed, He is the All-Hearing, All-Knowing)) ~ [Yusuf: 33-34]

3- Raising children on Islamic education:

Islamic education is one of the most important aids to chastity, in which care should be taken to inculcate virtue and chastity in children, and to educate them to abide by Islamic rulings from an early age.

4- Marriage:

Marriage is one of the most powerful means of chastity. He, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said: ((O youth, whoever among you can afford it, let him get married, for it lowers the gaze and guards chastity, and whoever is unable to do so, he must fast, for it is for him and he has come.)).

5- Staying away from the prerequisites and causes of falling into sins, corruption and violation of chastity, including:


He, peace be upon him, said: ((The father-in-law is death)), and he said: ((When a man is alone with a woman, Satan is the third of them)).


The Almighty said: ((And stay in your homes, and do not display yourselves like that of the times of ignorance)) ~[Al-Ahzab:33].

Not asking permission before entering:

And he made asking permission for the sake of sight, as he, peace and blessings be upon him, said, and He, Glory be to Him, said: ((O you who believe, do not enter houses other than your own until you have asked permission and greeted those in them)) ~[An-Nour: 27].

Sight release:

The Almighty said: (Tell the believers to lower their gaze and guard their private parts; that is purer for them) ~[An-Nur: 30]. Ibn al-Qayyim said: (When lowering the gaze was originally intended to protect the private parts, he began by mentioning it... And God Almighty made the eye the mirror of the heart.

On the authority of Abu Hurairah, may God be pleased with him, on the authority of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, who said: ((It is written for the son of Adam that his share of fornication is inevitably realized, for the adultery of the eyes is by looking, and the ears are adultery by listening, and the tongue is adultery by speaking, and the adultery of the hand is by thirst, and the man is adultery by error, and the heart desires and wishes. And that vulva confirms and falsifies it.))

Non-discrimination in sleeping between children:

As it is necessary to separate in the beds, as the Prophet, peace be upon him, commanded: ((Order your children to pray when they are seven, and beat them for not praying when they are ten, and separate them in their beds)).

(This hadith is a text forbidding the beginning of mixing inside the homes, when the children reach the age of ten, so it is obligatory for the guardians to separate their children in their beds, and not to mix with them, in order to instill chastity and modesty in them, and for fear of the evils of lust that this beginning in mixing leads to, and from the vexation of about the fever about to fall into it).
