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Story of Asma Bint Abu Bakr


Asma bint Abi Bakr 

she is one of the first companions in Islam. She is the daughter of Abi Bakr Al-Siddiq, the wife of Al-Zubayr bin Al-Awam, and the sister of Aisha bint Abi Bakr, the wife of the Prophet Muhammad, and she was older than Aisha is a few ten years old, and she is the mother of Abdullah bin Al-Zubayr, who was sold to him in the caliphate, and the first born of the immigrants in the city. Nicknamed the same two ranges; Because it split its scope and linked it to the journey of the Prophet Muhammad and Abu Bakr when they went out as immigrants to Yathrib, which was later called Medina.

She married Al-Zubayr bin Al-Awam, and immigrated with him while she was pregnant with Abdullah to Medina. She witnessed the battle of Yarmouk with her son and husband, then Al-Zubayr divorced her. Asmaa lived until her son took over the caliphate, then until he was killed, and she became blind, and she died at the age of one hundred years, and she is the last of the immigrants to die. She narrated several hadiths, and their chain of transmission is fifty-eight hadiths, and Bukhari and Muslim agreed on thirteen hadiths, and Bukhari alone with five hadiths, and Muslim with four.


She is: Asma bint Abi Bakr Al-Siddiq bin Abi Quhafa Othman bin Aamer bin Amr bin Ka’b bin Saad bin Taym bin Murrah bin Ka’b bin Lu’ay bin Ghalib bin Fahr bin Malik of the Quraysh tribe of Taymiyyah. first tug.
Her mother: Qutaylah bint Abd al-Uzza bin Asaad bin Jaber bin Malik bin Hasl bin Aamer bin Luay.
She has three brothers and two sisters from her father, including one full brother from her father and mother:

Abdullah bin Abi Bakr, and he is her full brother from her father and mother, and he was the one who used to bring the Prophet and his father Abu Bakr with food and news from the Quraish in the cave of Thawr every night during the Prophet’s migration. The first caliphate of Abu Bakr died in Shawwal in the year 11 AH.

Abd al-Rahman bin Abi Bakr, he is the eldest son of Abu Bakr al-Siddiq, and his mother is Umm Ruman. His conversion to Islam was delayed until the Treaty of Hudaybiyah, and he emigrated before the conquest, and he witnessed Yamama and Yarmouk, and he died in the year 58 AH.
Muhammad bin Abi Bakr, his mother is Asma bint Umays, one of the companions of Ali bin Abi Talib, witnessed the camel and two descriptions, and Ali appointed him over Egypt, and he was killed in the year 38 AH.

Aisha bint Abi Bakr, her mother is Umm Ruman, one of the mothers of the believers and the wife of the Prophet Muhammad, and one of the most narrators of the Prophet’s hadith.
Umm Kulthum bint Abi Bakr, her mother Habiba bint Kharijah, the last of the sons of Abi Bakr Al-Siddiq, she was born after the death of the Prophet

her biography

She was born twenty-seven years before the migration, and her father's age when she was born was about twenty years old, and she was a few ten years older than Aisha, and she is her sister from her father. I converted to Islam long ago in Makkah. Ibn Ishaq said that she converted to Islam after seventeen souls. She was one of the first two.

Its role in the prophetic migration

The Cave of Thor, in which the Prophet Muhammad and Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq hid on the migration journey, staying there for three nights.
Abu Bakr emigrated with the Prophet Muhammad on the night of 27 Safar in the year 14 of the Prophet’s mission, corresponding to September 12, 622 AD, and he carried all his money with him that night, and he did not leave anything in the house, and his money was five thousand or six thousand, so Asma Abu Quhafa’s grandfather came to The house had not yet converted to Islam. He had gone blind, so he said to her: “This - meaning Abu Bakr - has made you sad with his money and his life.” She said: “No, father, he left us a lot of good.” And I covered her with a garment, then she took his hand and put it on the garment, and said: “Oh, father, put your hand on this money.” He put his hand on it and said: “There is nothing wrong with it.

And when her father emigrated, Abu Jahl came to her with a group of Quraysh asking her about her father, and Abu Jahl hit her when she did not answer him. They said: “Where is your father, O daughter of Abu Bakr?” I said: “I do not know, by God, where is my father.” And Asmaa used to bring them food if she touched what was good for them, so she made a bag for them, so she needed something to tie it with, so she cut her veil in half and tied the bag with one half, and took the other half as a belt. When she came to the Prophet, he said to her: “May God replace this belt of yours with two belts in Paradise.” So I was named the same two bands.

Her marriage to Zubair

Her father married her to one of the companions, Al-Zubayr bin Al-Awam, before he went out as an immigrant with the Prophet Muhammad, so he married her before migrating to Medina, and Al-Zubayr was jealous, and Asmaa was afraid of his jealousy. He came out and changed his horse, so I used to feed his horse and draw water, and I was not good at baking, and he used to bake for me from among the supporters, and they were women of honesty, and I used to transport stones from the land of Al-Zubayr that the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, cut off on my head, and it is from me on two-thirds of a league. So one day I came with stones on my head, and I met the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and with him a group of supporters. He called me and then said: (Uhhhhhhh). To carry me behind him, I was ashamed to walk with the men, and I mentioned al-Zubayr and his jealousy, and he was the most jealous of people, so the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, knew that I was ashamed, so he went on, so I came to al-Zubayr and said: The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, met me with spears on my head, and with him a group of his companions. He said: By God, carrying you with the stones was more difficult for me than riding with him. She said: Until Abu Bakr sent me after that a servant who would suffice me with the politics of the Persians, as if he freed me.

I left her

Asmaa went out from Mecca to Yathrib, which was later called Medina, as an immigrant, and she completed her pregnancy with Abdullah bin Al-Zubayr. They had stayed for a period without having a child until it was said that the Jews of the city bewitched them. Then his mother carried him in a rag to the Prophet Muhammad, so he touched him with a date and blessed him and named him Abdullah after his grandfather Abu Bakr, and he commanded Abu Bakr to call the call to prayer in his ears.

her divorce

Al-Zubayr was jealous as he was very strong about Asmaa, so she went to her father to complain about him, and he said to her: “Oh, my daughter, be patient, for if a woman had a righteous husband, then he died from her, then he did not remarry.” This will bring them together in Paradise.”

Asmaa witnessed the battle of Yarmouk with her husband, al-Zubayr. Abu Waqid al-Laithi said: “Asmaa, daughter of Abi Bakr, was with al-Zubayr. He said: I heard her say to al-Zubayr: O Abu Abdullah, by God, if a man is from the enemy, let him run and hit his foot. The handle of the cords of my hide, and he falls on his face dead, as long as the weapon hits him.” Asma gave birth to Zubair, after Abdullah’s birth, four sons and three daughters: Asim and Al-Muhajir. , Urwa, Al-Mundhir, Khadija Al-Kubra, Umm Al-Hassan, and Aisha, and the last of her children was Urwa; Where he was born in the caliphate of Omar bin Al-Khattab in the year 23 AH.

Then Al-Zubayr divorced her and took Urwa when he was young at that time, and they differed over the reason for her divorce. It was said: Abdullah said to his father: “Like me, do not have intercourse with his mother!” So he divorced her.” And it was said: “Al-Zubayr hit her, so she shouted at her son Abdullah, so he came to her, and when his father saw him, he said: Your mother is divorced if you enter.” Abdullah said: Will you make my mother subject to your oath?! So he entered and saved her from him.” After that, she remained with her son, Abdullah bin Al-Zubayr. And it was said: “Rather, she and Al-Zubayr had a dispute, so Abdullah came to reconcile them, and Al-Zubayr said: If she enters, she is divorced, so she entered and became clear.”

Her position on the succession of her son and his death

Abdullah bin Al-Zubayr was sold to the caliphate in the year 64 AH after the death of Yazid bin Muawiyah, and he took Mecca as the capital of his rule, and all the states pledged allegiance to him except for some areas in the Levant, but his caliphate did not last long, as the Umayyads seized Medina, and Al-Hajjaj bin Yusuf Al-Thaqafi besieged him by order of Abd al-Malik bin Marwan in Mecca, and the pilgrims set up the catapult on Mount Abi Qubeis, but most of his companions deserted him.

And when his companions separated from him, Abdullah entered his mother, Asmaa, and said to her: “Oh, mother, people have failed me, even my son and my family, and there is nothing left with me except for the little ones, and those who do not have more than an hour’s patience, and the people give me what I wanted from the world, so what do you think?” You know yourself better, if you know that you are right and to whom you are calling, then go ahead to him, for your companions were killed for him, and do not allow your neck to be played with by the Umayyah boys, and if you only wanted the world, then the misery of the servant, you destroyed yourself and whoever was killed with you, and if I said I was right, then when my companions weakened You are weak, for this is not the action of the free or the people of religion. How long is your eternity in this world! Killing is better!” He said: “Oh mother, I fear that if the people of Levant kill me, they will mutilate and crucify me.” She said: “My son, a sheep does not suffer from skinning if it is slaughtered, so proceed with your insight and seek the help of God.” He kissed her head, asked her to pray for him, and left, determined to continue fighting. It did not take days for the army to attack Mecca, and it fought fiercely until it was killed on Tuesday, the seventeenth night of Jumada al-Awwal, in the year seventy-three of the Hijra.

So Asmaa entered Mecca after her son was killed, and her sight had gone, so he sent pilgrims to her, but she refused to come to him, so he sent her a messenger saying to her: “Come to me or I will send you someone who will pull you with your horns.” So Al-Hajjaj went to her until he entered upon her, and he said: “How did you see me making an enemy of God!” She said:

    Asma bint Abi Bakr, I saw you spoiling his life for him and spoiling your hereafter for you. As for one of them, I used to raise the food of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and the food of Abu Bakr from the animals, and as for the other, it was the scope of the woman who cannot do without him. The pilgrims left it and did not review it.

This reached Abd al-Malik bin Marwan, so he wrote to al-Hajjaj, blaming him for addressing Asma, and said: “What is the owner and the daughter of a righteous man?” And he ordered him to lower Abd Allah bin al-Zubayr from the stake. So she took his body, washed it, embalmed it, shrouded it, perfumed it, prayed for it, then buried it, then died a few days later.

her qualities

Asma bint Abi Bakr

Asma bint Abi Bakr was generous, and Ibn Al-Zubayr says: “I have never seen a woman better than Aisha and Asma, and their existence is different: Aisha used to gather one thing to another, even if it came together with her, she put it in its place, and as for Asma, she did not save anything for tomorrow.” Fatimah bint al-Mundhir says: “Asmaa used to nurse the sick, so she freed everyone who owned her.” And she used to say to her daughters and her family: “Spend and give alms, and do not wait for the surplus, for if you wait for the surplus, you will not spare anything, and if you give alms, you will not find its loss.”

It is also narrated about her piety that if she had a headache, she would put her hand on her head and say: “It is my fault, and God does not forgive more.” And that when she became a blind old woman, she was keen on praying. A blind old woman And I found her praying when a person was with her telling her: Get up. sit down do it.” As she was keen to wear the legal dress, on the authority of Hisham bin Urwa: “Al-Mundhir bin Al-Zubayr came from Iraq, so he sent to Asma bint Abi Bakr with a garment of irrigated clothes and strength Yah Raqaq Agaq after the palm of her sight. He said: So she touched her with her hand, then she said: Uff! They returned his clothing. He said: It was difficult for him, and he said: O mother, it is not clear. She said: If it is not cured, then it is prescribed. He said: So he bought her irrigated and strong clothes, and she kissed her and said: Like this, clothe me.

It is also narrated about her courage that when thieves increased in Medina at the time of the governor of Medina, Saeed bin Al-Aas, Asmaa took a dagger, which she used to put under her head, and it was said to her: “What are you doing with this?” She said: “If a thief enters upon me, I swell his stomach.” She was also one of the interpreters of visions, and she took that from her father, and Saeed bin Al-Musayyib took the interpretation of visions from her.

Her version of the Prophet's hadith

Asma bint Abi Bakr narrated several hadiths about the Prophet Muhammad, and her two sons narrated about her: Abdullah bin Al-Zubayr and Urwa bin Al-Zubayr, her grandson Abdullah bin Urwa, and his grandson Abbad bin Abdullah, Abdullah bin Abbas, Abu Waqid Al-Laithi, Safia bint Shaybah, and Muhammad Ibn al-Mankadr, Wahb bin Kisan, Abu Nawfal Muawiya bin Abi Aqrab, al-Muttalib bin Abdullah bin Hantab al-Makhzoumi, Fatima bint al-Mundhir bin al-Zubayr, her master Abdullah bin Kisan, Ibn Abi Malika, Abbad bin Hamzah bin Abdullah bin al-Zubayr, and others.

Al-Bukhari and Muslim agreed on thirteen hadiths, and Al-Bukhari alone with five hadiths, and Muslim with four.

Asma bint Abi Bakr
