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Archangel Gabriel in Islamic tradition




Also known as Gabriel or Gabriel, he is an archangel in Islamic theology. Mentioned in the Qur’an and Hadith, Gabriel played a crucial role in transmitting divine revelation to the Prophet Muhammad. The name Gabriel is sometimes pronounced as Gabriel or Gabriel, with meanings associated with servitude to God.

meaning of the name:

The meaning of the name Gabriel is derived from a hadith narrated by Al-Bukhari, where Ikrimah said: “Gabriel, Michael, and Israfil are all servants, but to God.” Thus, the name Gabriel means “servant of God.” Another interpretation states that Gabriel is translated in Hebrew as "man of God", where "Gebur" means man and "El" refers to God.

Known addresses and procedures:

Gabriel has various titles, including “the Trustee of Revelation,” “the Faithful Spirit,” and “the Spirit of God’s Cause.” Gabriel is the angel who informed the prophets, supported Moses in confronting Pharaoh’s magicians, informed the magicians of their place in Paradise, and announced to Mary the birth of Jesus.

Gabriel with the Prophet Muhammad and Muslims:

The first meeting between Gabriel and the Prophet Muhammad occurred in childhood when Gabriel revealed divine messages in the Cave of Hira. Later in his life, during the Night Journey and Mi'raj, Gabriel guided the Prophet Muhammad across the sky. Gabriel's role extended to inspiring the Prophet in moments of revelation and conveying Quranic verses.

Gabriel's role in the battles:

Gabriel participated in the Battle of Badr with the believers, fighting the infidels. He was described as a warrior, as the angels led by Gabriel struck the unbelievers on the necks and fingertips, to aid the Muslims in their victory.

Teaching through personalization:

In the form of a man named Jamil, Gabriel embodied himself to guide the companion Jamil al-Kalbi, a symbol of God's wisdom. This model was taken to impart basic religious knowledge to the Muslim community.

Divine influence

Gabriel is the messenger of God's love. When God loves a person, Gabriel is commanded to announce this in heaven, thus spreading divine love among the angels and the people of the heavens and the earth.

Gabriel is mentioned in the Qur’an and Hadith

The Qur’an describes Gabriel with qualities related to his character, emphasizing his strength. He is mentioned in Surat Al-Takwir (81:20) as “The One with the Two Powers. Indeed, the One with the Throne is established.” Likewise, in Surah An-Najm (53:5-6), Gabriel is referred to as “very powerful,” emphasizing his strength and impressive appearance.

In his interpretation of Surah An-Najm, Ibn Kathir explains the meaning of “one time” as having good appearance or beautiful character, combining strength and beauty of the body.

  Gabriel's role in the vision and battles:

The Qur’an mentions Gabriel’s role in conveying God’s messages to the Prophet Muhammad. In addition, Gabriel fought alongside the believers in the Battle of Badr, displaying his warrior character and assistance to the Muslim community.

In the hadith:

1. The process of revelation: According to the hadith of Abu Dawud, when God speaks with revelation, the angels in heaven hear a sound similar to the clang of a chain. Only when Gabriel arrives does their hearts find peace.

2. Gabriel’s humility: On the authority of Jabir bin Abdullah, the Prophet Muhammad described Gabriel during the Night Journey, saying: “I saw Gabriel in the form of a man as if he was immersed in fear of God.” "

3. Gabriel’s physical attributes: In another hadith, the Prophet mentioned seeing Gabriel “having six hundred wings.”

In Surah Al-Baqarah and the prohibition:

Surah Al-Baqarah (2:97-98) explicitly mentions Gabriel's name, emphasizing that those who oppose Gabriel are in fact opposing God. Surat Al-Tahrim (66:4) reinforces Gabriel's loyalty to God and supports the believers.

The Qur’an and Hadith provide a comprehensive understanding of Gabriel’s multi-faceted personality. From his strength, appearance, and role in revelation to his active participation in battles alongside the believers, the novel paints a vivid picture of Gabriel’s importance in the Islamic faith. The hadith further explains Gabriel's interactions, humility, and loyalty to God, contributing to a comprehensive view of this archangel in Islamic tradition.
