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The Prophet's conquests before the Battle of Badr


 Three invasions before Badr

The Battle of Bawat

  It is the second of the raids that the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, launched in the month of Rabi’ al-Awwal in the year 2 AH.


200 Muslim men against a Quraish trade caravan, protecting 100 riders and footmen, led by Umayyah bin Khalaf al-Jumahi.

The place of the invasion

In the Bawat mountain range, which is Buatan, its origin is one. Bawat Al-Jalsi is next to Medina and its stream flows into Wadi Adham (Wadi Al-Hacid). Bawat Al-Ghuri is one of the countries next to the spring of palm trees, and its stream empties into Wadi Al-Faraa, where palm trees spring, and is close to Bawat of the Radwa mountain range. Therefore, the predecessors used to refer to Radwa at Their description of the Battle of Bawat.

The goal of the invasion

Reaching Bawat on the trade road between Mecca and the Levant and seizing the Quraysh trade caravan passing through that area, consisting of 2,500 camels, which is a kind of economic siege on the Quraysh.

The events of the invasion

In the month of Rabi’ al-Awwal of the year 2 AH, corresponding to September of the year 623 AD, the Messenger of God went out with two hundred of his companions to intercept a caravan of Quraysh. It contained Umayyah bin Khalaf al-Jumahi, a hundred men from Quraish, and two thousand and five hundred camels. He reached Bawat on the side of Radwa. The eyes of the Quraysh knew of the departure of the Muslims, so the caravan accelerated its movement and took a route other than the paved caravan route, so it passed the Muslims, and the Muslims returned to Medina. Saad bin Muadh was appointed as successor in this campaign against Medina, and it is called Al-Sa’ib bin Othman bin Maz’un. The banner was white, and its bearer was Saad bin Abi Waqqas.

The Battle of Safwan (also known as the First Battle of Badr),

  The reason for this was that a man called Karaz bin Jaber Al-Fihri had raided the city and looted some camels and livestock, so the Prophet Muhammad and those with him went out in search of him until they reached a valley called (Safwan) on the side of Badr, but Karaz bin Jaber Al-Fihri and those with him had fled, so the Prophet returned. Muhammad returned to Medina without fighting.

The novel in history books

When the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad, came from the clan’s expedition, he only stayed in Medina for a number of nights, not even ten, until he invaded and went out behind Karaz bin Jabir Al-Fihri. Before he greeted him, he raided the deserts of Medina, that is, the camels and livestock that were set free to pasture in the morning. He went out in search of him until he reached a valley called Safwan, in the neglected area. The fa is consonant and was said to be open) from the side of Badr, so it was called the first battle of Badr, and Karz died without reaching it, and he had appointed Zaid bin Haritha as his successor over (Medina), and he carried the white banner, Ali bin Abi Talib.

The invasion of the clan

  (And it is said by the neglected “Seen” and it is said by the “Ashirah”), Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, the Messenger of Islam, set out himself in one hundred and fifty riders, and it was said in two hundred, during Jumada al-Awwal, until he reached it, which is a place in the heart of Yanbu, and he stayed there for the rest of the month and nights of Jumada al-Akhirah to track down the caravan of Quraysh, then he returned and did not encounter any plots, and he was appointed as successor to Medina. Salama bin Abdul Asad, and in Sahih Muslim, from the hadith of Abu Ishaq Al-Subaie, he said: I said to Zaid bin Arqam, how many raids did Muhammad fight? He said: Nineteen raids, the first of which is the clan or clan.

On the authority of Ammar bin Yasser, he said: Ali bin Abi Talib and I were companions in the clan’s campaign from the heart of Yanbu. When the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, descended there, he stayed there for a month and made peace there with the Banu Mudlij and their allies from the Banu Damra, all of whom were from the Kinana tribe.
