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Umm al-Banin is the wife of the Commander of the Faithful, Ali bin Abi Talib



Umm al-Banin,

Fatima bint Hizam al-Kilabiyya, known as Umm al-Banin

is the wife of the Commander of the Faithful, Ali ibn Abi Talib. He married her after the death of his wife, Fatima al-Zahra. She bore him four children, the eldest of whom was Abu Al-Fadl Al-Abbas, the commander of Al-Hussein bin Ali's forces in the Battle of Karbala, and her mother was Thumamah bint Sahl, and her grandfather was Khaled Ibn Rabia.


She is Fatimah bint Hizam bin Khalid bin Rabia bin Aamer bin Saasa al-Kilabiyyah. And her mother, Thumamah, daughter of Sahl bin Amer bin Malik bin Jaafar, played the role of Al-Asna.

Her birth and upbringing

Umm al-Banin was born from a house steeped in Arabism and courage, and there is no braver among Arabs than her fathers of noble descent. History did not mention the date of her birth, and it was said that her birth falls between (5-9 AH), meaning that she was born in the year 5 AH. Al-Karbasi mentioned that Umm Al-Banin was born before the year 4 BC, and they called her Fatima, and it was said that her name was Umm Al-Banin.

its inception

Her tribe is considered one of the most honorable Arab tribes, and they are united by the honorable feats of which the Arab masters are proud, and whose sovereignty is recognized, due to the large number of geniuses among the distinguished men and distinguished leaders with the fullest noble qualities and the most complete praiseworthy qualities, such as generosity, courage, eloquence, and so on.

her marriage

The Commander of the Faithful, Ali bin Abi Talib, married her, after the death of Fatima Al-Zahra, when he said to his brother Aqeel, who was well-versed in the news of the Arabs one day: “See for me a woman who was born by the Arabs to marry her, so she gives birth to me a knight boy.” There are braver among the Arabs than their fathers.” And in another narration, “My brother, where are you from Fatimah bint Hizam al-Kilabiyyah, for there is no braver among the Arabs than her fathers.” Historians differed that Fatima al-Kilabiyya was the second wife of Ali ibn Abi Talib, so it was said that she was the third or fourth, preceded by Umamah bint Abi al-Aas and Khawla bint Jaafar bin Qais al-Hanafiyyah. Her dowry was five hundred dirhams.

her name

Two reasons were said for this:

Umm al-Banin,

The first: that the one we called Umm al-Banin was her father, Hizam, after her grandmother Laila bint Amr bin Aamer bin Rabia bin Amer bin Sa’sa’a, as she had five sons, the eldest of whom was Abu Bara’ Malaeb al-Asna, and it was mentioned that this happened, because Hizam was on a journey with his companions, and he He slept and saw in the world of the vision that he had isolated himself from his companions in a fertile land, and he had a pearl in his hand that he turned over and he was amazed at its beauty, and if he saw a man coming to him from the chest of the wilderness on a mare and saluting him, and asked him how much would you sell this pearl when he saw it in his hand, he said to him a belt that I I do not know its value until I can estimate its price for you, but how much do you buy it, so the man said to him, I also do not know its value, but I dedicate it to one of the princes, and I am the guarantor for you with something that is more precious than dirhams and dinars, so he said to him what is it, he said I guarantee you with it Favor, honor, closeness, and dominion forever and ever. Hizam said to him: And you will be the mediator in that. He said: And I will be the wasta, give it to me, so he gave it to him.

When he alerted Hizam and narrated his visions to his companions and asked for their interpretation, one of them said to him: If your vision is true, then you will have a daughter and one of the greats will propose to you, and because of her you will attain kinship, honor and blackness.

Upon his return from his trip, they informed him of the birth of his pregnant wife, Thumamah, and that she had given birth to a female, so his face rejoiced at that, and said to himself, “My vision has come true.”

The vision of a belt is one of the promising visions that are referred to in the texts. It was reported on the authority of Imam al-Sadiq that he said: The vision has three aspects: good tidings from God to the believer, a warning against Satan, and troubled dreams.

In any case, according to this saying, the inheritor of Al-Zahraa will be given this nickname from her father, and that she was given it before her arrival at the house of Ali bin Abi Talib, and her father gave her this in the hope of her good condition, because of the promising vision he saw of him.

The second: This was a request from her to her husband not to call her Fatima so that the sons of Fatima al-Zahraa would not feel sad when hearing their mother’s name every time, and she asked him to call her the mother of the sons, out of optimism about the sons after her birth.

her children

He had four children, Al-Abbas, then Abdullah, then Jaafar, then Othman. These four brothers attended with their brother Al-Hussein on the day of Karbala, and they fought before him until they were killed

her death

The tomb of Umm al-Banin in Jannat al-Baqi

Her grave is in Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah in Al-Baqi’ in the left corner, and she died on the thirteenth of Jumada al-Akhira in the year 64 AH.
