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A brief about Omar bin Abdul Aziz before the caliphate



Abu Hafs Omar bin Abdul Aziz bin Marwan bin Al-Hakam Umayyad Al-Qurashi

He is the eighth Umayyad caliph, Omar II. He was born in the year 61 AH in Medina, and grew up there with his maternal uncles from the family of Omar bin Al-Khattab. He was influenced by them and the community of companions in Medina, and he was very keen on seeking knowledge. In the year 87 AH, Caliph Al-Walid bin Abdul Malik appointed him over the emirate of Medina, then he annexed the state of Taif to him in the year 91 AH, so he became governor of all of Hijaz, then he was removed from it and moved to Damascus. When Suleiman bin Abdul Malik assumed the caliphate, he brought him closer and made him his minister and advisor, then made him his crown prince. When Suleiman died in the year 99 AH, Omar assumed the caliphate.

The caliphate of Omar bin Abdul Aziz was distinguished by a number of features, including: justice and equality, redressing the injustices that his Umayyad ancestors had committed, and isolating and punishing all unjust governors. He also reinstated Shura, and for this reason many scholars considered him the fifth of the Rightly Guided Caliphs. He also took an interest in Sharia sciences. He ordered the recording of the noble Prophet’s hadith. Omar's caliphate lasted two years, five months and four days, until he was poisoned in the year 101 AH, and Yazid bin Abdul Malik assumed the caliphate after him.

His lineage and family

In the fascinating tapestry of history, the lineage of Omar bin Abdul Aziz, the venerable Umayyad Caliph, weaves a story of nobility and virtue that resonates through the annals of time. Imagine following generations past, where each name resonates with power and heritage, painting a vivid picture of a remarkable heritage.

Noble lineage:

Let us travel through the generations, starting with Omar bin Abdulaziz himself. His lineage reads like a fascinating saga, dating back to the revered Umayyad dynasty. He was the son of Abd al-Aziz ibn Marwan, one of the respected Umayyad princes, who ruled Egypt wisely for two decades. This lineage, rooted in history, links Omar bin Abdul Aziz to the essence of Umayyad glory.

Father's vision:

Abdul Aziz bin Marwan, a visionary man, sought a worthy match for his son. He married Umm Asim, known as Laila, the daughter of Abu Amr Asim bin Omar bin Al-Khattab. This union, blessed with wisdom and virtue, produced a daughter who carries forward the legacy of Omar bin Abdul Aziz.

Integrity Story:

In the heart of the city, amid the whispers of the night, an honorable woman preserved the lineage of Omar bin Abdul Aziz. Her daughter's resilience in the face of temptation became a testament to the family's integrity. Even in her isolation, she chose righteousness over compromise, a value deeply rooted in Omar bin Abdulaziz’s lineage.

Brotherhood and unity:

Omar bin Abdulaziz was not alone in his journey through time. He has brothers: Abu Bakr, Muhammad, Asim, Al-Asbagh, Sahl, Suhail, Umm Al-Hakam, Zayan, and Umm Al-Banin. Each name carries the essence of their noble lineage, creating a tapestry of unity and strength that defines their familial bonds.

When delving into the annals of Omar bin Abdulaziz's legacy, we encounter not just a lineage, but a legacy engraved in honour, integrity and unwavering principles. It is a story that reminds us of the wealth of our past, and urges us to embrace values that resonate across generations. In this story of Umayyad greatness, we find not only history, but a guiding light illuminating the path to virtue and nobility for future generations.

His birth

Omar bin Abdul Aziz was born in Medina in the year 61 AH. Historians have differed regarding the year of his birth, and the most likely opinion is that he was born in the year 61 AH, which is what most historians say, and because it supports what is reported that he died when he was forty years old, as he died in the year 101 AH.

Some sources mention that he was born in Egypt, but this statement is weak because his father, Abdul Aziz bin Marwan, only took over Egypt in the year 65 AH after Marwan bin Al-Hakam seized it from the hand of Abdullah bin Al-Zubayr’s agent, so his son Abdul Aziz took over it, and Abdul Aziz bin Marwan was not known to have resided in Egypt before. That is, but his stay and the children of Marwan were in Medina, and Al-Dhahabi mentioned that he was born in Medina during the time of Yazid.

His request for knowledge

In the heart of the vibrant Medina, amidst the echoes of supplications and the scent of ancient manuscripts, the spirit of a young man named Omar bin Abdul Aziz embarked on a wonderful journey of knowledge and piety. He was born in the Holy City in the year 61 AH, and grew up under the shadow of his mother, Umm Asim, and the influential guidance of his maternal uncles, the honorable Omar bin Al-Khattab family.

Mother's wisdom:

Even as a young boy, Omar's intelligence and wisdom shone brightly. His uncle Abdullah bin Omar bin Al Khattab noticed his exceptional qualities and expressed his desire for Omar to imitate him. Omar's mother recognized his potential, so she encouraged him, saying: "Go, you will become like your uncle." This early encouragement paved the way for Omar's future greatness.

Childhood devotion:

Omar bin Abdul Aziz grew up in the scientific atmosphere of Medina and developed an insatiable thirst for knowledge. He was keen to attend gatherings of scholars, jurists, and righteous people. In this city of enlightenment, where the Prophet's companions still reside, Omar found inspiration in their teachings and guidance. During the reign of Saleh bin Kaysan, who was chosen by his father Abdul Aziz, Omar’s education flourished. Salih instilled in him a deep sense of discipline, and insisted on the importance of obligatory prayer and devotion to God.

The Qur’an: Light of Guidance:

Omar's love for science was embodied in his deep connection with the Qur’an. His pure and sincere spirit enabled him to memorize the Qur’an at an early age. His deep reverence for the Bible was such that he would shed tears at the mere mention of death. This sincere connection with the Qur’an not only enriched his spiritual life, but also contributed to shaping his character, making him a beacon of virtue and wisdom.

  A religious imitator of the Prophet:

Omar bin Abdul Aziz’s devotion extended to imitating the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace. He meticulously followed the Prophet's method of prayer, seeking a level of conformity that few could match. His devotion was so deep that even in his minutes of prayer, he aimed for perfection. He used to recite the tasbih while bowing and prostrating following the guidance of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace.

In the fabric of his youth, Omar bin Abdulaziz emerged not only as a scholar, but as a living embodiment of the values he held dear. His commitment to science, his reverence for the Qur’an, and his dedication to emulating the Sunnah of the Prophet set him on a path that would lead him to become one of the most revered figures in Islamic history. Omar bin Abdulaziz, with his wisdom and sincerity, left an indelible mark, reminding us all of the power of knowledge, faith, and the tireless pursuit of truth.

During the reign of Al-Walid bin Abdul-Malik

In the complex corridors of power within the Umayyad dynasty, Omar bin Abdul Aziz stood as a beacon of acumen and influence. His remarkable position in the Umayyad house was not merely a result of his lineage, but rather a testimony to his exceptional intelligence and wisdom.

Sanctification of Abd al-Malik:

Omar's uncle, Abdul Malik, was known for his brilliance even in his youth. Abd al-Malik had such great respect for Omar that he put him ahead of many of his sons. This deep respect was not only a sign of familial affection, but also an acknowledgment of Omar's keen intelligence and wit. Abd al-Malik was fully aware of Omar's potential, and he even considered marrying him to his daughter, which is evidence of his confidence in Omar's abilities.

  Duty to adhere:

Despite his young age, Omar was not exempt from the responsibilities that came with his high status. Abdul Malik appointed Omar to crucial leadership roles, realizing his potential as a leader from an early age. He was given major tasks, laying the foundation for his future endeavours.

Integrity Pledge:

But Omar's journey to leadership was not without challenges. The death of his uncle Abd al-Malik affected him deeply. In the face of this loss, Omar was determined to preserve his uncle's legacy. His dedication was so great that he made a solemn covenant before God, swearing not to falter in fulfilling the responsibilities assigned to him. This commitment was not just a promise; It was a pledge to uphold the integrity and integrity that Abd al-Malik represented.

A guiding light for the Umayyad dynasty:

Omar bin Abdulaziz's influence extended beyond his family. He became a beacon for the Umayyad caliphs, advising them with his unparalleled wisdom and insight. His dedication to defending truth and justice made him a revered figure not only within the Umayyad house but among the people as well.

In the annals of history, Omar bin Abdulaziz's legacy is one of unwavering integrity, wise counsel, and profound influence. His commitment to his responsibilities, even in the face of personal loss, is an inspiration. Through his wisdom, he not only shaped the policies of the Umayyad caliphs, but also left an indelible mark on the pages of Islamic history, reminding generations of the power of thought, integrity, and the pursuit of noble ideals.

His emirate over Medina

Omar bin Abdul Aziz: A Reign of Reform and Justice

In the luminous days of Rabi’ al-Awwal, in the year 87 AH, Omar bin Abdul Aziz assumed the emirate of Medina under the Caliphate of Al-Walid bin Abdul Malik. It marked the beginning of a transformative era, defined by justice, wisdom, and deep reforms.

The Noble Conditions:

Omar, a man of principle, laid down three vital conditions before taking up his role. Firstly, he vowed to work with the people in truth and justice, promising not to oppress anyone or misuse the funds of the treasury. This commitment was not just a mere declaration; it was a pledge to uphold integrity and fairness in all matters. His second condition was to be allowed to perform Hajj in the first year, demonstrating his devotion to the sacred pilgrimage. Lastly, he insisted on having the freedom to provide for the people of the city, exemplifying his dedication to their welfare. Al-Walid, recognizing the sincerity in these conditions, agreed, paving the way for Omar’s impactful leadership.

The Council of Jurists:

To ensure a just rule, Omar established the "Council of the Ten Jurists of the City." This council comprised distinguished individuals, including Urwa ibn al-Zubayr, Ubayd Allah ibn Abdullah ibn Utbah, and Abu Bakr ibn Abd al-Rahman. Their collective wisdom became the cornerstone of Omar's decisions, emphasizing his commitment to consultation and fair governance.

The Expansion of the Prophet’s Mosque:

During his emirate, Omar embarked on a significant project, expanding the Prophet’s Mosque on the order of Al-Waleed bin Abdul Malik. Despite his personal aversion to adorning places of worship, he decorated the mosque, honoring the sanctity of the space. His actions were a testament to his respect for tradition while embracing necessary reforms.

A Grand Reception:

In the year 91 AH, Caliph Al-Walid bin Abdul-Malik performed Hajj, and Omar bin Abdul-Aziz received him with unparalleled warmth and hospitality. Al-Walid witnessed firsthand the monumental reforms Omar had brought to Medina. The city had transformed into a haven of justice, piety, and prosperity under his wise rule.

Omar bin Abdul Aziz’s emirate was marked by an unwavering commitment to justice, consultation, and compassion. His reforms were not mere policies; they were a reflection of his deep-seated dedication to the people he served. Through his visionary leadership, he not only upheld the legacy of the Prophet but also left an enduring legacy of fairness and righteousness, inspiring generations to come.

He was isolated from the emirate of Medina

Omar bin Abdul Aziz: A Voice of Conscience in the Face of Injustice

In the tumultuous political landscape of the 9th century, Omar bin Abdul Aziz emerged as a voice of reason and compassion amidst the harsh policies of his contemporaries. His principled stance against injustice and tyranny stood as a testament to his unwavering commitment to fairness and humanity.

A Struggle Against Injustice:

In the year 92 AH, the Caliphate of Al-Walid bin Abdul Malik saw the rise of Al-Hajjaj bin Yusuf al-Thaqafi, a man known for his brutal and oppressive tactics. Al-Hajjaj was appointed as the emir of Hajj, a decision that deeply troubled Omar bin Abdul Aziz. Omar, who had already excused himself from Medina, couldn't bear the presence of Al-Hajjaj in the city due to the injustices he committed. He pleaded with Al-Walid, requesting that the pilgrims be spared from passing through Medina to avoid subjecting them to Al-Hajjaj’s cruelty.

A Plea for Compassion:

Omar’s plea to the Caliph wasn't merely personal; it was a desperate cry against the violence and suffering inflicted upon the people of Iraq by Al-Hajjaj. He wrote heartfelt letters detailing the anguish and distress that had gripped Iraq due to Al-Hajjaj’s tyranny. His warnings fell on deaf ears, as Al-Walid continued to support Al-Hajjaj’s policies, believing in the efficacy of harsh measures to maintain the state’s stability.

A Vision Proven Right:

Despite the Caliph’s refusal to heed his counsel, Omar’s foresight was validated in the years that followed. When Omar assumed the caliphate himself, he implemented the very principles he had advocated. His reign was marked by justice, compassion, and a commitment to alleviating the sufferings of the people. The contrast between his policies and those of Al-Hajjaj underscored the wisdom of his approach.

Omar bin Abdul Aziz’s legacy serves as a reminder that true leadership is rooted in empathy, justice, and understanding. His steadfast stand against injustice, even in the face of opposition, illuminates the path towards a more compassionate and equitable society. Through his courage, he not only challenged the oppressive norms of his time but also left a timeless lesson for leaders and individuals alike, emphasizing the importance of standing up against tyranny and advocating for a world where justice prevails.

His move to Damascus

Omar bin Abdul Aziz: A Solitary Stand for Justice

In the annals of history, there emerge figures whose commitment to justice becomes a beacon, even in the face of adversity. Omar bin Abdul Aziz, a noble soul of his time, was one such luminary. His life's journey was a testament to his unwavering dedication to the principles of fairness and righteousness.

A Disheartening Departure:

Leaving his beloved city of Medina, Omar bin Abdul Aziz couldn't help but feel the weight of his exile. As he walked, tears streaming down his face, he contemplated the words of the Prophet Muhammad, who had foretold that Medina was akin to a censer, expelling evil. These prophetic words resonated in his heart, urging him to safeguard the essence of Medina, even from a distance.

A Vigilant Observer:

Settling in Suwayda, Omar observed the state of affairs from afar. However, his innate sense of justice soon demanded more. Realizing that the interests of the Muslims required his presence in Damascus, he moved there, despite his disagreements with the ruling Caliph, Al-Walid bin Abdul-Malik.

A Clash of Convictions:

In Damascus, Omar found himself at odds with the prevailing governance. Al-Walid's reliance on harsh, forceful tactics employed by his governors clashed with Omar's deeply rooted belief in the power of justice. While the rulers sought control through cruelty, Omar advocated for a just rule, trusting that fairness among the people was the cornerstone of a stable kingdom. He bemoaned the widespread injustice under various governors like Al-Hajjaj in Iraq, Muhammad bin Yusuf in Yemen, Othman bin Hayyan in the Hijaz, and Qara bin Sharik in Egypt, recognizing the pervasive darkness that injustice cast over the land.

Omar bin Abdul Aziz's life was a poignant saga of standing alone against the tide of oppression. His unwavering commitment to justice, even in the face of personal adversity, elevated him to a status of reverence. His story serves as a timeless reminder of the enduring power of justice, inspiring generations to challenge injustice and uphold fairness, even in the most challenging of circumstances. Through his example, he ignited a flame that continues to light the path for those who champion righteousness in the face of tyranny.

During the reign of Suleiman bin Abdul Malik

Omar bin Abdul Aziz: The Guiding Light Beside Suleiman

In the annals of Islamic history, the tale of Omar bin Abdul Aziz's influence on the Umayyad Caliphate stands as a testament to his wisdom and compassion. His profound impact, especially during the reign of Suleiman bin Abdul Malik, marked an era of enlightened governance and moral rectitude.

A Trusted Advisor:

Suleiman bin Abdul Malik ascended the throne, ushering in a period of significant change. Recognizing Omar's exceptional insight, Suleiman afforded him a place of honor, appointing him as a minister and advisor. Suleiman often expressed his reliance on Omar, acknowledging his unparalleled understanding of the realm. This profound trust in Omar's judgment highlighted the depth of his influence.

Reviving Religious Practices:

Under Omar's counsel, Suleiman initiated several pivotal reforms. One of the most noteworthy changes was the restoration of timely prayers. The delay in prayers, prevalent during the previous administration, was swiftly rectified, breathing new life into religious observances. The call to revive prayer resonated strongly with the people, rejuvenating their spiritual connection.

Championing Social Justice:

Omar's commitment to social justice was unwavering. When Suleiman visited Medina and distributed wealth lavishly, Omar's discerning eyes saw beyond the opulence. He questioned the disparity between the rich and the poor, urging Suleiman to address this imbalance. Suleiman, moved by Omar's words, promptly addressed the grievances, exemplifying a commitment to fairness and equity.

A Vision for the Future:

Omar possessed a remarkable foresight that extended beyond the present moment. Standing together at Arafat, he pointed out the sea of people to Suleiman, reminding him that these individuals were not just subjects today but would be witnesses and adversaries on the Day of Resurrection. This profound realization stirred Suleiman, emphasizing the weight of his responsibility as a leader.

An Unshakeable Bond:

Their relationship was not merely political; it was a bond rooted in mutual respect and shared values. Omar's wisdom, compassion, and moral integrity became the guiding light for Suleiman's decisions. His presence beside Suleiman was a beacon of hope, inspiring a reign marked by benevolence and righteousness.

In the annals of leadership, the alliance between Suleiman bin Abdul Malik and Omar bin Abdul Aziz shines brightly as an example of how true wisdom and empathy can shape a nation. Omar's legacy endured, his principles of justice and compassion echoing through time, reminding leaders and citizens alike of the enduring power of righteous governance.
