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Unveiling the Mysterious Life of Elisha Prophet, Miracle Worker, and Beyond



A prophet of God's prophets who did not mention the books how long he lived. But he was in the

 Baniyas region in Syria from (the land of Levant).

Mentioned in the Qur'an

God mentioned Elisha twice in the Qur’an:

  And Ismail, and Elisha, and Yunus, and Lot, each of whom We preferred over the worlds. Surah Al-An'am 86.  And remember Ismael, Elisha, Dhu al-Kifl, and each of the good, Surah p. 48.

The Holy Qur’an summed up his life, and he did not mention anything about it, but only mentioned it in the group of honorable messengers, in whom belief must be taken in general and in detail. And the name was depicted in the Qur’an with one word, but it was recited in two ways: with the stress of the open lam and the housing of the ya’ (Al-Laysa’) and with the diminution of the lam and the opening of the ya’ (Al-Yasa).

Elisha in the history books

It was after the despair of Elisha, peace be upon him, so he stayed as long as God willed that he stay calling them to God adhering to the platform of despair and his law until God Almighty took him to Him, then He left behind among them the successors, and the events and sins were great among them, and the tyrants multiplied and killed the prophets, and there was among them a stubborn and tyrannical king, and it is said that he is the one who sponsored him Dhu al-Kifl, if he repented and returned to Paradise, then he was named Dhu al-Kifl. Narrated by Ibn Ishaq

Elisha, who is Al-Asbat bin Uday bin Shotlam bin Ephraim bin Joseph bin Jacob bin Isaac bin Ibrahim Al-Khalil. And it is said that he is the cousin of Elias, the Prophet, peace be upon them both, and it is said that he was hidden with him in Mount Qasiyon from the king of Baalbek, then he went with him to it, so when Elias was raised, Elisha succeeded him in his people, and God informed him after him. It was narrated by Ibn Asaker, and it is said that he is the cousin of Elias, the Prophet, may blessings and peace be upon them both, and his caliph over the Children of Israel, and God informed him of the Children of Israel, inspired him and supported him.

He is Al-Asbat bin Uday bin Shotlam bin Ephratheem bin Youssef bin Jacob bin Ishaq bin Ibrahim Al-Khalil. And it is said: He is the cousin of the Prophet Elias, peace be upon them both, and it is said: He was hidden with him on Mount Qasioun from the king of Baalbek, then he went with him to it, and when Elias raised, Elias succeeded him in his people, and God told him (Islam) after him.

Al-Hafiz Ibn Asaker mentioned that his lineage reaches Ephraim bin Youssef Al-Siddiq, who is one of the prophets of the Children of Israel.It is said that Elisha did as Jesus did, he walked on water, revived the dead, and healed the blind and the leper.

Elisha and Zulkifli

And it was narrated that Elisha said to those with him: Which of you guarantees me that he will fast during the day and stand up at night and not get angry, and be with me in my rank and be after me in my place? A young man from the people said: I am. Then he repeated, and the young man said: I am. So he came and told him that he had not seen anything, then he came to him, so he sent another with him, and he came to him and told him that he had not seen anything, then he came to him and he stood with him and took his hand, so he let go of him and he was named “Dhu al-Kifl” because he guaranteed not to get angry.

This is the story of Dhu al-Kifl, a righteous man from the Children of Israel:

It was during the reign of the Prophet of God Elisha. And it was narrated that when Al-Yasa’a grew up, he said, “If I appoint a man over the people, he will work for them in my life, so that I can see how he works?” So he gathered the people and said: Whoever accepts three things for me, I will appoint him as his successor: he fasts during the day, stands up at night, and does not get angry. Then a man who looked down on him stood up and said: I am. He said: Do you fast during the day and stay up at night, and do not get angry? He said: Yes. But the people could not respond that day without appointing anyone. The next day, Elisha went out to his people and said the same as he said the first day, so the people were silent, and that man stood up and said, “I am.” Elisha left that man behind.

So Iblees made him say to the demons: You have to do so and so, so they became aware of that. So he said, “Leave me and him.” So he came to him in the form of a poor old man, and he came to him when he took his bed to the saying, and he did not sleep night and day, except for that sleep, so he knocked on the door. Zulkifl said: Who is this? He said: An oppressed old man. Zulkifli got up and opened the door. So the Sheikh began to tell him about a quarrel between him and his people, and what they did to him, and how they wronged him. Zulkifl said: If you go to the council, I will take your right to you.

Sheikh went out and went to his council Zulkifli without sleep. But Sheikh did not attend the Council. The council adjourned without attending Sheikh. The council was held the next day, but the Sheikh did not attend either. And when Zulkifli returned to his house with the woman to lie down, the Sheikh came to him and knocked on the door, and said: Who is this? The oppressed old sheikh said. It was opened to him and he said: Did I not tell you that if you sit down, come to me? The Sheikh said: They are the most insidious people. If they know that you are sitting, they say to me: We give you your right, and if you stand up, they deny me. Zulkifl said: Go now, and if I leave my seat, I will come

He missed what she said, so he went to his seat and waited for the sheikh, but he did not see him, and he fell asleep, so he said to some of his family: Do not let anyone approach this door until I fall asleep, for I have fallen asleep. So the Sheikh came, and they prevented him from entering, so he said: I came to him yesterday, so I mentioned my matter to Dhu al-Kifl, and they said: No, by God, we have been commanded not to let anyone approach him. So the sheikh got up and walled up the wall and entered the house and knocked on the door from the inside.

 Zulkifl woke up and said to his family: Didn't I order you not to enter upon me? They said: We did not let anyone approach, so look where he entered. Zulkifli stood up to the door, and it was closed as he closed it. And if the man was with him in the house, he recognized him and said: Prepare God? He said: Yes, you appointed me in everything, so I did everything you see to make you angry.
