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Nutmeg The Unsung Hero of Wellness and Beauty Routines




It is the kernel of the fruit of the nutmeg tree that grows in the tropics only, and the fruit of the nutmeg tree is inedible, unlike its kernel, which is called “nutmeg” and is usually covered with a red shell. evergreen It is found in the Panda Islands in the Moluccas (Spice Islands) in Indonesia.

Nutmeg is in the shape of an egg, its length ranges between (20-30) mm, its width ranges between (15-18) mm, and its weight ranges between (5-10) grams. When the nutmeg tree is planted for the first time, its harvest takes approximately 7-9 years, and the trees reach full production after approximately 20 years. Nutmeg is usually used in the form of powder, and nutmeg is used to produce many other commercial products such as essential oils. And others.

Historical overview

The nutmeg tree has been known since ancient times before AD, as its fruits were used as a kind of spice that gives food a delicious aroma and flavor, and the ancient Egyptians used it as a medicine for stomach pain and as a carminative.

the use

Nutmeg has multiple nutritional uses, as it is used as a seasoning or condiment on its own or in various types of spice mixtures such as curry mix, as it gives a distinctive, sour taste and sweet flavor to dishes. It is also used in the manufacture of some baked goods, pies, sweets, and flavorful food sauces, in the preparation of vegetable dishes and in seasoning meat and poultry for grilling. It can also be added to special types of milk prepared for the manufacture of some types of Western coffee. Serve with tea and bechamel sauce.

Therapeutic benefits

Nutmeg is known as a stimulant and repellent for stomach winds. Nutmeg oil (called salikha) is used in the manufacture of ointments that treat rheumatism and respiratory problems. It is also used to treat dry skin and its disorders and to treat some sexual problems.

Aromatic nutmeg

They are seeds useful in stimulating blood circulation. And reduce the inflammation of the joints, particularly associated with gout. Its oil is avoided by heart patients, pregnant women and children under 5 years old. Useful in sexual terms. Eating them in large quantities causes hallucinations and blurry eyes. It contains myristicin, which has the ability to cross the placenta for pregnant women, which increases the heartbeat of the fetus.

food use

It is a tree about ten meters high, evergreen, and has pear-like fruits, and when ripe, its fruits turn into a hard cover, and this fruit is what is known as nutmeg, and it is cultivated in the tropics and in India, Indonesia and Ceylon.

It is a plant belonging to the Baspasaceae family, and the Arabs knew it and used its seeds. Its trees are characterized by alternate leaves with full edges, white lower surfaces, while the flowers are small white in tent groups, and the fruits are fleshy and open with two or four shutters. Among its medicinal properties:

Nutmeg oil is used in the manufacture of ointments that treat rheumatism, and it is a strong sexual stimulant, and warns against its addiction. Because it may lead to permanent weakness.

Grated nutmeg is used to scent dry sweets and digestive drinks, and in the manufacture of perfumes and toothpastes.

Nutritional information

Each tablespoon of nutmeg spice (7g), according to the US Department of Agriculture, contains the following nutritional information:

Nutmeg fruit

Nutmeg contains volatile oil, including borneol, eugenol, solid fat, and starch. The kernel of the walnut is used as it is or ground and an essential oil is extracted from it.

However, attention should be paid not to using nutmeg in large quantities in food, because it contains substances that may cause hallucinations and blurred eyes.

global production

The nutmeg fruit is called the princess of the tropical trees, and the reason for this designation is that this fruit has two sexes, male and female, and that one plant of the male sex is sufficient to fertilize a large number of the female sex.

The good tree grows in the tropics, and is about ten meters high, and it resembles pear trees. Harvesting nutmeg begins with cutting off the extra shell and immersing it in salty water, then drying it. Thus, it retains its fragrant qualities to be sold in the market as a spice. It is also included in the composition of some medicines and drinks that help digest food. As for the nut, it is subjected to light heat to dry slowly, and after about two months it is extracted from its shell and fine lime is added to it to keep it from rotting and insects.

As for the commercial walnut, it is taken from the gray type that is covered with lime, so its outer shape appears wrinkled and more like a brain. It contains starch, albuminous substances, and a thick aromatic oil that gives it its special smell and sharp, delicious taste. Nutmeg is sold in the form of a powder packaged in small tubes, or bags, and it is preferable to buy it whole and not ground, and to keep it in a tightly closed glass container, for its first-hand use.
