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The efforts of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, in building the Kaaba



The Holy Kaaba: testimony of faith and monotheism

The Kaaba stands as the first sanctuary built in the name of God, and it is the place where His worshipers gather in worship. This venerable structure was built by the Prophet Abraham, peace and blessings be upon him, and it is evidence of his steadfast faith and obedience to God Almighty. By order of God, Abraham embarked on this divine mission after he fiercely resisted the idols and demolished the temples that housed them.

When laying the foundation of the house and praying: May God accept from us. You are the Hearer, the Knower.” Abraham paved the way for the construction of the Kaaba, a symbol of divine unity and spiritual reverence.

Throughout its history, the Kaaba has endured various events that tested its structural integrity, including the devastating Flood of Erem, which swept through Mecca shortly before the advent of the Prophet's mission, causing stresses and cracks in its walls.

In the construction of the Kaaba, the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, actively participated. He was approximately thirty-five years old, that is, five years before the Prophet’s mission. He used to help in the work, and he even carried Karak stones on his honorable shoulder. A profound moment occurred during construction when the tribes were arguing over who should have the honor of placing the Black Stone in its designated place.

In his wisdom, the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, intervened and offered a solution that resonated with everyone: He suggested placing the Black Stone on a garment and raising it as a representative of each tribe together. His wise decision united the people, resolved the dispute, and ensured the completion of the construction of the Holy Kaaba.

Thus, the Kaaba stands not only as a physical structure, but as a symbol of unity, faith and the enduring legacy of the Prophet Abraham. It remains a focal point of spiritual devotion and a testimony to the power of faith to bring people together in the worship of the One Almighty God.

Lessons, sermons, and God’s wisdom from building and constructing the Kaaba

The rule of God, may He be glorified and exalted, necessitated that a building be erected on the ground, which would be a symbol of God’s monotheism and worship of Him alone, and would remain with eternity - to express to the world the meaning of religion and worship and to end polytheism in God. Mankind has spent a long time worshiping stones, idols, and tyrants, and building temples for them, and it was necessary to end this and end polytheism with God. Therefore, the Kaaba was this new symbol that was erected for God’s servants alone. Man enters it to stand dear and not submit or humiliate except for his Creator, and if it is necessary for the believers By the oneness of God and those who have entered into his religion from his bond with which they are acquainted, and his example they turn to, no matter how far apart the countries are, how far the homes are, and how different races and languages are. If it is necessary, then it is not more worthy than this Kaaba, which was built as a symbol of God's monotheism.

And in response to the falsehood of polytheism and idols, that it be the bond and the reward for all of them, they will meet in Hama, and they will meet on the truth that was built to be an expression of it. It is the slogan that Muslims alone embody in the countries of the earth, and it expresses the monotheism of God and worship to Him alone, no matter how many false gods are established. And he erected falsehoods from their followers throughout the ages and eras, and this is the meaning of the Almighty’s saying.

The Historical Construction of the Kaaba: A Story of Faith and Resilience

The Kaaba, the sacred house of worship revered by millions, carries a rich history of construction and reconstruction, embodying the faith and resilience of believers throughout the ages. According to historical accounts and religious texts, the Kaaba has been rebuilt four times since the dawn of creation, and each rebuilding is a testament to the enduring devotion of those who hold this sacred site in the highest regard.

**First construction:**

The foundation of the Kaaba was laid by the venerable Prophet Abraham, peace be upon him, and his devoted son Ismail, peace and blessings be upon him. Under the guidance of the divine will, Abraham built the Kaaba with extreme precision, and determined its dimensions: its height in the sky is seven cubits, thirty cubits on earth, and its width is twenty-two cubits. Initially, the Kaaba was without a roof, evidence of its pure and unadorned essence.

**Second construction:

The Kaaba entered its second phase during the period when the Quraish tribe of the Prophet Muhammad assumed guardianship over it before the emergence of Islam. During this period, the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, participated in building it himself, and left an indelible mark on its sacred walls.

** Third construction: **

The tragedy occurred during the reign of Yazid bin Muawiyah when the Kaaba was destroyed and burned due to the invasion of Mecca. Abdullah bin Al-Zubair, the great companion, valiantly rebuilt the Kaaba after its destruction. Its length was increased by ten cubits, columns and curtains were added to strengthen its structure, and two doors were added for entry and exit. This rebuilding marked a pivotal moment in the history of the Kaaba, as its design was dramatically changed, yet its sanctity remained intact.

** Fourth building: **

After the tragic death of Abdullah bin Al-Zubayr, the Kaaba underwent a final reconstruction. Upon Ibn al-Zubayr's death, al-Hajjaj, a historical figure, was instrumental in supervising the restoration. He wrote to Abdul Malik bin Marwan detailing the repair and restoration of the Kaaba. This rebuilding process enhanced the sanctity of the Kaaba and ensured its continuity as a focal point of Islamic worship.

These four important reconstructions emphasize the enduring reverence and devotion associated with the Kaaba, symbolizing the unwavering faith of believers throughout history. Today, the Kaaba stands as a beacon of spiritual unity, attracting millions of pilgrims from around the world, all united by their shared devotion and respect for the holiest of structures.

Revealing the secrets of the Kaaba: delving into its origins

The origins of the Kaaba, the holiest shrine in Islam, have long been shrouded in mystery and debate. One of the most interesting questions revolves around its existence before the construction ordered by the venerable Prophet Abraham, peace be upon him. Historically, narratives have appeared, albeit with varying degrees of credibility, suggesting different accounts of their creation. Some sources indicate that the Kaaba existed before Abraham, and Adam or Seth, peace be upon them, are attributed to being its daughters, in disputed and weak narrations.

One account, found in narratives whose authenticity is often questioned, asserts that God sent the archangel Gabriel to Adam and Eve, commanding them to build the Kaaba. If these accounts are true, the Kaaba would have been built five times since the dawn of creation.

However, it is crucial to rely on confirmed historical records, which unequivocally confirm that the Kaaba was built four times. The first was at the hands of the Prophet Abraham, peace be upon him, and his son Ishmael, followed by subsequent reconstructions due to various historical events.

Studying the story of the Prophet Muhammad's participation in the construction of the Kaaba provides profound insights:

1. **Leadership and political acumen:** The Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, demonstrated exceptional political wisdom by intervening in conflicts and disputes. His ability to calm tensions and prevent bloodshed demonstrated his astute administrative skills and political acumen.

2. **The Prophetic Legacy:** The Prophet’s wisdom and wisdom stemmed from his divine role as a messenger and prophet. His decisions and actions were based on his divine mandate, resulting in profound and lasting effects on society.

3. **High status:** The venerable status of the Prophet Muhammad among the Quraysh and the people of Mecca, regardless of social hierarchy, confirms his influence and respected position in society.

In conclusion, as discussions about the origins of the Kaaba continue, it is necessary to give priority to accounts supported by strong historical evidence. The participation of the Prophet Muhammad in its construction is a testament to his leadership, political acumen, and divine role as a messenger. His legacy continues to inspire generations with his wisdom and teachings.
