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Fiery Lessons from Abu Lahab Unveiling the Consequences



Abu Lahab

Did you know

Why is Abu Lahab called by this name in the Qur’an, and not named by his name?

He was very beautiful, and his face was very radiant and handsome, until they gave him this name in the pre-Islamic era, and his nickname was Abu Lahab, although his name was (Abdul Ezzi).

He was very red, and he had a beautiful face, and if he got angry, his face became so red like a flame.

So why did the Qur’an mention him by his nickname, Abu Lahab?, and not mention him by his name?!

First: Because the Holy Qur’an would not mention the name of a servant other than God, and his name was (Abdul Ezza).

Secondly, because he is better known by his nickname among people than he is known by his name.

Third: This is what I liked most about the interpretation of Imam Al-Qurtubi, may God have mercy on him.

Glory be to God, this man was extremely beautiful and handsome, and he was famous for them among his people, so they did not avail him of anything from God….

And Abu Jahl was named among the people, (Aba Al-Hakam), due to the soundness of his mind and wisdom.

Does this have any meaning for us?

Abu Lahab had three sons: (Utbah, Miteb, Otaiba).

The first two embraced Islam on the day of the conquest of Mecca...

As for Otaiba, he did not become Muslim.

And (Umm Kulthum) was the daughter of the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, with him...

And her sister (Ruqayyah) is with his brother (Utaba).

When Surah Al-Masd was revealed against Abu Lahab,

Their father said: My head is forbidden from your heads! That is, I will not see you or speak to you if you do not divorce my daughter Muhammad, then divorce them.

And when the wretched (Utaiba) wanted to go out to Syria with his father, he said:

I would not come to Muhammad and harm him in his self and his religion.

So he came to him and said: O Muhammad, I disbelieve in the star when it falls, and in the one that came near and hung. Then he spat in front of him and divorced his daughter (Umm Kulthum);

Then the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, called upon him and said:

(O Allah, give him authority over one of your dogs); So the lion preyed on him!

Seven nights after the Battle of Badr, Abu Lahab died of an infectious disease called:

(the lens).

And he remained for three days, and no one came near him, even you; When his people feared shame, they dug a hole for him and pushed him into it with long thick logs. until it fell,

Then they threw stones at him until they covered him, and no one carried him for fear of infection.

So he perished, as the Holy Qur’an told him, and he died an evil death.

Abu Lahab's wife

As for his wife, she is (Umm Jamil), and she was one-eyed, and it is better for her to be called

with (Umm Qabih); It was mentioned in Surat Al-Masd as (carrier of firewood),

She used to carry a bundle of thorns and thistles, which she would scatter at night in the path of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, to harm him, for she was malicious like her husband.

She used to spread gossip among people and kindle the fire of hatred and enmity between them.

It is said that she had a luxurious necklace of jewels, and she said: By Al-Lat and Al-Uzza, I would spend them in the enmity of Muhammad, so God followed her with a rope around her neck from the blockage of Hell.

One of the wonders of stories and news is that a woman (Abu Lahab) when she heard what God revealed regarding her husband and about it, she came to the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, while he was in the Sacred Mosque, and with him was Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq, may God be pleased with him, and in her hand was a fihr, that is: a sharp piece of stone, similar to a knife. ,

When she came close to the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, God blinded her from him, and she only saw Abu Bakr, so she said:

O Abu Bakr, I have been informed that your friend is insulting me and my husband. By God, if I find him, I will hit his face with this stone. Then I chanted!

(Reprehensible we disobeyed, and his command was our father, and his religion we said), that is: he hated us, then I left.

Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq, may God be pleased with him, said: O Messenger of God, did you not see her seeing you? He said: She did not see me, God has blinded her sight from me.

The polytheists used to insult the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, and say:

(reprehensible), instead of saying (Muhammad)!

Then the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: Don’t you wonder how God has turned their harm away from me?

May God bless him and grant him peace.
