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Umm Jundub Al-Azdiyya, narrator of the six hadiths



Umm Jundub Al-Azdiya,

 Umm Jundub Al-Azdiya

  Companions, from Bariq, then Al-Azd. She attended the Farewell Pilgrimage with the Prophet, and she narrated several hadiths on the authority of the Messenger, as well as on the authority of Aisha, the wife of the Prophet. She converted to Islam and pledged allegiance to the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and narrated from him.

She witnessed the conquests of the Levant with her husband, and when the plague of Emmaus spread in the Levant, she moved with her family to Kufa. And he talks about it: They built it Suleiman and Jundub, Abdullah bin Shaddad, Abdullah bin Al-Harith bin Nofal, Abu Yazid, the freed slave of Abdullah bin Al-Harith bin Nofal, and Abdullah bin Abi Rayan.


She: Umm Jundub Al-Azdiya, a woman from Bariq and then Al-Azd.

Husband: Amr ibn al-Ahwas (40 BC - 20 AH): a companion, one of the conquerors of the knights. He attended the Farewell Pilgrimage with the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and witnessed the conquest of Damascus. Ibn al-Manzour said: “He and his wife, Umm Suleiman, witnessed the Farewell Pilgrimage with the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him. and narrated a hadeeth about him; And Amr Al-Yarmouk witnessed.” He witnessed Omar Ibn Al-Khattab’s sermon in Jabiya, and when the plague spread in the Levant, he turned to Kufa. Ibn al-Ahwas died in the caliphate of Umar ibn al-Khattab before the time of the novel, and only his son Suleiman narrated from him.

Ibn: Abdullah bin Amr bin Al-Ahwas Al-Barqi (3 BC - he does not know the year of his death): One of the young companions, he attended the farewell pilgrimage with the Prophet when he was a boy, and he was sick, so his mother gave him water from the water in which the Prophet spurted, and when she gave him water he recovered, and in that Ibn Hajar: “Abdullah bin Amr bin Al-Ahwas Al-Azdi, and his mother is Um Jundub, for her and his father are companions. And this servant of God had a vision, and his mother gave him water during the farewell pilgrimage from the water that the Prophet, peace be upon him, mugged with it. It is likely that he stayed in the homes of his people, and did not go out to the conquests with his father and brothers, perhaps because he was ill, and God knows best.

Her son: Suleiman bin Amr bin Al-Ahwas (about 1 BC - 70 AH) has a realization, Ibn Saad Al-Baghdadi mentioned him in the first layer of the people of Kufa after the companions who narrated on the authority of Ali bin Abi Talib and Abdullah bin Masoud, and he said “Suleiman bin Amr bin Al-Ahwas Al-Barqi, from Al-Azd.” Suleiman narrated on the authority of his father and mother, Ali bin Abi Talib, Abdullah bin Masoud, Abu Musa Al-Ash’ari, and Abu Barza Al-Aslami.

Her son: Jundub bin Amr bin Al-Ahwas: a follower, narrating on the authority of his mother, Umm Jundub - by which she was nicknamed - the hadith of the Day of Sacrifice. Narrated by: Yazid bin Al-Harith. And Abu Naim Al-Isfahani narrated the hadith of the Day of Sacrifice through Hammad bin Salamah, on the authority of Hajjaj bin Artah, on the authority of Yazid bin Al-Harith, on the authority of Jundub, on the authority of his mother, that she heard the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him.

Grandson: Jundub bin Suleiman (30 AH - 90 AH): a follower, trustworthy, speaking on the authority of Abdullah bin Abbas, and on his authority: Shabib bin Gharqada Al-Barqi.

Delegations to the Prophet

Umm Jundub came with her husband Amr ibn al-Ahwas and her son Abdullah, and a gathering of his people came to the Prophet while he was in Mecca, and they witnessed the farewell pilgrimage with him in Dhu al-Hijjah in the year 10 AH. And the mother of Jundub converted to Islam and pledged allegiance to the Messenger, and in that Ibn Saad said: “The mother of Jundub is the Azdia, and she is the mother of Suleiman bin Amr bin Al-Ahwas. She converted to Islam and pledged allegiance to the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and narrated from him.” The belly of the valley, and he is a rider saying takbeer with every pebble, and a man behind him is covering him, so I asked about the man? They said: Al-Fadl bin Al-Abbas. And the people crowded, and the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: O people, do not kill one another, and when you throw an ember, throw as much as a small pebble.

And her son Abdullah was sick, so she gave him water from the water in which the Prophet swam, and he was cured and cured. Khat'ami woman With a son of hers, she said: O Messenger of God, this son of mine is out of his mind, so pray to God for him. He said to her: Bring me water. So she brought him water in a stone tower, and he spit in it, washed his face, then prayed for it, then said: Go and wash him with it, and seek healing from God Almighty. Umm Jundub said: I said to her: Give me a little of it for this son of mine, so I took a little of it with my fingers and wiped my son’s apartment with it, so he was one of the needles of people. She said: Take it, so I took a handful of it and gave it to my son Abdullah, so he lived. It was from his acquittal what God willed it to be.

In the year 12 AH, and after nearly a year and a half had passed, when Abu Bakr al-Siddiq mobilized the Arab tribes to conquer the Levant, Amr ibn al-Ahwas and his wife, Umm Jundub, came to mobilize their people for the conquests. From the next squint, I asked her about the boy? She said, "Be innocent and rational, not like people's minds."

Umm Jundub Al-Azdiya,

Welfare or grasshopper on Aisha

Umm Jundub Ali, the mother of the believers, Aisha, came from Kufa to Medina around the year 48 AH, and there were with her Kufi women, including: Umm Habiba Al-Barqi (about 10 AH - 70 AH), and her daughter Jamila bint Ubad Al-Barqi (about 30 AH - 110 AH). And Zainab bint Nasr Al-Barqi (about 20 AH - 100 AH). And these women heard from Aisha the hadith of the Prophet forbidding the wine of al-Dabaa, al-Hantam and al-Naqir. Musa bin Ismail said, on the authority of Abd al-Salam bin Suleiman, he said: Abdullah bin Abi al-Rayyan told me, on the authority of Umm Jundub, on the authority of Aisha, she said: “The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, forbade the writers, the Hantam and the Naqir.” Jamila bint Abbad and Zainab bint Nasr narrated the same story in Aisha’s council, and al-Nasa’i narrated via Awn bin Salih al-Barqi on the authority of Zainab bint Nasr and Jamila bint Abbad that they heard Aisha say: “I heard the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, forbid drinking that was made in Dabaa, or Hantam, or falsified.” It is not oil or vinegar.” Awf bin Salih Al-Barqi narrated that Jamila bint Abad said that she heard Aisha and he mentioned the aforementioned hadith.

And the women of Bariq narrated on the authority of Aisha in that meeting, I counted other hadiths, including the hadith of Habibah bint Abbad - who is a beautiful sister - on the authority of Habiba al-Barqiyyah’s mother. . Shabib bin Gharqada said on the authority of Zainab bint Nasr Al-Barqi, she said: “I entered upon Aisha in the company of women from the people of Kufah, and a beggar entered upon her, while we were with her, and she was with her. Nab, and she took the pills, and she gave her the liquid, and she said: We laughed at each other, and she said, "Are you a cup?" We said: Yes.
