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Al-Tufayl bin Amr Al-Dawsi May God be pleased with him



Al-Tufayl bin Amr Al-Daws

Al-Tufail bin Amr Al-Dawsi, a great companion, was one of the first forerunners to Islam and converted to Islam before the Prophet’s migration in Makkah in the seventh year of the Prophet’s mission (617 AD - 6 BC). Then he joined the Messenger - may God bless him and grant him peace - in Medina after the Battle of Uhud and stayed there. He was martyred in the apostasy wars at the Battle of Yamama.


He is Tufayl bin Amr bin Tarif bin Al-Aas bin Doss.

his sons

The great companion Al-Harith bin Al-Tufayl bin Amr Al-Dawsi.

The great companion Thabel bin Al-Tufail bin Amr Al-Dawsi.

The great companion Amr ibn al-Tufayl ibn Amr al-Dawsi.

his life in ignorance

He was a master of the Arabs and the master of the Daus tribe in pre-Islamic times, and a nobleman of the nobles of the nobles of the Arabs, and one of the few people of chivalry. .

He came to Makkah for the pilgrimage before the migration, so the Quraish received him and met the Messenger, so he embraced Islam at his hand, then returned to Dos and stayed with them inviting them to Islam. After that, he joined the Messenger in Medina after the battle of Uhud, with him 80 houses from Dos, so he witnessed with the Messenger the Battle of the Trench and the conquest of Mecca.

His conversion to Islam

When he came to Makkah for the pilgrimage at the end of the sixth year of the mission (617 AD), the Quraysh received him and said to him:

O Tufail, you have come to our country, and this man who is between us has made us difficult, and he has divided our group and dispersed our affairs. Speak to him and do not hear anything from him, so they continued with it until he stuffed his ears as hard as a part, so that he could reach him any of it, so when he went to the Kaaba, behold, the Messenger of God was praying at the Kaaba, so he got up from it shortly. They frightened me about your affairs until I covered my ears with celery so that I would not hear what you said, then God refused to let me hear what you said, so I heard it well, so present your matter to me.

So the Prophet recited something from the Qur’an to him, and he said: By God, I have never heard a word better than it, nor a matter more just than it.

from his positions

Muslim narrated with his chain of transmission on the authority of Jabir that al-Tufail bin Amr al-Dawsi came to the Prophet and said, “Oh, Messenger of God, do you have a fortified fortress and protection?” He said, “A fortress that belonged to Daus in the Jahiliyyah, but the Prophet refused that for the one whom God has stored up for the Ansar. 

So they came to Medina, and he fell ill, and he became dismayed, so he took his scissors and cut his knuckles with them, so his hands became angry until he died. Tufail bin Amr saw him in his sleep, and he saw him and his appearance was good and he saw him covering his hands, and he said to him: What has your Lord done to you? It was not spoiled, so Tufayl told it to the Messenger of God. The Messenger of God said, “O God, forgive his two children.”

In Shawwal of the year eight, Ibn Sa’d said: They said: When the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, wanted to travel to al-Ta’if, he sent al-Tufayl Ibn Amr to Dhu al-Kafin, the idol of Amr bin Hamma al-Dawsi, to destroy it, and he commanded him to seek his people and meet him at al-Ta’if. He burned his face and burned it and said: O Possessor of the Hands, I am not one of your servants. Al-Tufayl said: Who carried it during the Jahiliyyah?

his death

Al-Tufail returned with the Prophet from the Battle of Taif to Medina, and he was with the Prophet in Medina until he was arrested, may blessings and peace be upon him...

When the Arabs retreated, the Muslims came out to fight them, and he fought until they had finished with Tuliha al-Asadi and all of the land of Najd.

Then Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq sent him to Musaylimah the liar, saying: I went out with my son with the Muslims - Amr bin Al-Tufayl - until if we were on some way, I saw a vision, and I told my friends that I saw a vision that they crossed, and they said: What I saw, I said: I saw my head shaved, and that a bird came out of my mouth, and that a woman She met me and put me in her vagina, and my son was desperately asking for me, so there was no way between me and him. They said: Good, and he said: As for me, by God, I have made it permissible.

 As for shaving my head, he cut it off, and as for the bird, my soul, and as for the woman who put me in her vagina, the earth is digging for me and I am buried in it. I hoped to kill a martyr. So the parasite was killed as a martyr on the day of the dove and wounded his son, then he was killed in Yarmouk after that in the time of Omar Ibn Al-Khattab as a martyr.
