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The story of the groove owners



The owners of the groove are the subjects of the last kings of Himyar. He is Zar’ah bin Tabban Asaad Al-Himyari, known as Dhi Nawas. This king was a Jew, and a number of his subjects converted to Christianity. In order to force them to return from their religion, which they embraced, and give them the choice between killing, or returning to his religion, so they chose killing and patience for this ordeal, so grooves were cut for them *, and they were thrown into them, then they were set on fire until they burned and died. As the king and his entourage look at them, as for their number, it was said that they were seventy thousand, and it was said twenty thousand, and it was said twelve thousand . ; Therefore, God Almighty says in His Holy Book: (The owners of the grotto were killed) ; [2] That is, the owners of the trenches were cursed because of their heinous act, which is digging trenches and setting fire to the believers. [3]

The story of the boy and the monk

The Prophet - upon him be peace and blessings be upon him - told his companions about the story of a king from ancient times, and he was a king who had a close magician. When this magician advanced in age, he asked the king to send him a boy. So that he could teach him magic, so the king sent him a boy to teach him, and this boy was constantly going to the magician, and one day he came across a monk on his way to the magician, so he listened to his words and admired him, but the magician used to beat him. because of his delay. [4] The boy complained about that matter to the monk who instructed him to say to the magician when he asked him: “My family kept me.” And when his family asked him, he would say: “The magician kept me.” Today I know the sorcerer better with God or the monk.” He said: “Oh God, if the monk’s affairs are better for you than the sorcerer, then kill this beast with my stone.” [4] Then he grabbed a stone and threw it at the beast, and it was killed, so he realized that the matter of the monk is better with God than the matter of the sorcerer, then he went to the monk and told him what happened to him, so the monk told him that his affair would be great, and that he would be afflicted in his life, and he asked him not to guide him if He was afflicted. [4]

The story of the boy and the king's babysitter

 The matter of the boy reached a great extent, to the extent that he was curing people from their diseases, and curing the blind and the leper, God willing, and it is indicated that he followed this matter as a method of calling to the religion of God - the Almighty -; Where he used to pass by the people of affliction and disease, and he required them to enter into his religion, and to believe in God Almighty; Until he prays to God to heal them from their illnesses, there is no one left in his village who suffers from a disease but he becomes Muslim and follows his religion, so one of the king's courtiers heard of him and he was complaining of an illness. [4] So he came to the boy with many gifts. In order to cure him of his illness, the boy told him: “I do not heal, but God heals.” He asked him to believe in God. Until God prays for him to heal, so the king's babysitter believed in God, then the boy called for him and he was cured of his illness, except that the king noticed the recovery of his sitter from his illness, so he asked him about the reason for his recovery, and he said to him: "But God healed me," so the king was angry at his response; Because he was claiming divinity instead of God, so his sitter said to him: “Indeed, God is my Lord and your Lord.” So the king ordered him to be tortured until he showed the boy. [4]

The story of the boy and the king

 After the king's companion showed the boy, the boy was brought until he stood with the king, so he ordered him to be tortured until he showed the monk, then the monk was brought and he ordered him to be tortured until he returned from his religion, but he refused, so he was cut in two with a saw until he died, then the king's seat was brought and tortured until he returned from his religion, but he refused Then a saw was brought and he was cut into two halves until he died. Then the boy was brought to him so that he would return from his religion, but he refused. [4] So the king ordered his followers to take him to the top of the mountain, and to give him a choice between returning from his religion, or being thrown from the mountain. So they returned to its bottom, then he returned to the king, so he realized his survival, so he ordered his companions to carry him in a ship until, if they were in the open sea, they threw him out of it, so the boy prayed to his Lord while he was on the ship to suffice their evil. [4] God answered his prayer. When the ship withdrew with them, they drowned and they all died, and the boy came out safely from among them, then the boy came to the king, and explained to him the impossibility of killing him except in one way, [4] which is to crucify him on a trunk , then gather the people in one level, and take an arrow from Kinana * the boy Then he says: “In the name of God, Lord of the boy.” Then he shoots the arrow, so the king did what the boy asked for, and the boy shot the arrow, and it fell into his temple *, and he put his hand on his temple and died, so the people shouted: “We believe in the Lord of the boy.” [1]

The story of the owners of the groove and the king

Those whom the king gathered witnessed what happened to the boy, so they all believed in God Almighty. So the king was angry about that after what he was warning of occurred, so he ordered trenches to be dug in the city rails, and everyone who believed in the Lord of the boy was thrown into them, and they were set on fire. Because of their refusal to abandon their religion, [4] the story of the owners of the groove included the position of the nursing woman who was in the group of believers who were subjected to the test when the infidel king cut the grooves for them, and bargained with them to storm the flames, or to abandon their religion. [5] The narrations spoke about the position of that patient woman when she wanted to back down from her position after she had pity on herself and her infant, so the infant addressed her with words that instilled in herself strength and patience over that affliction, and among those words was his saying: “Be patient, mother, for you are on the truth.” And in another narration He urged her to proceed with her command, storm the fire, and not be alarmed. [5]

Mention the story of the owners of the groove in the Holy Quran

 The story of the people of the grove was mentioned in Surat Al-Buruj. He - the Almighty - said in his dear book: (By the sky with the zodiac signs * and the promised day * and witness and witnessed * the slaying of the companions of the grove * the same fire fuel * when they sit on it * and they are witnesses of what they do to the believers * and they did not of them except that they believe in God, the Mighty, the Praiseworthy * Whose is the dominion of the heavens and the earth. And God is Witness over all things. If they persecuted believing men and women, then did not repent, they shall have the torment of Hell, and they shall have the torment of burning * Indeed, those who believe and do righteous deeds have gardens beneath which rivers flow. That is the great victory. ) . [6] [7]

Lessons learned from the story of the groove owners

*The importance of raising children, and raising them in a good way; The story of the owners of the groove included mentioning the personality of the boy who believed in God Almighty, renounced polytheism, and sacrificed himself so that all people would believe in God, and this indicates the importance of education. Because it produces a generation capable of renewing the religion and achieving victory for the nation over its enemies.

*Emphasis on the issue of the hearts’ attachment to God Almighty alone, so the human heart should not be attached to the actions of any human being; Because the hearts of the servants are subject to change and volatility, but the hearts should be linked to their Creator alone, and this was indicated by the position of the boy who was given by God Almighty the ability to heal the sick, and heal the blind and the leper. As he attributed that credit to God Almighty, and he did not pray for any of the sick except after he believed in God. So that souls realize that healing is in the hands of God alone.

*The existence of the corrupt lining around tyrants is a reality in every time and place; The story included mentioning the personality of the sorcerer who used to adorn his deeds for the king and help him against his falsehood. In order to achieve his interests, and his desires

*The necessity of relying on God, and relying on Him in the whole matter; The boy's confidence in God Almighty was great, and this was indicated by his position when the king's followers took him to the top of the mountain. So that they would throw him away from him, so he prayed to his Lord to suffice him from their evil with whatever he wanted, and however he wanted, so God answered his call with his ability and planning.

*insistence on achieving the goal of calling to God; The boy was patient with the ordeal of affliction and killing, and every time the king's followers failed to kill him, he would return to the king to show him his inability to kill him. In order to achieve the goal of the call represented by the emergence of truth over falsehood, and people's faith in God Almighty.

*Statement of the truth of victory over the enemies; The story of the boy emphasized that victory does not necessarily mean the loss of the souls of the unbelievers, and the safety of the souls and money of the believers, but rather is related to victory through the achievement of goals; Because of the death of the boy, the faith of the people was achieved, and this is undoubtedly a victory. Because it achieves the goal of calling to God, just as the burning of the believers in the grottoes, and the loss of their lives is a victory as well; Because it is a sign of steadfastness on truth and principle, and disapproval of falsehood.

*Complete detachment from the fortunes of the human soul, and devotion to God Almighty; The monk told the boy that he was better than him when God gave him the ability to heal the sick, and explained to him that he would be afflicted in the way of his call, and he hoped that people would not point to him if he was subjected to affliction. Even though he knew it would cost him his life.

*patience of the believers when they are subjected to harm and torture by the wrongdoers; The Prophet - upon him be peace and blessings be upon him - told his companions the story of the boy who was subjected to severe ordeal despite his young age, and that did not discourage him from his call. Rather, he remained steadfast on the truth until he was tortured, and his soul was lost, as is the case with the monk.

The Prophet wanted from that story to make his companions feel comfortable and strengthen their faith in the face of the tribulations and hardships they were exposed to, and the effects of that upbringing appeared in the positions of the companions - may God be pleased with them - when they withstood torture and killing.
