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The story of an ant Solomon


Ant Solomon spoke

The story of the ant with the Prophet of God Solomon is a strange matter. One day, our master Solomon gathered his soldiers from humans, jinn, birds, and animals and ordered them to walk in regular rows. During their walk, they passed a valley inhabited by ants. And his soldiers, and when they approached the ants' houses, the ants shouted to its sisters, the ants, to hurry up and enter your dwellings so that the Prophet of God Solomon and his soldiers do not trample on you

Mention the story of the ant in the Holy Quran

God Almighty mentioned this amazing story in the Holy Qur’an in a surah called Surah “An-Naml” where the Almighty says: This is the clear merit * And for Solomon his armies of jinn, men and birds were gathered. They are distributing * until, when they came to the valley of the ants, an ant said, O ants, enter your dwellings, they will not destroy you. And his soldiers while they are not aware * So he smiled laughing at what she said and said, "My Lord, enable me to be grateful for Your favor that You have bestowed upon me." And on my parents, and that I do righteous deeds that will please You, and admit me, by Your mercy, among Your righteous servants. An-Naml: 16-19]

Courage and positivity in Solomon's ant

The story of the ant is short, but it sets an example for a positive ant, a brave ant, that could have escaped alone and entered its hole, but it was the first ant to see the army before other ants, so it feared for its nation, it did not live for itself, although it was possible to die underfoot She calls on the ants, but she sacrifices for the sake of others, and that is why Solomon smiled

Worship thanks to God

It also has an upholding of the worship of gratitude for the blessings of God that He bestows upon us, and this was manifested in the thanks of our master Solomon to God, Glory be to Him, that He taught him the speech of birds and the languages of all animals, and that was a reason for preserving their lives and the building of the earth. Solomon, peace be upon him, what happened from the conversation between the ant and its sisters, and he understood what the ant meant, so he smiled laughing at what she said, then he ordered his soldiers to walk slowly, so that the ants enter their homes and not be harmed, then our master Suleiman raised his hands to the sky, thanking God Almighty for his many blessings
