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The Creation of the Throne and the Pen



:The beginning of creation

Allah initiated creation by bringing forth the Throne, followed by the creation of the Pen. The Pen spoke and asked Allah, "What shall I write?" Allah commanded it to write everything that has happened and will happen until the Day of Judgment. Fifty thousand years later, Allah created the seven heavens and the seven earths in six days. Then Allah created the creatures known as Jinn, among whom are believers and disbelievers. When they caused corruption on Earth, Allah commanded His angels to drive them away. There are various accounts regarding the nature of Iblis (Satan) or, as mentioned in Jewish traditions, Azazel, before his disobedience to his Lord

: Jewish Tradition

Before we proceed, it is important to note that Jewish traditions refer to the narrations from the Torah and the Gospels. This term is often used to describe weak or unreliable narrations. Ibn Kathir mentioned in his book "Al-Bidayah wal-Nihayah" in the chapter on the creation of jinn and the story of Satan, that the jinn were created before Adam. Prior to them, there were inhabitants on Earth known as "Al-Hayn" and "Al-Ban." The jinn overpowered and killed them, drove them away, and inhabited the Earth after them. This indicates that there were nations that inhabited the Earth before humans and jinn, namely Al-Hayn and Al-Ban. When they shed blood and corrupted the Earth, Allah wanted to purify it by the hands of the jinn. As mentioned in the Quran, "And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me"

: Al-Hayn and Al-Ban

We know that Al-Hayn and Al-Ban existed before Allah's command to His servants, which was before the revelation of the divine legislation. One of the physical evidence of the existence of human-like beings, discovered by scientists in the year 1904, are bones dating back to four million and four hundred thousand years. This refutes Darwin's theory of evolution, which claims that humans evolved.

: Nations before the Jinn

One of the evidence indicating the existence of nations before the jinn is Allah's statement in the Quran: "And [mention] when your Lord said to the angels, 'Indeed, I will make upon the earth a successive authority.' They said, 'Will You place upon it one who causes corruption therein and sheds blood, while we declare Your praise and sanctify You?' Allah said, 'Indeed, I know that which you do not know.'" This noble verse shows that there were creatures before Adam who shed blood. What we know is that the jinn existed before the creation of Adam. However, the jinn do not have blood. As for whether Iblis was from the angels or created from light, or from the jinn created from smokeless fire, there are many opinions and divided views

 Supporting Opinion: Iblis from the Angels and the Jinn as a Group

The supporting opinion states that Iblis was from the angels, and the jinn were a group among the angels. Azazel was a devout worshipper before his disobedience to his Lord. Allah appointed him as the guardian of the treasures of Paradise and sent him with the angels to destroy Al-Hayn, Al-Ban, and those among the jinn who disobeyed Allah. When Allah created Adam and commanded him to prostrate, Iblis felt pride and arrogance upon seeing that Adam was hollow and lacked a soul. He challenged Allah and defied His command. When Allah blew

:Adam is the origin of humans

 As Al-Hasan Al-Basri said, Adam (peace be upon him) is the origin of humans. He addressed his angels that he would appoint a successor on Earth. The angels asked him, not in objection to the creation of Adam, but out of curiosity about the wisdom of Allah. It is mentioned that the angels did not know that from the offspring of Adam would come the prophets, the righteous, the martyrs, those who worship Allah alone, and those who reform the Earth. Allah commanded an angel to gather from the dust of the Earth and from it, He created the children of Adam. Among them are the white, the black, the red, and the yellow. Thus, they became different humans in their appearances and characteristics. Among them are the righteous and the wicked. Allah created Adam from dust and moistened it with water, so it became clay from a moldable mud, a clay that changes its color and shape. Years pass until it becomes like pottery. It is hollow with a soul inside, created on a Friday, as mentioned in a hadith narrated by Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him), that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, "The best day on which the sun has risen is Friday. On it, Adam was created, on it, he entered Paradise, and on it, he was expelled from it." And the Hour will not be established except on Friday"

As an honor to Adam, Allah created him with His noble hand and breathed into him from His soul. Then, the angels prostrated to him, not as an act of worship but as an act of respect. Allah taught Adam all the names, as mentioned in His saying, "And [mention] when your Lord said to the angels, 'Indeed, I will make upon the earth a successive authority.' They said, 'Will You place upon it one who causes corruption therein and sheds blood, while we declare Your praise and sanctify You?' Allah said, 'Indeed, I know that which you do not know.' And He taught Adam the names - all of them." When the angels prostrated in obedience to Allah's command and Iblis (Satan) refused to obey, due to his arrogance, as mentioned previously, Allah punished him by expelling him from the highest assembly and the high status he had. He used to live with the angels when he was not disobedient to Allah. As mentioned in Allah's saying, "So, get out of Paradise, for indeed, you are expelled. And indeed, upon you is the curse until the Day of Recompense." However, Iblis did not seek forgiveness from Allah. Instead, he asked Allah to give him respite until the Day of Resurrection. He promised to mislead and deceive the offspring of Adam. So, Allah gave him this opportunity until the Day of Resurrection. But the sincere servants of Allah have no authority over them, except for those who follow him from the deviant ones. Allah expelled him, cursed him, and promised to fill Hellfire with him, his descendants, and those who follow him

Allah said, "He said, 'My Lord, then reprieve me until the Day they are resurrected.' Allah said, 'So indeed, you are of those reprieved until the Day of the time well-known.' He said, 'My Lord, because You have put me in error, I will surely make [disobedience] attractive to them on earth, and I will mislead them all except, among them, Your chosen servants.' Allah said, 'This is a path [of return] to Me that is straight. Indeed, My servants - no authority will you
