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"Unveiling the Power of Rosemary Plant"


rosemary (plant)

Rosemary, dairy pebbles, sea dew, or caramana is an evergreen woody herb that belongs to the

 Lamiaceae family (the mint family). It has needle leaves and white, pink, violet, or blue flowers, and

 its origin is in the Mediterranean basin.

The origin of its name “Rose-Mary” goes back to the two Latin words: “Rose,” which means “sumac,” and “Marinos,” which means “sea.” Some call it “Anthos,” a word derived from a Greek word meaning “flower.” This plant has a fibrous root system.


Species of rosemary One of the 2-4 species in the genus Rosmarinus The other species most often recognized is the closely related, Rosmarinus eriocalyx, African Maghreb and Iberia. The genus was named by the founding 18th century naturalist and taxonomist Carolus Linnaeus.

Botanical description

Illustration from Kohler's Medicinal Plants

flowering rosemary

Rosemary officinalis prostrate

Rosmarinus officinalis - MHNT

Illustration of rosemary from an Italian herbalist, circa 1500

Rosemary - essential oil

Rosemary is an aromatic, woody perennial shrub with pine-like leaves. The leaves are used as a flavoring in foods such as stuffings, roast lamb, pork, chicken and turkey.

Rosemary plant

Rosemary, a mountain plant used for food and medicinal purposes

It grows in warm regions, so the Mediterranean and Asia were its original habitat, but it may be present infrequently in areas with cold weather, and it has a high ability to tolerate drought and lack of water for long periods. Their average length ranges from 1.5 meters (5 feet) to 2 meters (6 feet). Its evergreen leaves are needle-like, narrow and long. The leaves are 2-4 cm long and 2-5 mm wide. Its leaves are green above and white below, covered with dense and short hairs.

The rosemary plant usually blooms in the summer and spring, in a temperate climate, and it may bloom in a warm climate. Its flowers are multicolored, including white, pink, purple, and dark blue. But it can bloom outside its natural flowering seasons if the weather is warm. , The plant blooms in the first of December and mid-February, and this is called late flowering.


The origin of its name was associated with a group of legends, including that the Virgin Mary put her blue cloak while she was resting on the white rosemary plant, so its color turned blue, and for this reason the herb was called: “Mary's flower.”

the use

The rosemary plant is used as an ornamental plant in gardens, due to its effect on insect control, and the leaves are used to add flavor to various foods, such as stuffings, and are also used in roasting meat.


Rosemary is an ornamental plant that does not require a lot of care. Especially in the Mediterranean region, it is cultivated and developed because of its attractiveness, drought tolerance, ease of cultivation, and pest resistance.

The rosemary plant does not need many conditions to grow. The availability of fertile clay soil and an open sunny place that is not exposed to air currents is sufficient for its development, but it does not tolerate waterlogging of the soil and cannot tolerate frost.

It can be grown in pots. A rosemary plant needs an area of 1200 square centimeters of land to grow. In temperate regions, the herb can be left in its place in the winter, but in non-temperate regions, it must be moved to the cellar in a pot to keep it from the cold weather in the winter season. At the beginning of spring, it is taken out of the cellar and buried in its entirety, with the plant in it, in a sunny place, to move in late autumn again to the cellar.

It also grows better in a moderate to alkaline environment (pH 7-7.8). It is possible to increase the circumference of the plant spread and its density by cutting 10-15 cm from a new soft plant with a few leaves from the bottom and planting it directly in the soil.

Use for cooking

Dried or fresh leaves are used in Italian cuisine. As it has a bitter astringent taste and a distinctive aroma as well. The leaves can be used to make tea. When grilled with meat or vegetables, it smells like mustard.

It was found that a tablespoon (1 gm) of rosemary used as a food flavor has no nutritional value. Rosemary extract improves the shelf life and stability of omega-3-rich oils that have the ability to change flavor or color due to breakage.


Rosemary oil can be used as a body perfume or even as a room air freshener, and it can be burned as incense. It is used in the manufacture of shampoos and cleaning products

Phytochemistry and folk medicine

Rosemary contains many phytochemicals such as camphor, rosmarinic acid, caffeic acid, ursolic acid, and butolonic acid. And a number of antioxidants such as carnosic acid and carnosol.

In Indian folk medicine, rosemary extract and oil from the flowers and leaves are used to treat many disorders.

Its uses in folklore and customs

In the Middle Ages, rosemary was a symbol of love magic. As their use was associated with wedding ceremonies, the bride would place a crown of rosemary on her head and the groom and each man of the party would place a sprig of rosemary on their chests.

Its use in Europe and Australia was also associated with the commemoration of wars and funerals, because they believed the plant's properties to improve memory. Where the mourners used to throw it in return as a symbol of the memory of the dead. It was mentioned by Shakespeare in his play "Hamlet". In Australia, sprigs of rosemary are worn on National Day. The plant grows wild in Gallipoli.

It was also a symbol of the miracle of healing, as Hungary prepared for Queen Elizabeth an external balm of rosemary mixed with wine to rejuvenate paralyzed limbs and treat gout. Don Quixote used it in his healing balm mixture.

The ancients also used mashed rosemary leaves to wrap meat to keep it from spoiling because of the effective antioxidant compounds it contains, and it gives the meat a refreshing aroma and wonderful flavor. Rosemary leaves have been used for this purpose to this day, and the leaves are also used to make tea.

The ancient Chinese doctors mixed rosemary with ginger to treat headaches, indigestion, insomnia and malaria.

Nowadays, rosemary is used for:

Fighting Alzheimer's disease and improving memory.

Where rosemary contains effective antioxidant substances such as rosmanic acid and some other compounds that prevent the breakdown of the brain chemical whose breakdown causes Alzheimer's disease, and it has a great role in European herbal medicine in improving the ability to focus and memory by stimulating blood circulation.

Rosemary benefits the hair significantly, as it increases its cohesion, prevents its fall, and helps it grow by increasing blood flow to the head.

It is also used to treat vaginal secretions, where rosemary leaves are taken with oak peels in equal parts, by the amount of a spoonful of them on a cup of previously boiled water and placed in it for ten minutes with a lid. It is used as a vaginal wash while it is warm twice a day.

It is also used when tired and weak nerves, as it is recommended to take a spoonful of rosemary, which is prepared as tea and taken 3 times a day, to be drunk after meals and just before bedtime.

Among its benefits is that:

It is useful in treating heart disorders.

Wind repellent.

Cough and asthma resistant.

It is used as an adjuvant for mild depression.

Diuretic and menstruation.


Rosemary oil is used in the manufacture of perfumes and incense, and in the manufacture of shampoos and cleaning products.

Some recent studies have shown that the rosemary plant prevents the formation and development of tumors, so it is recommended to drink it from time to time, and it is recommended to put it as a spice in food.

Rosemary is used as a preservative, as it contains antioxidants, and it was used as a preservative for meat from rotting, as it was added to it to prevent oxidation and spoilage.

Rosemary can be used as a wonderful seasoning for food, as a quantity of the herb is placed among the spices that are placed in the food, as it improves the flavor and adds benefit to the food.

Botanical description

The rosemary plant is a perennial herb. Its leaves are narrow and long. Its upper surface is dark green and shiny and dotted with golden yellow or white silver dots. Its lower surface is covered with delicate white hairs. Its inflorescences are indigo or blue. It grows wild in the Mediterranean countries. Its leaves stimulate blood circulation, especially for people who do not exercise. It reduces headaches, treats bacterial infections and fungi, prevents gases in the digestive system, helps in digestion and absorption of food, and removes heartburn. It improves the liver, digestive system and gallbladder, and reduces the formation of stones, kidney stones and bladder. It also reduces the secretion of the urease enzyme, which is linked to the formation of these stones. Kamadamadh used for the treatment of sore throat, gums and ulcers.

Its oil is used to massage tired limbs, and its hot drink relieves headaches. It is often recommended for skin and hair care, and its branches are used in incense.

Since time immemorial, dairy has been associated with improving memory and is therefore used as part of wedding ceremonies, war memorials and funerals in Europe.

Rosemary is a perennial evergreen woody plant that has a pine-like scent, narrow needle leaves, the grass reaches a height of about 3 feet, and indigo flowers bloom in the summer. Thousands of years before the invention of refrigeration processes, the ancients noticed that wrapping meat in mashed rosemary leaves preserves the meat and gives it a refreshing fragrance and pleasant flavor. To this day, the herb remains preferred in meat dishes. Chinese doctors use rosemary with ginger to treat headaches, indigestion, insomnia, and malaria. Meat partially spoils because its fat oxidizes and goes rancid. Rosemary and its oils contain effective anti-oxidant compounds. Therefore, meat is wrapped in crushed rosemary leaves to preserve the meat and give it a refreshing fragrance and pleasant flavour..the same compounds that Prevent food spoilage also hinder the influence of many germs that can cause infection. To treat minor wounds, you can use some crushed leaves of rosemary on the affected place while you are on your way. Before cleansing the wound, pregnant women should avoid medical preparations.

the benefits

1- It is used to combat Alzheimer's disease and to improve memory.

Where rosemary contains effective antioxidant substances such as rosmanic acid and some other compounds that prevent the breakdown or destruction of the brain chemical that causes Alzheimer’s disease, the most important of which are volatile oil and tannin acid. The rosemary plant has a stimulant effect on memory, as it is considered one of the good blood circulation stimulants and has a great importance in European herbal medicine, as it improves the ability to concentrate and memory.

2- Rosemary benefits the hair to a remarkable degree, as it leads to the cohesion of the hair, preventing its fall and helping it to grow because it helps the blood to reach and flow to the head.

3- It is also used to treat vaginal secretions, where rosemary leaves are taken with oak peels in equal parts, the amount of a spoonful on a cup of water previously boiled and placed in it for ten minutes with a lid. It is used as a vaginal wash while it is warm twice a day.

4- For fatigue and weak nerves, where it is recommended to take a tablespoon of rosemary. It is prepared as tea and taken 3 times a day for those who suffer from rapid fatigue, lethargy and weak nerves. Drink it after meals and before bedtime, as it is a stimulant herb.

Among its benefits is that:

It is useful in treating heart disorders.

Wind repellent

- Resistant to cough and asthma.

It is used as an adjunctive treatment for mild depression

- Diuretic and menstruation


Some recent studies have shown that rosemary prevents the formation and development of tumors, so it is recommended to drink it from time to time, and it is recommended to put it as a spice in food.

Rosemary is used as a preservative, as it contains antioxidants, and it was used as a preservative for meat from rotting, as it was added to it to prevent oxidation and spoilage.

– Rosemary can be used as a wonderful seasoning for food, as a quantity of the herb is placed among the spices that are placed in the food, as it improves the flavor and adds to the useful food.

Rosemary increases the shelf life of bread.

This is done by extracting the enzymes present in it.

Planting rosemary or rosemary

Rosemary or rosemary does not resist the cold and needs a sunny place that is not exposed to drafts. The length of rosemary or rosemary reaches a height of one meter, and it needs an area of 1200 square centimeters of land. Cultivate it from the beginning in a pot commensurate with its size, and preserve the pot in the winter season by placing it in the cellar. At the beginning of spring, it is taken out of the cellar and buried in its entirety, with the plant in it, in a sunny place, to move in late autumn again to the cellar. In the Amazigh language, this plant is called: Azir.
