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Prophet Solomon, peace be upon him



  Quran stories

The Lord Almighty says in His Holy Book: “We relate to you the best of stories, as We have revealed to you this Qur’an, though before it you were among those who were heedless.” [Yusuf: 3]

Whoever contemplates the verses of the Holy Qur’an will see that they included the stories of the prophets, may blessings and peace be upon them, such as the story of Adam, Noah, Salih and Abraham, peace be upon them, and many others

The follower of the verses of the Wise Remembrance will find that they dealt with many stories, including the stories of the prophets, which were repeated in more than one place, for wisdom and to increase lessons and sermons and to remind the believer always of the consequence of the disbelievers from the previous nations, and to remain in a state of fear of God Almighty and fear of His chastisement

The story of Solomon, peace be upon him

“And We endowed David Solomon with the best of servants, for he is obedient.” [p. 30]

He is Suleiman bin Dawood, peace be upon them both, and Suleiman Dawood inherited: His inheritance in prophecy and kingship is not money, because the prophets do not inherit, but rather their money is charity after them for the poor and the needy. And the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said, “We, the prophets, do not inherit”

King Solomon, peace be upon him

God gave Solomon, peace be upon him, a great kingdom that he did not give to anyone before him, and he will not give it to anyone after him until the Day of Resurrection. God Almighty responded to Solomon’s call

So he subjected him to something that he had not subjected to anyone before him or after him. God subjected Solomon, peace be upon him, to the jinn, and they were working according to his instructions and orders. Great statues were made and pots for the food of the soldiers and workers, and God bestowed upon Solomon another blessing. And whoever of them deviates from Our command, We will make him taste of the torment of the Blaze.” [Saba: 12] ]

And the drop is molten copper, just as he blessed his father David, peace be upon him, by giving him iron and teaching him how to melt it, and Solomon benefited from molten copper with great benefit in war and peace

Solomon used to talk to the birds and employ them in his service. God subjected the beasts to him and subjected the winds to him, so he was able to control the winds and ride them with his soldiers

Solomon, peace be upon him, could hear the whispering of ants, and he could order the ants to obey his orders, and Solomon's army was the strongest armies in the world, as it was made up of humans, jinns, and birds ]

Solomon, peace be upon him, was afflicted with illness

Despite all these great blessings and special grants, God Almighty tempted Solomon, tested him and put him to the test, and temptation is a constant test. God tempted Solomon with illness

God afflicted Solomon with a severe, burning disease in which the doctors of mankind and the jinn caused him, and the birds brought him medicinal herbs from the ends of the earth, but he did not recover

One of the blessings that God bestowed upon our master Solomon is the knowledge of the whispering of ants. One day, peace be upon him, he was walking at the front of his army when he heard an ant say to her fellow ants: “Until, when they came to the valley of the ants, an ant said, O ants, enter your dwellings, so that Solomon and his soldiers do not destroy you.” He and they are not They perceive (An-Naml: 18)

So Solomon, peace be upon him, heard the words of the ant, so he smiled laughing at what she said, so he used to hear the whispering of the ants and always looked in front of him and could never step on it

The story of Solomon, peace be upon him, with the Queen of Sheba

One day, Suleiman, peace be upon him, was passing by the tent of birds in order to inspect the army, and he discovered the absence of the hoopoe: “And he inspected the bird and said: Why do I not see the hoopoe, or was he among those who are absent?” [An-Naml: 20]

The hoopoe arrived at the tent after a not long absence. And he said to Solomon, peace be upon him: I have come to you from the Kingdom of Sheba with very important news, and I found their people worshiping the sun and prostrating to it instead of God. So Solomon, peace be upon him, commanded the hoopoe: “Go with this letter of mine and deliver it to them, then turn away from them and see what they return.” [An-Naml: 28]

In his speech, he commands that they come to him as Muslims

[An-Naml: 30]

The reaction of the public was a challenge, but it seems that the queen was wiser than the leaders of her people and decided to resort to softness and send him a gift, and she persuaded the leaders of her people to leave the idea of war temporarily until she inspects the capabilities of her enemy. The gift of Queen Bilqis reached the Prophet Solomon, King Solomon revealed His rejection of their gift and made them understand that he does not accept buying his satisfaction with money, but rather with something else: “Do not rise above me and come to me in submission” [An-Naml: 31]

Solomon dismissed the queen's messenger and waited for the queen to come to him herself. Indeed, Queen Bilqis came to Solomon, peace be upon him. I found two positions in front of her, each stronger than the other, the first is her position in front of her throne, which preceded her by coming and she left it behind her with the guards, and the second is her position in front of the transparent crystal floor of the palace under which the fish swim, he told her to enter the edifice, and when she saw it she thought it was a thicket and revealed her legs, he said that it was a turret edifice One of the flasks said, “My Lord, I have wronged myself, and I have surrendered with Solomon to God, Lord of the Worlds.” And it came in the Noble Qur’an: I died with Solomon to God, Lord of the worlds (An-Naml: 44)

The death of Solomon, peace be upon him

Just as Solomon's life was a peak in glory that was filled with wonders and supernatural, his death was a sign of God's signs full of wonders and supernatural, Solomon died leaning on his stick and remained in his position, and the jinn saw him and they thought he was praying and continued with their work, and long days passed and then the beast of the earth, an ant, came It ate wood, and began to eat the stick, after which the balance of the great body was disturbed, and it fell to the ground, so the people realized that he had died, and it became clear to the jinn that they do not know the unseen, and people knew this fact as well. Period «When We decreed death for him, nothing indicated to them his death except a beast of the earth eating his companions, and when he fell down, it became clear to the jinn that if they had known the unseen, they would not have stayed in humiliating torment
