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Khalid bin Al-Walid may God be pleased with him


 Khalid bin Al-Walid

Lineage of Khalid bin Al-Walid

Khalid bin Al-Walid bin Al-Mughirah Al-Makhzoumi Al-Qurashi, Abu Suleiman, one of the nobles of Quraysh in the Jahiliyyah, and to him was the dome and the reins of the horses. Eight from the migration, where the Messenger, peace be upon him, said: “Praise be to God who has guided you. I used to see that you have a mind that does not lead you except to goodness”

The mother of Khaled bin Al-Waleed

Khaled bin Al-Walid was Maymoon Al-Naqebah, and his mother was Asma, who was Lubaba bint Al-Harith, the sister of Umm Al-Fadl bint Al-Harith, the mother of Banu Al-Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib, and his aunt Maymunah bint Al-Harith, the wife of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him

The story of Islam Khaled bin Al-Walid

The story of Khalid’s conversion to Islam goes back to after the Treaty of Al-Hudaybiyah, when his brother Al-Walid bin Al-Walid converted to Islam, and the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, entered Makkah on the Umrah of Judgment. Al-Waleed asked about his brother Khaled, and he said: Where is Khaled? Al-Waleed said: “God will bring him.” The Prophet, peace be upon him, said: “What is like him who is ignorant of Islam, and if he used to make his vengeance with the Muslims against the polytheists, it would be better for him, and we would have preferred him to others.” So Al-Walid went out looking for his brother, but he did not find him, so he left him a message in which he said: “In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. As for after that, I did not see I am astonished that your opinion is gone from Islam and your mind is your mind, and like Islam no one is ignorant of it?! And the Messenger of God asked me about you, and he said, “Where is Khaled?” God is on his behalf thinking about Islam, so when he read his brother's message, he was very pleased with it, and he liked what the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said about him, so he encouraged and embraced Islam

The vision of Khaled bin Al-Walid

Khaled saw in his dream as if he was in a narrow, despicable country, so he went out to a vast green country, and he said to himself: “This is a vision.” When he came to Medina, he mentioned it to Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq, and he said to him: “It is your way out that God has guided you to Islam, and the distress that you were in from polytheism”

Journey of Khalid bin Al Waleed

Khaled says about his journey from Mecca to Medina: “I wanted to find someone to accompany me, so I met Othman bin Talha, and I mentioned to him what I wanted, so he quickly answered, and we all went out, so we entered magic. He said: “Where are you going?” So we told him, and he also told us that he wanted the Prophet to embrace Islam, so he accompanied us until we came to Medina on the first day of Safar in the year eight”

Advent City

When the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, saw them, he said to his companions: “Makkah threw you at the ruins of its liver.” Khaled says: “When I saw the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, I greeted him with prophecy. He will only deliver you to goodness.” And I swore allegiance to the Messenger and said: “Ask forgiveness for me for all that I have put in it of hindering the way of God.” He said: “Islam necessitates what was before it.” So I said: “O Messenger of God, for that.” All that was placed in it is to prevent you from your path.” Amr bin Al-Aas and Othman bin Talha advanced, so they embraced Islam and pledged allegiance to the Messenger of God

Battle of Mu'tah

The Battle of Mu'tah was the first battle in which Khalid participated, and its three leaders were killed: Zaid bin Haritha, then Jaafar bin Abi Talib, then Abdullah bin Rawaha, may God be pleased with them. Take the flag, O Abu Suleiman.” Khaled did not find that it was his right to take it, so he apologized, saying: “No, I do not take the flag. You have more right to it. Muslims: “Would you accept the leadership of Khalid?” They said: “Yes.” Khaled took the flag and saved the Muslim army. Khaled says: “Nine swords were cut off in my hand on the day of Mu’tah, so there was nothing left in my hand but a Yemeni plate”

And the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said when he told the Companions of that battle: “Zayd took the flag and was afflicted, then Ja’far took the flag and was afflicted, then Ibn Rawahah took the flag and was afflicted, and his eyes, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, were shedding tears, until he took the banner as one of God’s swords, until God gave victory to them.” From that day on, he was named Khalid, Sword. God

Demolition of al-Uzza

The Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, sent to Al-Uzza to demolish it, so Khaled went out with thirty horsemen of his companions until he came to it and demolished it, then he returned to the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and said: “It was demolished? He said: “Yes, O Messenger of God.” Then the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “Did you see anything?” He said: “No.” Then he said: “You did not destroy it, so go back to it and destroy it.” Khalid returned in anger, and when he reached it, he unsheathed his sword

So he hit her with the sword and cut her in two, then he returned to the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and told him, so he said: “Yes! That Uzza has despaired of ever being worshiped in your country.” Then Khalid said: “O Messenger of God, praise be to God who honored us with you and saved us from destruction. We were pleased, so I looked at what my father died on, and that opinion that he used to live by his bounty, how was he deceived until he became slaughtered to a stone that does not hear, see, harm, or benefit?! The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “This matter is up to God, so whoever facilitates it for guidance will be facilitated, and whoever facilitates for misguidance will be in it”

Wars of apostasy

Khalid bin Al-Waleed participated in the conquest of Mecca and in the wars of apostasy, so he went on to strike the people of apostasy from Bani Tamim and others with Al-Battah, and killed Malik bin Nuweira, then he inflicted on the people of Buzakha - which was the battle that was between Khalid and Tulayha bin Khuwaylid - and burned them with fire, and that is that he informed him about them Bad article, they insulted the Prophet, peace be upon him, and proved their apostasy, then he went to Al-Yamama and put an end to Musaylamah the liar and his helpers from Bani Hanifa

Persian region

In the conquest of Persia, Khaled began his work by sending letters to all the governors of Khosrau and his deputies over the brigades and cities of Iraq: “In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful, from Khalid ibn al-Walid to the satraps of Persia. Peace be upon those who follow the guidance. Your plot, whoever prays our prayers, faces our qiblah, and eats our sacrifice, then that Muslim has what we have and he owes what we have to do. If my book comes to you, then send me a mortgage and take the covenant from me, otherwise, by the One there is no god but Him, I will send to you people who love death as you love life! » And when the news came to him of the Persians that they were preparing their armies to confront him, he did not wait, but rather hurried to meet them everywhere, realizing Islam one victory after another, and he did not forget to advise his soldiers before advancing: « Do not harm the peasants, leave them in their work safely, unless some of them go out to fight you, then then Fight the fighters

The Battle of Yarmouk and its heroics

Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq assigned the command of the Muslim army to Khalid bin Al-Walid to confront the Roman army, which amounted to two hundred thousand fighters and forty thousand, so Khalid stood with the Muslim army, addressing: “This is one of the days of God, in which pride and oppression should not be appropriate. So, one of us will be a leader today, the other tomorrow, and the other the day after tomorrow, until all of you rule”

Before Khalid bin Al-Walid went into battle, he was preoccupied with the possibility that some members of his army, especially those who were new to Islam, would flee. For this reason, for the first time, he called Muslim women and handed them swords, and ordered them to stand behind the ranks of Muslims and said to them: “Whoever runs away, kill him” 

Before the start of the fighting, the Roman commander asked that Khaled appear to him, and Khaled appeared to him, in the space separating the two armies, and (Mahan) the Roman commander said: “We have learned that nothing has driven you out of your country except hardship and hunger. If you wish, I will give each of you ten dinars, clothing and food. And you will return to your country, and next year I will send you the same! Khalid realized the bad manners in Rumi’s words and replied: “Hunger did not expel us from our country, as I mentioned, but we are a people who drink blood, and we knew that there is no blood more delicious or better than the blood of Rum, so we came for that!” He returned on his horse to the ranks of the army and raised the banner high, announcing the battle: “God is great, give me the winds of heaven”

And there was a strong fight, and it seemed to the Romans from the Muslims unless they were counted, and the Muslims drew pictures that dazzle the minds of their sacrifice and steadfastness. What you have seen, and I hope that God will give you their shoulders ». Indeed, the hundred won over the forty thousand

The Roman leaders were amazed by Khaled's genius in fighting, which prompted (Jarjah), one of their leaders, to speak with Khalid, when he said to him: “Oh Khaled, believe me, and do not lie to me, for the heat does not lie. No one but defeated him? Khalid said: “No.” The man said: “Then why is Saifullah named?” Khalid said: “God sent His Messenger among us, so some of us believed him and some of us lied, and I was among those who lied until God took our hearts to Islam and guided us with His Messenger, so we pledged allegiance to him. The Roman commander said: “And what do you pray for?” Khalid said: “To God’s monotheism and to Islam.” He said: “Does anyone who embraces Islam today have the same reward and reward as you?” Khaled said: “Yes, and better.” The man said: “How come you beat him?” Khalid said: “We lived with the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and we saw his signs and miracles, and the right of those who saw what we saw and heard what we heard is to be delivered with ease. The Roman commander shouted, pushing his horse towards Khalid and standing next to him: “Teach me Islam, Khalid! He embraced Islam and prayed to God with two units of prayer that he did not pray except for them. Jarjah al-Romani fought in the ranks of the Muslims desperately seeking martyrdom until he achieved it and won it

Assuming the caliphate after Omar

During the leadership of Khaled, may God be pleased with him, the Battle of Yarmouk, in which the Roman Empire was defeated, Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq, may God be pleased with him, died, and Omar, may God be pleased with him, assumed the caliphate after him. So he hid him until the battle was over, then he told Khalid about the matter, so Khalid, may God be pleased with him, did not get angry, but rather conceded in satisfaction and pleasure, because he was fighting for God alone, not seeking any worldly matter behind his jihad

The hood of Khalid bin Al-Walid

His hood fell from him on the day of Yarmouk, so he exhausted himself and the people in searching for it. When he was reprimanded for that, he said: “In it is some of the hair of the forelock of the Messenger of God, and I am optimistic about it and seek victory.” In the farewell pilgrimage, when the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, shaved his head, he gave Khalid his forelock, and it was at the front of his hood. He does not meet anyone except defeated by God Almighty

A sword of God's swords

The Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him, said: “Yes, Abdullah Khalid bin Al-Waleed is a sword from the swords of God”

Khaled, may God be pleased with him, said: “There is no night in which a bride is given to me for whom I am a lover, or in which I receive the glad tidings of a boy who is dearer to me than on a very snowy night in a company of immigrants in which I become the enemy.” Khaled led the people to confusion, so he recited from various chapters, then turned to the people when he finished and said: “Jihad kept me from learning the Qur’an”

Khalid ibn al-Walid al-Hirah descended upon the amir of the Banu al-Marazbah, and they said to him: “Beware of poison, lest non-Arabs give you to drink.” He said: “Bring it to me.” So he brought it and took it in his hand, then thrust it into it and said: “In the name of God,” and it did no harm to him
