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Humility in the Life of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)



“The Prophet Muhammad is a model of humility and divine wisdom.”

*In the world of religious leadership, one figure stands out as a beacon of humility and grace, and that is the Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace. Despite the weight of the divine messages he carried and the enormous responsibilities placed on him, the Prophet remained a model of humility, shaping the course of history and inspiring generations. In this exploration of his life, we delve into the remarkable essence of the Prophet's humility, inspired by his teachings and actions.*

  A spiritual journey to the seventh heaven

Imagine a man ascending to the seventh heaven, communicating directly with God Almighty, and carrying the divine light that illuminates the path of humanity. The Prophet Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, was entrusted with the most noble knowledge, guiding people with divine wisdom: “But We made it a light by which We guide whomsoever We will of Our servants.” [O Muhammad] You guide people to a straight path. (Qur’an, 42:52)

His character was described in divine terms, a testimony to his exceptional humility: “And indeed, you are of great creation.” (Qur’an, 68:4) His mission was clear – to call humanity to the path of righteousness, devoid of any arrogance: “Say, ‘This is my path. I call to God with insight, I and those who follow me.’” Exalted be God, and I am not of the polytheists” (Qur’an 12:108).

A lesson in humility

Despite being the Imam of humanity, the Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, embodied humility in every aspect of his life. He taught his followers the importance of humility, emphasizing the essence of respect and mutual understanding: “God has revealed to me that you should be humble, so that no one will boast against anyone, and no one will oppress anyone.” (narrated by Muslim)

His teachings extended to the elevation of the humble, emphasizing the divine principle that the humble raises dignity: “No charity diminishes wealth, and God increases a servant’s honor by pardoning people, and no one humbles himself in wealth.” In the path of God, God will raise them up.” (Narrated by Muslim)

  An appeal to all humanity

The Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, not only preached humility, but also practiced it in his daily dealings. His life is a timeless reminder of the virtues of humility, compassion, and respect for all. In the annals of history, his legacy remains a beacon of light, illuminating the way for future generations.

In exploring the profound humility of the Prophet Muhammad, we find a compelling story that resonates across cultures and generations. His teachings remain a guiding force, reminding humanity of the enduring power of humility to shape a compassionate and harmonious world. Join us on this spiritual journey as we delve deeper into the life of the Prophet Muhammad, and discover the essence of his humility and divine wisdom that continues to inspire millions around the world.*

:in his dress

The Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, showed profound simplicity and humility in his choice of clothing. He wore clothes that were accessible and affordable, and that embodied the virtue of contentment. Although he could wear luxurious fabrics such as brocade and silk, he chose modest clothing, setting an example in stark contrast to the extravagance favored by rulers such as Khosrau, Caesar, Pharaoh, and Qarun. This deliberate choice reflected his detachment from worldly extravagance, emphasizing the values of humility and modesty that he tirelessly preached.

:in his vehicle

In his choice of transportation, the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, demonstrated remarkable humility. He harbored a dislike for riding mules and donkeys, even though he had the option to travel on horseback, a mode of transport associated with nobility. Sometimes, his wives or companions would accompany him, walking behind his mount. Furthermore, when young boys approached him, he would graciously invite them to join him on his ride. This gesture highlighted his humility, showing his willingness to connect with people from all walks of life.

Another aspect of his unparalleled humility was his refusal to don extravagant clothing, distinguishing himself from his companions. He didn't indulge in lavish attire, grand boats, or ostentatious assemblies, practices common among the wealthy and influential. This deliberate choice underscored his modesty and lack of arrogance, aligning with the teachings of God, as mentioned in the Quran: "This is how God seals every arrogant, mighty heart" [Ghafir: 35].

:And from his humility, peace and blessings be upon him

That he used to do in his house and with his family works that many men dislike today, and one does not concede to do them. As for the Messenger of God, listen to what Aisha said when she was asked what the Prophet, peace be upon him, was doing in the house? She said : ((He used to be in the profession of his family, he would mend his shoes, sew his clothes, and patch his bucket, and when he heard the call to prayer, he would go out)).

That he hated that people stand up for him, as is the case with the people of the world, who do not appreciate, respect, or honor except those who stand for them; Anas, may God be pleased with him, said: ((There was no person more beloved to them than the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and if they saw him, they would not get up, because they knew of his dislike for that))

He used to answer the invitation of whoever invited him, even if he was poor, and he accepted from food what was small, and he did not get angry from an invitation that he considered less than his right, as is the case of many dignitaries and rich people. I would have answered, and if I was given a cubit or a shepherd’s arm, I would accept)) And he, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, used to educate his companions, may God be pleased with them, on that. He says to them: ((If you are invited to a pasture, then respond))

:His humility with the weak and the needy

He did not disdain the weak and the needy, nor was he displeased with those in need, rather he listened to them and met their needs, answering the questioner, teaching the ignorant, guiding the lost, giving alms to the poor, never turning anyone back when he was in need, and not delaying in providing assistance to those who asked for it. 

This is someone who comes from the schools of the East or the universities of the West, then disavows his father, disgraces his mother's clothes, criticizes his society, fights his religion, and sees that he has brought what the first and the last did not bring? This is a woman in the time of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, who had something in her mind. that woman? And what subject was that preoccupied? In what terms was she able to explain what she wanted ? But she met someone who respects humanity, even if that person has special needs

:As for the story of the black woman

((The one who was cleaning the mosque - that is: sweeping and cleaning it - so the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, lost her and asked about her, and they said: She died, so he said: Did you not inform me? Who talk about rights from this position that the tongues of rhetoric fail to express

:His humility with the little ones

Even the youngest members of society shared in the Prophet Muhammad's profound humility. Anas, may God be pleased with him, recounted that when newborns from the people of Medina were brought to him, the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, would graciously hold their hands, not letting go until they desired. Imagine this scene: a revered leader, deeply engrossed in the matters of the world, taking time to connect with a little girl, accommodating her desires, and showing such tender care. This act showcased his humility and kindness, epitomizing the compassion he had for all, regardless of their age or status.

The Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, resisted any form of superiority over other prophets, despite being their master, the seal of the prophets, and the best among them. He cautioned against such feelings, emphasizing that no servant should claim superiority over others. Even when praised as the "best of creatures," he pointed to Prophet Ibrahim, peace be upon him, as an example.

His humility extended to interactions with sinners and those who committed major offenses. A poignant example occurred when a woman who had committed adultery sought punishment. After giving birth, the prescribed punishment of stoning was carried out. Later, the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, intervened, declaring that she had repented so sincerely that her repentance could suffice an entire city.

Similarly, when Ma’iz bin Malik approached him, admitting his sin and seeking purification from adultery, some deemed him beyond redemption. However, the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, asked for forgiveness on Ma’iz's behalf, emphasizing the profoundness of his repentance. His actions exemplified mercy, forgiveness, and an unwavering commitment to the belief in the transformative power of sincere repentance, showcasing the Prophet's unparalleled humility and compassion.

:A young man came to the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace

In an incident that exemplified the Prophet Muhammad's remarkable humility and compassion, a young man once approached him with a shocking request. The young boy, oblivious to the gravity of his words, asked the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, for permission to commit adultery. The people around him were quick to rebuke the young man for his audacious request. However, the Prophet, displaying his unparalleled humility, responded in a way that touched the hearts of those present.

The Prophet gently questioned the young man, asking him if he would tolerate such behavior for his own mother. When the boy adamantly refused, the Prophet further inquired if he would accept it for his own daughter. Again, the answer was a resolute no. The Prophet continued, asking if he would approve of such conduct for his own sister or aunt. Each time, the young man vehemently denied the possibility.

In an act of profound humility and mercy, the Prophet Muhammad placed his hand on the young man and prayed, "O God, forgive his sin, purify his heart, and guard his chastity." This compassionate response had a transformative effect on the young man. He never again turned to such immoral behavior, demonstrating the power of the Prophet’s humility in guiding people toward righteousness.

This incident serves as a testament to the Prophet Muhammad’s unwavering commitment to upholding the principles of justice and morality. His humility allowed him to understand the human condition deeply, leading to decisions that were not only just but also compassionate. By accepting the prescribed punishments for those who committed forbidden and major sins, the Prophet aimed to purify their hearts and guide them toward the right path.

Witnessing the Prophet's impeccable manners and extraordinary qualities, people's hearts became filled with love for him. His humility, kindness, and empathy resonated deeply, drawing people toward him while instilling a profound aversion to arrogance and pride. The transformative impact of his humility continues to inspire generations, reminding humanity of the power of compassion and understanding in guiding others toward goodness and righteousness.

:The Prophet is a good example

It is obligatory for those whom God Almighty bestowed with the grace of prestige or money, and made people need them to read the biography of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him; To learn from him good morals and good dealings with people, and it is not permissible for the one who has authority to be arrogant to people because of him, nor for the one who has money to see in himself what he does not see for people. The one who gave him is able to rob him, and make him after glory humiliated, and after wealth poor

So, my dear dear ones, these are quick signs and glimpses of his humility, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him. Otherwise, the news of his humility is many, and what has been preserved from him, peace and blessings be upon him, is that he was arrogant to anyone, or proud of himself or his position, and he attained the highest ranks, and he was blessed with the greatest of stations. So be humble and have mercy on the poor, be kind to the poor, sympathize with the young, respect the old, greet the worker, smile in the face of the servant, help the needy, be kind to the orphan, overlook mistakes, accept excuses, be to people as you would like them to be to you, and remember to love Deeds to God Almighty are a pleasure that you bring to a Muslim



