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Amr bin Qais, may God be pleased with him


Amr bin Qais 

He is the great companion known as (Ibn Umm Maktum) the blind in Medina, his name is Amr bin Qais bin Zaida Al-Qurashi Al-Amiri, and in Iraq his name is Abdullah, and in the end they gathered that he is Ibn Qais bin Zaida bin Al-Assam bin Rawaha

Lineage of Amr bin Qais

His mother is Umm Maktoum, her name is Atika bint Abdullah bin Ankatha bin Amer bin Makhzoum, and he is the cousin of Mrs. Khadija bint Khuwaylid, may God be pleased with her. Khadija's mother is Fatima bint Zaida al-Asam, and she is the sister of Qais

Islam Amr bin Qais

He embraced Islam in Makkah in the past and was blind. He migrated to Medina after Musab bin Umair, before the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, immigrated to it and before Badr

He frowned and took over

The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, was sitting with men from the Quraysh, including Utbah ibn Rabi`ah and some of the notables of the Quraysh, and he was saying to them: “Is it not good that I came with such-and-such?” They say: “Yes, and blood! Then Ibn Umm Maktoum came while he was preoccupied with them, and asked him about something, but he turned away from him, and frowned at him, so God Almighty sent down a rebuke to His honorable Messenger. ۝ As for the one who is self-sufficient, you are for him Resist, and it is not upon you that he not purify himself, and as for he who comes to you striving while he is afraid, then you distract him from him (Abas: 1-10)

When the verse was revealed, the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, invited Ibn Umm Maktum and honored him


Ibn Umm Kulthum used to call the adhaan to the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, in Medina with Bilal, as Bilal used to call the call to prayer and establish the iqaamah for Ibn Umm Maktum, and perhaps Ibn Umm Maktum called for prayer and established the iqama for Bilal, and the Messenger, peace be upon him, said: Bilal calls out at night, so eat and drink until Ibn Umm Maktum calls out, and since Ibn Umm Maktoum is blind He was not given permission until it was said to him: “It has become, it has become

The penalty for losing his sight4

Jibril, peace be upon him, came to the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and with him Ibn Umm Maktoum, and he said: “When did your sight go away?” He said: “And I am a boy.” Then he said: “Allah, the Blessed and Exalted, said: “If I take the cream of My servant, I will find no reward for him except Paradise”


Ibn Umm Maktoum, may God be pleased with him, stayed with a Jewish woman in Medina (the aunt of a man from the Ansar), and she used to serve him and annoy him in the name of God and His Messenger. So I hit her and killed her.” Then the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “May God exalt her expel her, for her blood has ceased”

His succession to the city

The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, appointed him as caliph over Medina thirteen times, in his campaigns, including: the battle of Al-Abwa, Bawat, and Dhul-Usira, and his departure to Juhaina in search of Karaz bin Jaber, and in the battle of Al-Suwaiq, Ghatfan, Uhud, Hamra Al-Asad, Najran and Dhat Al-Riqa’, and he appointed him as successor when he marched to Badr, then On his march to the farewell pilgrimage, and he witnessed the battle of Qadisiyah with the general, and Ibn Umm Maktum was leading the people in prayer during the general invasions of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him

The base and the Mujahideen

When the verse, the Most High, was revealed: To those who sit behind a degree, and to each, God has promised the best, and God has favored the Mujahideen over those who sit behind, with a great reward.” [An-Nisa: 95]

Abdullah bin Umm Maktoom said: “O Lord, let me excuse you.” Then God revealed

So it was made between them, and after that he would fight, and he would say: “Give me the flag, for I am blind and cannot flee, and set me up between the two lines”

Qadisiyah Day

Ibn Umm Maktoum witnessed the conquest of Al-Qadisiyah with him the banner, he had a black flag with him, and he had a shield on him, then Ibn Umm Maktoum returned to Medina and died there
