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Abu Musa al-Ash'ari may Allah be pleased with him


 Abu Musa al-Ash'ari 

Lineage of Abu Musa Al-Ash'ari

He was Abdullah bin Qais, known as (Abu Musa Al-Ash’ari), his mother was Zabiyyah the Meccan daughter of Wahb, who converted to Islam and died in Medina. He was short, skinny and light-bearded. He left his homeland Yemen for the Kaaba. Immediately upon hearing of a messenger calling for monotheism, he came to Mecca and sat in the hands of the Messenger and received guidance and certainty from him. And he returned home bearing the word of God

Reach Abyssinia

Abu Musa Al-Ash’ari said: “We have reached the exit of the Messenger of God

And we were in Yemen, so we set out as immigrants to him, myself and two brothers of mine, the youngest of whom is Abu Burdah and the other Abu Ruhm, and fifty-some men from my people, so we boarded a ship, so our ship took us to the Negus in Abyssinia, so Jaafar bin Abi Talib and his companions agreed with us, and Jaafar said: The Messenger of God sent us and commanded us to stay So stay with us, so we stayed with him until we all came”

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The Messenger of God said to his companions: “Tomorrow a people who are more tender-hearted to Islam than you will come to you.” So the Ash’aris came, and among them was Abu Musa al-Ash’ari

They shivered, saying: “Tomorrow we will meet the beloved ones, Muhammad and his party.” When they came, they shook hands, and they were the first to initiate the handshake

The arrival of the Ash’aris coincided with the arrival of Ja’far and the conquest of Khaybar, so the Prophet fed them from Khaybar with a treat, which is known as the food of the Ash’aris. Our ship is with Ja`far and his companions, divide them with us”

Fadl Abu Musa Al-Ash'ari

Abu Musa took his high place among the believers,

Its jurist was prudent and intelligent, and he shined with fatwas and judiciary until Al-Sha’bi said: “The judges of this nation are four: Omar, Ali, Abu Musa, and Zaid bin Thabit.”

He said: «There were six jurists among the companions of Muhammad

Omar, Ali, Abdullah bin Masoud, Zaid, Abu Musa, and Ubayy bin Kaab.

Abu Musa taught the Qur'an

Abu Musa al-Ash’ari was one of the people of the Qur’an in memorization, jurisprudence and action, and among his bright words: “Follow the Qur’an and do not hope that the Qur’an will follow you”

Omar used to invite him to recite, saying: “Our longing for our Lord, O Abu Musa”

Fasting of Abu Musa Al-Ash'ari

Abu Musa, may God be pleased with him, was one of the persevering people of worship, and in the hot days he would meet her, longing to fast her, saying: “Perhaps the thirst of the hot mornings will be quenched for us on the Day of Resurrection”

And on the authority of Abu Musa, he said: “We invaded a campaign in the sea towards the Romans, so we sailed until we were in the depths of the sea, and the wind was good for us, so we raised the sail when we heard a caller calling: “O people of the ship, stand up and tell you.” He said, so I got up and looked right and left and did not see anything, until He called out seven times, so I said: Who is this? Don't you see us anyway? We cannot be imprisoned.” He said, “Shall I not tell you of a decree that God has decreed for Himself?” I said: “Yes.” He said: “For whoever thirsts himself for God in this world on a hot day, God must quench his thirst on the Day of Resurrection.” Abu Musa would not meet him except while fasting on a hot day

Jihad Abu Musa Al-Ash'ari

Abu Musa, may God be pleased with him, was the place of trust and love of the Messenger and his companions, so he was a brave fighter and a difficult fighter. Our feet were in it, and my feet were dug in, and my nails fell off, until we wrapped our feet in rags”

Basra Province

In the life of the Messenger of God and him with Muadh bin Jabal commanded Yemen. After the death of the Messenger, Abu Musa returned from Yemen to Medina, to assume his responsibilities with the armies of Islam. You have your ways.” The people were astonished because they were accustomed to the prince teaching them and educating them, but for him to clean their roads, this is what they never knew. Uthman, may God be pleased with him, was appointed governor of Kufa. Al-Aswad bin Yazid said: “I have not seen in Kufa any of Muhammad’s companions more knowledgeable than Ali bin Abi Talib and Al-Ash’ari”

Nasr al-Ash'ari and his army

While the Muslims were conquering Persia, Al-Ash’ari and his army landed on the people of Isfahan, who reconciled with him on the tribute, so he reconciled with them, but they were not honest, but they wanted to take the opportunity to prepare for a treacherous strike, but the acumen of Abu Musa, which was not absent, was waiting for them, so when they were about to strike them, they found an army The Muslims prepared for them, and it was not midday until the brilliant victory was completed

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In the conquest of Persia, the great commander, Abu Musa al-Ash’ari, performed the honorable affliction, and in the Battle of Tastarr (20 AH) in particular, Abu Musa was its great hero. By trickery until the gate of the city was opened, and the gates were hardly opened until the vanguard soldiers stormed the fort and Abu Musa attacked with his army.

And he seized the stronghold in hours, and the Persian commander surrendered, so Abu Musa sent him to Medina for the caliph to look into his matter


Abu Musa, may God be pleased with him, did not participate in a fight unless it was against polytheistic armies, but when the fighting is between a Muslim and a Muslim, he flees and has no role at all, and this position of his was clear in the dispute between Ali and Muawiya, and we come to the most famous position in his life, which is his position In the arbitration between Imam Ali and Muawiyah, and his main idea was that the dispute between them reached a critical point, in which thousands were killed, so a new starting point must be given, giving Muslims an opportunity to choose after the disqualification of the parties to the conflict, and Abu Musa Al-Ash’ari despite his jurisprudence and knowledge, he treats people honestly He hates the deception and maneuvering that the other side resorted to, represented by Amr ibn al-Aas, who resorted to intelligence and wide stratagem in taking the flag for Muawiya.

On the day after their agreement to step aside Ali and Muawiya and make the matter a Shura among the Muslims, Abu Musa called Umar to speak, but Amr refused, saying: “I would not have preceded you, and you are more virtuous than me, older in migration, and older.” Abu Musa advanced and said: “O people, we have looked at what brings together May God bless this nation and fix its affairs, so we have not seen anything more eloquent than deposing the two men - Ali and Muawiyah - and making it a shura that people choose for themselves who they see for it

And it was the turn of Amr ibn al-Aas to announce the deposition of Muawiyah, as was agreed upon yesterday. with his blood, and the people most deserving of his rank!!

Abu Musa could not bear the surprise, so he cursed Omar with angry, rebellious words, and returned once again to his solitude, to Mecca, next to the Sacred House, to spend the rest of his life and his days there

The death of Abu Musa al-Ash'ari

When his death approached, he increased his diligence, and it was said to him about that, so he said: “When horses approach the head of their course, they give out all that they have, and what is left for me is less than that”

And the death of Abu Musa Al-Ash’ari came, and his life shone with the radiance of those who hope to meet his Lord, and his tongue eased in the moments of departure, repeating words he used to say always: “Oh God, you are peace, and from you is peace.” He died in Kufa during the caliphate of Muawiyah
